Stop Making Your Problem My Problem

Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 102
edited November 2022 in General Discussions
     Its is ironic that UO, so they can be AFK, has implemented a system that tags and punishes innocent players as AFK. 
     They have known for years that if you are performing certain actions, such as training barding skills, can trigger the AFK logoff warning. Despite this, they have used a program with this flaw on the current event. which flags people as AFK and then bans them from attacking in the dungeon for a half hour.
     Of course this is in place so they can cover times they are AFK, so trying to get a GM will only get you a GM many hours later, using  a little script they wont deviate from, about how the program flagged you as AFK and they have nothing to confirm you were actually AFK.
     As a Peacer/Discord Tamer, I sometimes have to stand in one spot to avoid picking up aggro and if you are dealing with several mobs and para mobs it can challenging. I have been tagged 4 times and half  hour ban once, each time while I was actively fighting in the dungeon.
    They are steal my time when time becomes more precious near the end of an event. They stole player  and pet power time. The wasted my time in updating, file checking, virus scanning and other troubleshooting before I found out about the AFK ban system.
     They steal time by the inadequate GM delay and response once they deign to answer and impugn my honor and essentially are calling me a liar by failing to acknowledge the problem and keep saying that it flagged me as AFK. The GM's will not let you speak to a supervisor if you request it when their response is inadequate.
    Remove the AFK ban system and fix it before using it in game.  PS, fix the log in sync problem also.


  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    I'm playing 3 bard builds it can take 15 or more minutes to kill some paragons and I've yet to be flagged
     Were there others around you ?
    What shard?
    Which client? 

  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited November 2022
    Grimbeard said:
    I'm playing 3 bard builds it can take 15 or more minutes to kill some paragons and I've yet to be flagged
     Were there others around you ?
    What shard?
    Which client? 
    shard and client don't matter so no point in asking or answering
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    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
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  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    edited November 2022
    Kragg said:
         Its is ironic that UO, so they can be AFK, has implemented a system that tags and punishes innocent players as AFK. 
         They have known for years that if you are performing certain actions, such as training barding skills, can trigger the AFK logoff warning. Despite this, they have used a program with this flaw on the current event. which flags people as AFK and then bans them from attacking in the dungeon for a half hour.
         Of course this is in place so they can cover times they are AFK, so trying to get a GM will only get you a GM many hours later, using  a little script they wont deviate from, about how the program flagged you as AFK and they have nothing to confirm you were actually AFK.
         As a Peacer/Discord Tamer, I sometimes have to stand in one spot to avoid picking up aggro and if you are dealing with several mobs and para mobs it can challenging. I have been tagged 4 times and half  hour ban once, each time while I was actively fighting in the dungeon.
        They are steal my time when time becomes more precious near the end of an event. They stole player  and pet power time. The wasted my time in updating, file checking, virus scanning and other troubleshooting before I found out about the AFK ban system.
         They steal time by the inadequate GM delay and response once they deign to answer and impugn my honor and essentially are calling me a liar by failing to acknowledge the problem and keep saying that it flagged me as AFK. The GM's will not let you speak to a supervisor if you request it when their response is inadequate.
        Remove the AFK ban system and fix it before using it in game.  PS, fix the log in sync problem also.
    Several of my guildmates have quit or are "taking breaks" because of the new system. They were either timeout'd or 24 hour banned.

    The actual AFK players down there don't seem to care, that is, the AFK sampires 23/7 running around or the multibox groups on level 4. This 'system' isn't doing anything to them other than making their drops worth more so the common player is forced to buy from them OR forced to compete with their sales of 1000x more items.

    The system will solve itself eventually when all thats left are bots farming to sell to other bots. Afraid we're already close. The devs don't give a shit they will just watch the game burn while mesanna sails in to retirement.
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    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • JenniferMarieJenniferMarie Posts: 286
    edited November 2022
    My samp is my most played toon and I am having a really difficult time understanding how someone plays a samp AFK.

    Just like the second day of this event: I was accused by another player on my shard of "multiboxing" because a guildmate and I were in Deceit together while talking in Discord. Because we were both samps, apparently I was playing both toons - even though literally every single character across four accounts I own are named Jennifer-Marie and my guildmate is most definitely NOT named Jennifer-Marie.

