Council Of The Shadows

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator
edited December 2022 in Catskills

Council of the Shadows 

                The candles danced as the cold winter breeze could still be felt deep inside of the dimly lit chambers. At the large table sat two hooded and cloaked men, one with his hands folded, the other studying an ancient parchment. The candles would sizzle from time to time, in an otherwise silent room. Both of the men noticed the flames on the candles shift and pull towards the chamber doors. They then stood up and walked to the doors with folded hands. After a few moments, the chamber doors creaked open and entered a third hooded and cloaked man. The three nodded towards each other, returned to the table and sat down.

“I am sorry to have kept you waiting.” Said the late comer. The other two cloaked individuals offered a soft nod in acceptance. The man then continued:

“I am sure you are aware, since our last meeting the Piper has fallen.”

One of the cloaked men spoke up and inquired:

“What has become of the reeds?”

The late comer sighed before replying:

“Please, call me Charmion. Charmion Elke.” The two cloaked individuals nodded in acceptance as Charmion continued:

“Blackthorn had them in his possession the entire time. His stubbornness, or perhaps his ignorance about their destruction kept the Piper’s curse alive and well for quite some time.”

Charmion reached into his robes and removed a small satchel and set it down onto the table, and then pushed it forward to the two cloaked men. The two looked down towards the leather-bound bag and nodded softly.

“However, we still have this at our disposal. Not many know of its slumbering powers.” Added Charmion.                

One of the cloaked individuals reached for the satchel and carefully removed the large gemstone contained within.

“You are sure this is it?” Inquired the cloaked man. Charmion grinned as he replied:

“I am certain this is it. I had the best men recover it for me. I am rather dumbfounded that it was not heavily guarded, or hidden”

The second cloaked man inquired:

“Muspelheim has been banished away. What has become of the three Tomes?”

“The last I had heard the King was in possession of them still. However, he may have been considering separating them and their power.” Replied Charmion.

The first man who was inspecting the very large diamond set it down very gently on the table and nodded in acceptance. He then inquired:

“So, we shall consider them lost then?” Charmion nodded as he replied:

“With the recent political upheavals, there is a chance we can get our hands on one of them. However, without all three of them in our possession again, and the knowledge lost of how to use them, I feel it is simply not worth our time and resources.”

The hooded man nodded and sat back softly in his chair. He then looked over to an empty seat at the table and nodded softly. Charmion looked over to the empty seat that was engraved and emblazoned with meticulous runic carvings resembling flames and fire.

“Anumi was too much of a liability and had to be removed. His newfound power was his undoing.” Said Charmion as he looked over to the next empty seat and observed the intricate runic carvings representing a large Yew tree. He then continued:

“With the diamond in our hands, with a King who is ignorant, with the political landscape in Britannia; we have everything we need to continue as planned.”

The two cloaked men nodded in acceptance and proceeded to unravel some rolled parchments to look over as a group.

                Discussions, planning and strategizing would be taking place for the next several hours in the dark chambers…
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