Tomb of Kings Design flaw ?
According to , only the Silver Serpents that spawn at the Tomb of Kings can carry as loot the Silver Snake Skin which is needed to imbue the Spell Channelling property.
To bad, though, that, apparently, at the Tomb of kings Silver Serpents Spawn seems not to be a separate one from that of Undead and Putrid Undead Guardians which it means, if so, that if one goes down there and only kills the Silver Serpents because, guess what, they only are looking for Silver Serpent Skins, eventually the respawn will yield to only Undead and Putrid Undead Guardians without any Silver Serpents....
Which it means, that a player, in order not to run out of Silver Serpents to kill for the skins, will have to also kill Undead and Putrid Undead Guardians so as to get a chance for Silver Serpents to respawn...
If this is so, I think it as wrong.... there is 12 rooms in the Tomb of Kings.... just get 6 spawning Silver Serpents, always, and 6 spawning Undead and Putrid Undead Guardians and avoid this issue.
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Easy button
If you only have to deal with one type of critter it's real real easy no mater how hard the critter is. Example Unbound Energy Vortex hard but farmable because you only have to deal with them.
It's not a though the other at the Tomb are that hard to kill.
If I was running the game. To make every encounter interesting at any spawn there would be at least one critter with the apposing slayer.
Actually, I said the opposite.....
IN ORDER to "keep" and "maintain" the Spawn varied, the MoBs should spawn separatedly....
Now, instead, if one goes there and kills all of one kind, eventually, they will get that of the "other" kind because, when one dies, there is a chance that "either" type spawns...
I am saying that, instead, the Design should be a fixed Spawn and if one kills a Silver Serpent, then only a Silver Serpent could re-spawn, NOT a Guardian and viceversa...
Otherwise, eventually, one gets all of the same Spawn MoBs, no longer a varied one....
If they were made to spawn distinctively, one could STILL kill both if they wanted to gather both imbuing materials OR, they could only kill the one that they wanted so as to speed up the collection of the wanted imbuing material, be it silver snake skins and undying flesh.
What I am trying to say is, that with a distinct spawn it is possible to do BOTH things, with the spawn as it is now, instead, it forces the player, if they are only seeking one type of imbuing material, to "also" have to kill the other spawn thus slowing down, and quite some, the collection of the wanted imbuing material.
To my opinion, as the spawn works, it diminish players' ability to enjoy the Spawn to their particular need....
I had to start killing the Guardians in order to "make room", I imagine, in the "Spawn Pool", for the Silver Serpents to spawn.
If the MoBs spawning there were kept in different "Spawn Pools", I imagine, this would not happen as, killed 1 Silver Serpent, another would spawn, not a Guardian, and viceversa, of course...
That is at least my understanding of the Spawn from my experience, without any further informations about how it actually was Designed to function.
Time is gold, you waste more here than you could be making by playing.
There are tons of skins on vendors, somehow they get them without whining.