moongates bugged for reds on Siege Perilous

moongates on Siege Perilous are bugged for reds.

Go to a moongate, select any other destination except felucca and you get a message "you are not allowed to travel there" as if Trammel had been introduced to Siege.
You can travel to all felucca destinations but none of the other facets.

The same goes for gating with magery to any other facet except felucca.

This only applies to red characters.


  • found a temporary work around:
    crystal portals, corrupted crystal portals, eodon moonstone crystals and serpent's jaw bones can be used by reds.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    My guess is that they finally got around to fixing the boat key recall that allowed reds to get into trammel to get their town buffs on non-siege servers, and as a result of insufficient testing or no thought for the two servers, broke facet rulesets for reds on Siege and probably Mugen.

    Honestly it's 2022, there is no reason reds shouldn't be allowed in trammel based facets anymore, just keep their inability to interact with NPCs and such the same. In the same breath, replace all blue wandering healers with red ones in felucca, or at least create a spawn for red healers on islands where blue healers can spawn. Places like Dagger Island do not spawn red healers.
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