AFK out of control?

Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
The other night playing in Deceit when only a couple other players were there I suddenly stopped doing any damage.  I don’t have any followers or any other accounts nor was I standing still except when I was actively casting spells.  I did not get any warning nor did I get any conformation that I was flagged.  At first I thought it was just another game malfunction.  Then I thought it might have been caused by another player that wanted to solo the floor.  It did not make any sense.  Surely the afk program is intelligent enough to recognize that players are frozen in place when they cast spells.

So I used UO’s application to contact a gm.  The gm sent me a canned message confirming that I had been flagged and that gms did not discuss afk flags.  I guess that communicates to me UO is getting so many afk complaints they no longer respond to them.  I really find this noncommunicative attitude on the part of UO unacceptable but, unfortunately, not surprising. Players with legitimate issues should be able to discuss them.  Have no idea why I was flagged.  None at all.

Don’t mind so much being flagged for no legitimate reason.  Know UO works that way.  But can see no rational for being brushed off by the gm when I had a legitimate issue.  A simple explanation was all I expected.  Just a simple conformation afk makes mistakes.  I appreciate UO is attempting to identify players that don’t follow all the rules.

I guess this discussion is moot anyway since the renewal application apparently can no longer be reached by players.  Maybe UO should provide some guidance on how to do this.  I followed the links in the other discussion on this but did not see any place to buy game time codes.

Sorry UO but thinking it might be a good time for all of you get together and regroup before things get to far out of hand.


  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 939
    edited November 2022
    If you recall to a new floor in the dungeon after getting an artifact drop, you should generally be OK.  If you miss the notification text regarding getting a drop, and you're using EC, see this thread (link).

    It's quite possible the GM's don't even know how the (likely automated) logic works, that you describe.  Discussion of game mechanics/formulas/etc appears to be something the players have to work out for themselves, for the most part.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    The link to the Game store at does not work?

    Are you using the arrows to go to more items?  The codes are there.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2022
    Have to try with my computer tonight.  On my air I get a link for sovereigns instead of the game time. Wait if I scroll over it is there!  Never thought of that.  Thanks for the link.  Was really worried about finding that when it came time to renew.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,694
    edited November 2022
    Arnold7 said:
    Have to try with my computer tonight.  On my air I get a link for sovereigns instead of the game time. Wait if I scroll over it is there!  Never thought of that.  Thanks for the link.  Was really worried about finding that when it came time to renew.
    Ya it took me a while to notice the arrows. Sovereigns are the first choices.
    Go to add ons and find the arrow.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Flagged again.  Like before moving all the time by myself without any followers.  Really if it doesn’t work right turn it off.  It’s bad enough targeting does not work more than 75% of the time.  Don’t use any third party programs or have any idea how to cheat.  But am learning how not to run a video game.  
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,462
    Really no excuse for this inept kind of programming.  This forum reported this problem weeks ago.  
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