Kyronix, why LUCK does not benefit Crafters in their Professions ?
I do not understand, why, among the Systems affected by in-game LUCK, basically, crafting activities are left out from benefitting from it....
Looking at one can infact read :
Systems Affected by LuckAside from Mining from Saltpeter, I basically, for example, see no mention of LUCK affecting being given better (Large or higher materials) Bulk Order Deeds, nor I see any mention of Luck increasing the chances to get crafting/imbuing materials spawns among the loot, I see no mention of Luck increasing the chances at reforging better items (matching properties), nor I see any mention of Luck increasing the chances at getting the large gems when mining, or the crafting special materials when lumberjacking.... bottom line is, to my impression, I see Luck pretty much having no impact on improving the life of Crafters in Ultima Online....
Luck will affect the following systems,
- Treasure Chest Loot
- SoS Chests
- Monster Loot
- Dredging Hooks
- Mining for Saltpeter
- Quest Rewards
- Trick or Treat Begging
- Artifact drops from:
- Shadowguard
- Ilshenar Paragons
- Halloween ‘treasures of’ events
Why ?
@Kyronix , shouldn't Crafters "also " be made able to benefit from in-game Luck ? Why crafters so often seem to end up getting the short end of the stick, if I may ask ?
you spend all your time looking for problems then come here and moan
thought you were in the Abyss farming ?
How would the game know which properties you want when reforging?
What would luck do? Skills probably already do that.
No reason for this.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I’ve used services like his before when manipulating google’s search engine for companies trying to elevate their result status.
Give him a break, he’s just pushing out search engine result keyword junk as fast as he can.
Their help is strictly limited to the crafting process, period.
And also the gathering of materials which are necessary for Crafters in order to carry out their profession receive no help from in-game Luck.... when a Crafter needs to gather materials, wearing Luck, other then for Saltpeter from mining, has no effect on getting higher ore or wood, or special gems from mining and special drops from lumberjacking, not to mention, better chances to get in the loot (or from chests, whether hidden or not) imbuing materials.
Even stealing from Monsters, which is not crafting yes, but still, to my understanding, receives no benefit whatsoever from in-game Luck when doing steals from Monsters and NPCs....
It looks to me that in game Luck could, and I think should, be significantly expanded well beyond the scarce few systems that it currently only affects.
A multi year seasoned vet such as yourself should know elves already have your luck bonus when resource gathering. Gargs have your imbuing bonus. And real cash buys your luck when enhancing.