Mesanna and Descrimination

*TRIGGER WARNING: this post may trigger some members of the UO community because I am about to unload regarding Mesanna*


 Since October my sister and I have tried in vain to discuss a problem with one of our accounts.

Mesanna has BLATANTLY  ignored emails from our regular email addresses.

So I tried an experiment  I made a BRAND NEW email account and emailed Mesanna.

 SHE ANWSERED!   She still will not fix the issue. 

 I am sick and tired of Mesanna's band of short bus riding Butt-Kissers getting everything they want,

 getting lost items, pets, etc.  restored to them.
 My sister and I spend $103.92 PER MONTH on UO. 

 We are treated like dog crap on the bottom of Mesanna's shoe; for that matter so are most players that

don't belong to the Mesanna butt kissers club.

I even invoked my right of binding arbitration per the Rules of Conduct.

 I did it in writing via email which is 100% legal. 

 Mesanna ignored it, which is illegal. 

I seriously think that we the players should consider a class action lawsuit.

We are paying to play yet only the select few are allowed customer service or help with their accounts

 the other 99.9%  are ignore and treated like garbage! 

If Mesanna treated customers like this where I work she'd be fired no if, ands, or buts about it. 

Is anyone else as fed up as I am? 


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
     :D What a clown 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Pawain said:
     :D What a clown 
    From one of the Veteran Members of the Mesanna  Butt Kissers Club.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,408Moderator
    Accounts are handled by EA. In some cases Mesanna has been able to help players with problems, but it is not always possible. I suggest you contact EA for a resolution to your issue. Threatening Mesanna is not going to help.
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