Trapped boxes

Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
edited April 2018 in PvP / VvV
So what's everyone's view on the repeated use of these to break para in lieu of having magic resist?

  1. regarding trapped box's...15 votes
    1. They are abused and should be removed
    2. They are fine. leave it the way it is
    3. They are somewhat okay but should be limited by putting a delay between uses.
    4. I play strictly a dexxer cause I'm teh noob and would like to see magic resist removed from the game



  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited April 2018
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    Ive had discussions about this before.  You cant remove them cause then omen paralyze would be the only pvp template used in the game.  Right now they are abused cause they do to little of damage.  All that needs to be done is slightly increase the damage they do when used.  Lets say instead of the current damage of 4-12 dmg, it should be like 18-25 dmg.  Therefore the player has to think about it before just spamming it.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    It’s a bit of a non issue tbh.
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • I agree Higgs.  Removing them all together would really open up the omen para spams.  While i'm not opposed to omen para there should be some sort of defense against it.  The increased damage isn't bad as it would nullify the repeated use because it would lead to death in itself but would still be viable to use a few times consecutively.

    As far as it being a non issue Mervyn it really depends on a persons perspective.  I just cringe everytime I see items replacing skill.  Between all of the added pots since my return coupled with pedals, apples and trapped box's it really takes away the skill of it all.  I dont know maybe i'm just a little too old school.


  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    So what's everyone's view on the repeated use of these to break para in lieu of having magic resist?

    You ever been Crossfielded with 120 resist by a necro mage?

  • King_Greg said:

    You ever been Crossfielded with 120 resist by a necro mage?

    Not repeatedly :wink:


  • PureLifePureLife Posts: 54
    let's put limited charges on each box and remove the ability for evil omen to affect paralyze.

    Boxes have been broken since they came out. And no one can provide an argument on why an *item* should be forever allowed to nullify an ability. Increasing the damage done is not going to do anything having to be mindful of your resource usage will which is why charges per box is the best route to go.
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    Trapped boxes does not nullify resisting spells:
    1 the character has to actually carry a trapped box so when you kill them you can loot it.
    2 you still get paralysed so it does cause a small stop. 3 or 4 guys para spamming should be enough to stop someone with a script even.
    3 people without resist are still subject to increased length of necro curses effect, no chance to resist poison, vulnerable to mana vamp, purge magic, mass sleep. 

    That’s why it’s a non issue. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • ezikelezikel Posts: 90
    They are fine. leave it the way it is.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    I've veered on the fine leave the way it is side.

    It's something people have got used to, and seems to work ok.

  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    trapped boxes were standard equipment for escaping para when i was playing 17 years ago way before AoS. is there really an urgent need to address it now?
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    This game has gotten way out of hand with consumables period, trap box is just another example.  Just cause its been around forever doesn't mean its ok.  You shouldn't have to need multiple people casting paralyze versus one person.  Pvp should be based on 1v1, which it is for most things.  The combat changes couple patches ago were based on 1v1. 
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited May 2018
    Trap Boxes should function the same, but they should deal a flat 20 or 25 damage every time they're used.   so you can't just run a script to pop a box every time you're paralyzed... because taking a whopping 7 damage that is 80-90% healed before you could pop your box again from HPR alone isn't a penalty at all... 

    Cure potions need a cooldown too 5 sec minimum.

    @Kyronix ; @Bleak @Mesanna you guys going to publish a list of 'approved third-party programs' anytime soon?

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • Lieutenant_DanLieutenant_Dan Posts: 196
    edited May 2018
    I appreciate everyone's input on the subject.  Again trapped box's aren't a huge thing but using them to replace resisting spells is not the desired result i would expect in UO.  I remember pre-Aos you just didn't step foot in Fel without resist.  Of course that was before items came into play when AOS came out.
    As far the suggestions for added damage i agree and would have added it to the poll if i thought of it at the time.  

    Perhaps a trapped box's damage could be inversely proportionate to a persons resisting spells.  
    Scaled in matter similar to something like this... 
    0 Resisting spells = 35 damage from trapped box's. 
    120 Resisting spells = 7 damage from trapped box's. 


  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    Perhaps a trapped box's damage could be inversely proportionate to a persons resisting spells.  
    Scaled in matter similar to something like this... 
    0 Resisting spells = 35 damage from trapped box's. 
    120 Resisting spells = 7 damage from trapped box's. 
    Now there's a solid idea, I like that.
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