can the Dev's please GUARANTEE that mutlibox script cheats will be punished in the next event?

What an absolute JOKE

Mutlibox bots running rampant in Europa RIGHT NOW @Mesanna

GM's are a complete waste of space, I sure hope they are not taking a wage, they should be ashamed

next event please BAN auto follow in CC client

then you can GUARANTEE there are cheating and just get rid of them. These low life cheats bring NOTHING to the game apart from greed 

I will never understand how any human being, however pathetic can get any sense of fulfilment out of cheating

No wonder this game is in a mess

Rampant cheating, and NO action

Mesanna do you CARE at all?

and YES, I have paged, and YEs I have emailed Mesanna

And I DON'T care thats its the holiday season. Where is the action?


  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator

    ...and YES, I have paged, and YEs I have emailed Mesanna

    And I DON'T care thats its the holiday season. Where is the action?

    You have done all you can do then. Posting this rant on the forums will accomplish none of the actions and responses you hope for.
This discussion has been closed.