Why Can't Wraiths Ride?
Why can't we still ride our steeds while in wraith form? Why can't it work like Vampiric Embrace and just change our skin tone? Turn us green or something?
I think the artwork for both male and female wraith form is terrible. The male form you can't see worth a darn. And the female form is just plain cartoonish and goofy looking.
Should be able to ride.

I think the artwork for both male and female wraith form is terrible. The male form you can't see worth a darn. And the female form is just plain cartoonish and goofy looking.
Should be able to ride.

Ghostly horse only wraiths can ride will hit the store for the low price of 1500 tokens.
I'm sure not all the forms we can change into are coming to my mind at the moment. But with polymorph spell changes aside, I can't think of any that couldn't be characterized by a change to the skin, like using Vampiric Embrace.
Reaper Form, Stone Form, Lich Form, what else? They could all be indicated by changing the look of the skin.
Was surprised my lich could not ride or cast spells when I learned necro. What’s the point of being a lich if you can’t cast spells? Don’t really think being a lich provides the player much of an advantage in the game. But movie vampires generally can do anything humans can so can understand why they can be mounted. Hint to developers: vampires can also fly!
As far as wraith form being overly powerful because they can run around leeching magic. I don't see how that could matter. We have mana draining spells, mana leeching weapons that can be used while riding.
We have undead mounts we can ride. Doesn't seem outside the realm of what can be imagined might take place in UO for a wraith to ride, I don't think.
Dvvid, my husband is often in wraith form. I can hardly ever find him on the screen! Especially if there's a lot going on. lol!
I think it would be cooler to have characters in the gear they've chosen to wear and have some other indication that they're transformed. Maybe they could look more like someone whose hiding, a bit transparent but still themselves, so to speak.
This guy looks wraith-y to me! And so does the horse.
For example the Ninja wolf form is faster than walking but not as fast as riding. There seems to be a medium speed setting.
Ultimately, ofcourse, if it can ride the undead mount then it will be awesome. I like the illustration above.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Goblin and Orc races would be so awesome. I'd love to see Goblins and Orcs on paper dolls.
Many cool options.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs