a pet parking zone
I am working on an 18x18x3 house. A couple of my characters have pack animals that usually remain with them even when logging out. Thus I thought it might be a good idea to have a sort of parking spot for these pets so they don't stink up the house.

The lower (east) third is the area in question. I have some questions:

The lower (east) third is the area in question. I have some questions:
- Is it okay to tell a pet to stay in the open stable area and log out a good distance away, like on the third story or roof? I don't want the pet disappearing just because my character wasn't close enough.
- Where can I obtain hay or something to indicate the pets have something to eat? (When my carpenter's skill gets high enough he plans on adding a water trough
- What other decorations are available for a sort of animal stable environment?
- Do you have any alternative thoughts or general comments?
For context, here is an outside view:
Rock (formerly Imperterritus VXt, Baja)
Hay is a daily rare in Felucca, horse shoes are a stealable from blacksmith shops, there are two versions of a hitching post, the replica is craftable, the other was an 11th anniversary item and is an ultima store item. Both have limited uses, the purchased one can be re-charged twice.
Whenever I try on any of the three pieces, I am told, "You cannot pick that up." I tried it with and without Stealing (human JOAT steal level of 20), but both resulted in same comment.