Malas is a waste of space.
Hardly anyone goes there.
Hardly any houses are placed there.
Open it up to castles/keeps!!!
Its past time for it.
Hardly anyone goes there.
Hardly any houses are placed there.
Open it up to castles/keeps!!!
Its past time for it.
This is the one on LA that's apparently high on someone's active UO shard list. I see this is your first post here, so welcome. I suggest you either CC a dev name in your posts here and hope they get answered, or ask this question at the next M&G if you don't mind waiting in line long enough behind the cringefestquestionsfromhell....
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Took a 4 year hiatus.
Yeah, my first post on here.
Not my first rodeo tho.