Codes Never arrive in Email

 The two factor authentication codes for logging in to account management that is.  I came back very lightly into UO again in September and the codes came in the master accts various emails with no problem and I reopened a few accts.  Now in December the acct management wants me to re verify and says it sent the code and it did on two of the master accts. The other 6 master accts the verification codes never arrive after multiple days and attempts. Effectively locking me out of account management on those accts.  NO They are not in spam/other folder and not in the inbox either.  No problem logging into the EA Store to buy Sovs and stuff and those codes come no problem in the email, just can't log in to acct management to apply the codes to the master accts :)   Any suggestions on how to resolve this EA/Broadsword server side malfunction?  After a week of it telling me a new code has been sent snf never arriving day after day, I am about annoyed enough to quit again....... BUT I CAN'T Even Log in to Close the Accts!


  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,091
    Why aren't you emailing or
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,091
    I had a problem with game time code not arriving, emailed Mesanna, she had it dealt with within a few hours. 

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Why aren't you emailing support@ or mesanna@

    Because we shouldn't have to email...anyone...ever.

    It's not like we haven't had 25 years to get things working right around here. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Tyrath said:
      Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
    Don't stop paying works for me.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pawain said:
    Tyrath said:
      Any suggestions on how to resolve this?
    Don't stop paying works for me.

       I stop paying now and then for a year or so and punish them with the loss of a revenue over the course of a year when they annoy me :)  When I quit subbing and stop spending lots of thousands of dollars in the store it is more than a little bit of money.  They annoyed me more than a year ago.......  The two factor stuff came into play during that time and when I started subbing accts again in September it worked fine. I got the codes at all of the emails and all was good.  Now it wants me to verify I am me again and I am only getting the codes at two of the emails.  So after using the alt email and getting the code to access acct management, I subbed a couple of accts on that master acct, hit the EA store and bought 5k sovs and now the store codes are not arriving in the email but hey I can get into acct management..... on one of the master accts that I could not before. But could buy EA Store stuff on before but could not access acct management to activate them and just used the codes on the two master accts that I could access and was not locked out of via the never arriving verification codes.  LOL

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    I am not a fan of the double verification on any app or site.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    I had a problem with game time code not arriving, emailed Mesanna, she had it dealt with within a few hours. 

     Must be nice to just email support or Mesanna and magically get you a missing store code that never appeared in the email.  Support did advise in addition to contacting EA about the code that I check my spam folder for it.  Like that is not the first place everyone looks when its not in the inbox!!! So tomorrow I get to go through the grind of dealing with EA over $53.11 worth of a code that I most likely will just call the bank and have them charge it back.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Pawain said:
    I am not a fan of the double verification on any app or site.

     I like 2 step so long as it is my authenticator and I have control over it. LOL Authy Desktop is my friend.  Not so much when it is them sending a random code to a email that may or may not be compromised.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited December 2022
    Tyrath said:I most likely will just call the bank and have them charge it back.

    "I recommend against this action, will i'm sure cause more grief to you when they ban all of your accounts for fraudulent credit card transactions.
    Even though you're i'm sure in the right (customer is always right), their automated system will probably not sympathise with this"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • HippoHippo Posts: 320
    Let me know if there is anything you need in game Tyrath. I know you helped me out and many others in the past.

  • MerlinMerlin Posts: 238
    I concur with Yoshi:  Reversing the effects of a charge back can takes weeks, if not months, of back and forth with EA to get accounts restored .. and there is no guarantee that they will.  

    Contacting support or emailing Mesanna is best course of action here if still unable to log into your account. 
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Merlin said:
    I concur with Yoshi:  Reversing the effects of a charge back can takes weeks, if not months, of back and forth with EA to get accounts restored .. and there is no guarantee that they will.  

    Contacting support or emailing Mesanna is best course of action here if still unable to log into your account. 

      I got access to the acct management on the two accts I wanted to.  The Missing and still missing code for $53.11 of Sovs is the only remaining issue.  Support says that is EA, EA support says I need to contact Broadsword Support, Broadsword Support says I need to Contact EA Support.  SO we start the Tyrath is a ping pong ball game.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
      Well someone at broadsword likes me. Just got a email at the Email that does not exist according to support that support was communicating with me on........  Advised that I log into the EA Customer Portal, go to the order history tab and get the missing code from the order history.  Hit the + to expand the specific order and the code will be there.

      Sure enough there the code was where the helpful person said it would be.  Now wouldn't it have been just to easy for EITHER BROADSWORD OR EA SUPPORT TO JUST TELL ME THAT!!!  Can't copy and paste the code, have to manually enter it in acct management but I finally have my SOVs LOL.  All of these years and I never knew the actual codes were in the order history on the EA Acct Management page/portal

  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    Hippo said:
    Let me know if there is anything you need in game Tyrath. I know you helped me out and many others in the past.

    Thanks and really appreciate the offer!  LOL even letting all of my houses IDOC and A LOT of pixel junk drop or go poof, I still had a lot of pixel junk left in banks and backpacks.  I have actually been having quite a bit of fun training all the skills I gave up that were on the accts Soul Stones and it goes really FAST using the EJ starter packs Cheater Skill Gain Tokens.  I had quite a few Vet picks left that grabbed Shard Shields with on the older accts and useful things like crystal portals, Davies and commod boxes with.  When I quit I left most of m gold on a out of the way shard and only had a few plat on my Home shard (Origin)  More than enough to send a toon to Atlantic and buy up power and stat scrolls I wanted for pets and characters.  Reopened more accts than I had intended to initially but stopped at 17  so I could replace the houses and castles spots that I like the most.  Spending most of my gametime working skills up on junk accts that were just house holder accts with no skills above 50 on them. 

      Having fun dinking around building those accts up a hour or two in the early morning or evenings. A nice break from the hard work.
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