    People assuming that the players they see in Deceit are AFK, scripting, or multiboxing is a HUGE part of the problem with these events. You can't even say "they don't answer when I talk to them" because not everyone is interested in talking to other people or explaining ad nauseam that they aren't doing anything wrong.

    I, myself, have been down in Deceit many times since it began and have yet to be flagged AFK by this new system - but I know plenty of people who have that were actively killing mobs and talking in Gen/Guild chat. The main issue here is that the dev team seems to have completely forgotten, or never learned, how this game is actually played and how many skill builds do not require constant running around or moving. Especially with a few of the skill masteries: you have to stand perfectly still - you can't even open your damn backpack - or your mastery casting will be interrupted.

    This is the problem with a dev team that doesn't actively PLAY the game they work on: they don't know how to fix actual problems in the game because they don't know how the actual problems effect gameplay and player/customer satisfaction. So the "fixes" they give us aren't really fixes (like the log out/log in delay timer BS they implemented a month or so ago that does absolutely nothing to fix anything but sure does an awful lot to tick off the players).
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Kragg is on LS. He does not play afk. He and his red dog are Paragon killers that help everyone.

    So I would bet he was not afk. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    Pawain said:
    Kragg is on LS. He does not play afk. He and his red dog are Paragon killers that help everyone.

    So I would bet he was not afk. 
    Would people randomly page on him? 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    Grimbeard said:
    Pawain said:
    Kragg is on LS. He does not play afk. He and his red dog are Paragon killers that help everyone.

    So I would bet he was not afk. 
    Would people randomly page on him? 
    Not sure about the time frame. Right now it is pretty dead since the regulars have their items.

    So I don't understand why anyone would page now or why the GMs do not have time to verify these cases.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Pawain said:
    So I don't understand why anyone would page now or why the GMs do not have time to verify these cases.  
    Grief paging in UO? Surely not! 

    This is the problem with a dev team that doesn't actively PLAY the game they work on: they don't know how to fix actual problems in the game because they don't know how the actual problems effect gameplay and player/customer satisfaction. 
    It can be done. 

    I'm unsure if they play or not but i do know i only play out of pure habit anymore. I don't enjoy fighting a lot and they've ruined or let every other aspect of the game become either moldy or way too grindy. 

    I've complained about lack of things a thief can do. Nothing. VvV update was mentioned a couple of 3 years ago as was crafting. We can't even get new fashion or new ridable pets even though the artsy person is very well talented enough to knock something out daily. 

    Now we've got this top secret system and they can't even tell us if it'll eventually perma ban off false flags. 
  • usernameusername Posts: 1,027
    People assuming that the players they see in Deceit are AFK, scripting, or multiboxing is a HUGE part of the problem with these events. You can't even say "they don't answer when I talk to them" because not everyone is interested in talking to other people or explaining ad nauseam that they aren't doing anything wrong.
    I will agree that you cannot tell who is AFK or not but it's incredibly obvious, beyond any doubt, that there are several sampires scripting 23/7 down there and multiboxing... and it's been the same exact characters for the last 5 ToT's on most servers I observe. Sure, not every sampire is doing it, but I'm sorry and hate to sound rude but you must be incredibly ignorant if you don't think it is happening and incredibly obvious for the ones that are doing it.
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    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over FIVE YEARS and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    I give a solid B- for trying but drop it to a D for continued lack of communication 
  • Didn't say I didn't think it was happening, just don't know how it would be done because I have to pay attention constantly while playing on my samp.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited November 2022
    Pawain said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Pawain said:
    Kragg is on LS. He does not play afk. He and his red dog are Paragon killers that help everyone.

    So I would bet he was not afk. 
    Would people randomly page on him? 
    Not sure about the time frame. Right now it is pretty dead since the regulars have their items.

    Exact reason why I said 3 months is too long for a ToT event (unless they make the rewards everything we've ever had). 

    What they should do for these events is make it 45-60 days max and just bump up the spawn rate of the low-med spawn. More moderate things to kill would increase the challenge without making it impossible like Destard while also giving more drops for turn in points. 

    The Devs won't do this though because that would mean they would need to plan more events. It's the path of least resistance to just set and forget an event arch for 3-5 months (twice a year) with Krampus/Artisan Fest sprinkled in. The side effect of having these extremely cookie cutter events that run for almost half the year is that people can modify the same script. TBH right around now (going into the 3rd month of this event) would be a good time to script because as stated earlier most people have already gotten their items so there are less people in the dungeon now to report scripting. Perfect example of this was the easter eggs earlier this year... they let it go on for like 5 months and eventually people figured out the best ways to script.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    keven2002 said:

    Perfect example of this was the easter eggs earlier this year... they let it go on for like 5 months and eventually people figured out the best ways to script.

