Council Of The Shadows, Part Two

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator

The Council of Shadows, Part Two

After a long walk down a dimly lit hallway, Cilehar Nomek came to the entrance to the vast hall. An odd blue light was emanating through the crack between the sealed door and the stone floor. As Cilehar raised his hand to knock, the door slowly creaked open. Inside of the chambers, were three cloaked individuals, two of whom were standing next to a large diamond: the source of the eerie glow. As Cilehar entered the chambers, the two cloaked individuals joined the third at a large stone table. Cilehar promptly took a seat across from the three.

“We have run into some issues gentlemen. It seems I have been outed by the Governor of Trinsic, Lord Chanticleer.” Said Cilehar. One of the three cloaked men set down a bracelet in the middle of the table, which caught Cilehar’s attention.

“So, this is the last piece then?” Inquired Cilehar. After a few brief moments, mysterious flashes of light and sounds could be heard as several dark wisps manifested themselves in the chambers and gathered around the large diamond. The cloaked individual who set down the bracelet inquired:

“How long did you think you could keep yourself hidden? Your arrogance is reminiscent of Anumi Mazetti!”

Cilehar observed the empty stone chair and the adorning runic carvings that was reserved for Anumi for a moment and replied:

“Hiring those thieves, that was the only way I could have gotten the diamond out of Moonglow. Even for someone of my rank with the Council, I simply could not have gotten it out of there.” The cloaked individual nodded softly, reached for the bracelet that was on the table and inquired:

“Getting the bracelet out after it has been corrupted should be no problem then?”

An uneasy look came over Cilehar as he pondered recovering the bracelet after his intentions and identity were brought to light.

“I will recover it, I assure you gentlemen of this. Where are the traders headed this time?” Inquired Cilehar. One of the cloaked individuals leaned forward, pointed to a map on the table and replied:

“They are already in Jhelom.”

Cilehar sat back in his stone chair and ran his fingers over the carved runic markings as he observed the dark wisps, pondering for several minutes. Noticing Cilehar adorning three pieces of the corrupted jewelry, one of the cloaked individuals spoke:

“With all four, you will be able to control him and his powers.” Cilehar observed the glowing diamond as the cloaked individual motioned to it.

“Minoc, Trinsic, Magincia and now Jhelom. The waters already swell near these cities. When he is awoken, there will be no stopping him.” Said Cilehar.

“What of the altar?” Inquired the third cloaked individual.

“It has been discovered. Blackthorn confronted one of the traders and he fled down into the mines. Shortly after, I was exposed.” Replied Cilehar, who then sighed deeply and continued:

“I can never go back there, nor the Lycaeum. This does set us back a bit as we will have to properly construct an altar.” Two of the three cloaked individuals nodded in acceptance, as the third again pointed to the map that was on the table. Cilehar looked down at the skeletal finger and smiled in agreement.

“It shall be done.” Cilehar then motioned to the dark wisps who were surrounding the large heraldic diamond of Old Magincia and continued:

“His powers are already beginning to manifest. The dark wisps have clearly taken an interest. It will only be a matter of time.”

The three cloaked individuals nodded in acceptance and begin to resume their tasks: Two wandered over to the diamond and raised their hands while the third sat at the table with his arms folded. Cilehar relaxed a bit in his chair, unrolled a parchment from his satchel and was soon lost to deep concentration and meditation…
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