    I didn't mind the egg bots because i had SO much fun stealing off of them.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    keven2002 said:
    Pawain said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Pawain said:
    Kragg is on LS. He does not play afk. He and his red dog are Paragon killers that help everyone.

    So I would bet he was not afk. 
    Would people randomly page on him? 
    Not sure about the time frame. Right now it is pretty dead since the regulars have their items.

    Exact reason why I said 3 months is too long for a ToT event (unless they make the rewards everything we've ever had). 

    What they should do for these events is make it 45-60 days max and just bump up the spawn rate of the low-med spawn. More moderate things to kill would increase the challenge without making it impossible like Destard while also giving more drops for turn in points. 

    The Devs won't do this though because that would mean they would need to plan more events. It's the path of least resistance to just set and forget an event arch for 3-5 months (twice a year) with Krampus/Artisan Fest sprinkled in. The side effect of having these extremely cookie cutter events that run for almost half the year is that people can modify the same script. TBH right around now (going into the 3rd month of this event) would be a good time to script because as stated earlier most people have already gotten their items so there are less people in the dungeon now to report scripting. Perfect example of this was the easter eggs earlier this year... they let it go on for like 5 months and eventually people figured out the best ways to script.
    No, time frame is fine, I have not even finished my first shard, too busy to login now that my work is getting busy year end. And I have 2 more shards to go. Some others have same issue. 

    They need to extend to Jan.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Three months for a Halloween event is just fine. More than fine, really, given that two of those months are after Halloween is over and into the next holiday season.

    Honestly, I'm a bit burnt out on the Treasures Of ... events. I've barely been in Deceit since the first week or two.
    ~ Jennifer-Marie

    "Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    I'm speaking in general that the events do not need to last 3-5 months like they have been. It lets the Devs off the hook on actually creating new content (at the very least a new cookie cutter event).

    Sorry that this is your busy time of the year but there is no need to extend anything to Jan. Even with other things going on (trick or treating / graveyards /pumpkins / Krampus / Artisan fest / etc) over the course of 3 months there is still plenty of time to acquire drops. Outside of the first week or 2, I've only played an hour or 2 a day (maybe 3 days a week?) and I've been able to acquire enough drops for 1 of each reward. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited November 2022
    I don't think leaving the event on will cost any time lost for other Dev work. The event runs with the Dev legally AFK? Perhaps they are already out for holidays. They don't even post here.

    Maybe the GMs are busy but they don't seem to work as well if those Multiboxers report are real... 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,394
    edited November 2022
    Seth said:
    I don't think leaving the event on will cost any time lost for other Dev work. The event runs with the Dev legally AFK? Perhaps they are already out for holidays. They don't even post here.

    It's not about the Devs losing time to look at the event; from what I gather they just set and forget events which is why they are probably so adverse to any change to the events after they release it.

    If an event arc runs 5-6 months that means we will get max of 2 events a year given they never really overlap dungeon events with other dungeon events. Closest you would get here is running other repeat things like trick or treating or Krampus while the dungeon is up.

    If an event starts January and runs 6 months; the next event wouldn't be until July which means no break in between. Not only do we never get events in Jan/Feb, the Devs never jump into a brand new event arc without a break. More realistically speaking we would be looking at March start with a July finish and the next event would be Sept/Oct start and go through the end of the year. That's exactly what we had this year. I really didn't log into UO at all for the last 2 months of the last event because it was just that played out.

    If the event arcs are 2-3 months total from start to finish that would be arguably 3 events we should get. Start the event in March and wrap up by May. Take a month break for June and run another one July/Aug with another break in Sept. Wrap up the year with an Oct-Dec event. Technically if they released in Jan or Feb we could get a 3 months event arc each time with a month break in between. 

    I do agree with you though that the Dev team is probably done for the year once they release Krampus in a few days. I also think they probably take off half of Jan too, along with likely the entire summer (just basing it off the past several release cycles for major things). When we set the expectation of only needing 2 events a year and very little bugs are being fixed they are able to only work  60% of the year :) 
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