Why do you have to screw Tamers at every turn ?

Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
edited September 2022 in General Discussions
Why do mobs have to automatically target me instead of my gigantic pet  which takes up most of the screen and inflicts the most damage on anything and everything ? Why do I have to command my pet 15 times to kill something because it autotargets something else, instead of the monster it was put on in the first place ? Why do you put their intelligence so high on their stats but then make them out to be a complete imbecile when it comes to other monsters attacking them. They suddenly go "uhh duhh, derr derr" and attack anything else that moves instead of their original commanded target, commanded by the damn way, by a 3x120 Tamer, yet they still do what they want ? Why do you code it this way ? Do you sit at home giggling to yourself about how you control anything and everything in UO to the point that it's almost unenjoyable ? These are questions that run through my mind when I finally decide to go out and actually do something in UO only to be disappointed yet again by ridiculous coding. It reminds me of old Dungeon Masters I used to play under back in the 80s, that were so afraid to give players anything of value because it might ruin "their campaign. 

This just further solidifies my argument that you don't actually play the game, otherwise you would KNOW the things that are inherently wrong with some game mechanics and would fix them immediately. I just don't get it, and I would much rather hear a Dev member tell me that I"m wrong or explain to me the reasoning other than a heavy handed moderator berate me for speaking the truth about a game that I PAY to play.
You and Several Others like this.

Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.


  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,686
    It’s Sammpys now ? Keep up ? 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    But why is it Sammpys ? Why does the server care if I"m hitting a macro key that says All Kill, as opposed toa Sammpy hitting a Cons Wpn, followed by EOO key....
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,572
    You missed, why can't they they follow me around corners or trees. Why, every time I go a distance do I have to stop and go back to get the pet, who is stuck on an object.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2022
    I was going to touch on that but decided against it. And they're much worse when they're dead, then they damn near forget how to walk period...it's stupid.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,686
    The dark lady likes sammpys just go with it
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited September 2022
    I can't just go with it, this infuriates me. I"m not looking for an All Kill easy button, but if I do everything right on my end, making sure my pet is fully fed, happy, healthy, horny, whatever..and I go into a dungeon, and within 10 seconds it all becomes a s#$t show, something is wrong !!!!
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,686
    I have an extra row boat and fishing pole if you need them 
    it’s very relaxing and peaceful fishing 

    but ya I agree with you completely 
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    @Kyronix I'll have a grownup conversation with you and leave out insults and childish behaviour, if you'll just explain the reasoning behind this to me.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,686
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I"ll even elaborate and tell the whole story. I"m sitting here in my house in Tampa hoping that Hurricane Ian doesn't wipe out the entire county, so I thought You know what, I'll go into Bedlam and goof off for a while, maybe collect a set of keys and hassle the grizzle, you know, the 3 slot grizzle that's not worthy of 5 slots !!!!!! So i go in, start killing stuff with my pet, and of course the funny business begins almost immediately.."All kill..targets Sir Patrick...pet gets on him, YES !! thinks I...all of my hard work skill building pays off....uh....no, pet gets tired of hitting Sir Patrick and decides instead to retarget the lowly skeleton, I mean, my pets smart and that's the biggest threat to him right ?  No biggie, All KILL I reshout to my life long companion who's supposed to know me as well as I know him....nope..screw that, why would he attack Sir Patrick when there's a ferocious Patchwork skeleton that needs his attention. So Sir Patrick continues to kick his ass, but then Sir Patricks 20 screen aura attack hits me from afar..and then he comes running after me, afterall I"m a bigger threat to him than my gigantic pet amiright ? amiright ? so I run out of the dungeon like a sissy, come back in and see my pets healthbar is low, so I run fairly close and try to heal, nope I"m too far away...Sir Patrick can hit me from the next county with his deathly aura but at 120 magery, after spending years abroad learning the ancient and mystical art of Magery, I can't target my pet who's RIGHT THERE !!!!! 

    So All follow me, screw this nonsense we're going home and watching Real Housewives of Vesper......
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,686
    I hope you make it through the storm unharmed 
    stay alert 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,572
    ^^^^  Agree ^^^^^  Stay Safe.

    Yes that place is a mess for a tamer.  Stuff always spawning pet always running from target to target killing only a few of them.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited September 2022
    They have to start fixing things.

    As we said long ago, the issues and bugs will get overwhelming one fine day and and any coder will quit and find a new project instead of cleaning up 25 years worth of issue.

    Pls start soon.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,112
    Why do mobs have to automatically target me instead of my gigantic pet  which takes up most of the screen and inflicts the most damage on anything and everything ? Why do I have to command my pet 15 times to kill something because it autotargets something else, instead of the monster it was put on in the first place ? Why do you put their intelligence so high on their stats but then make them out to be a complete imbecile when it comes to other monsters attacking them. They suddenly go "uhh duhh, derr derr" and attack anything else that moves instead of their original commanded target, commanded by the damn way, by a 3x120 Tamer, yet they still do what they want ? Why do you code it this way ? Do you sit at home giggling to yourself about how you control anything and everything in UO to the point that it's almost unenjoyable ? These are questions that run through my mind when I finally decide to go out and actually do something in UO only to be disappointed yet again by ridiculous coding. It reminds me of old Dungeon Masters I used to play under back in the 80s, that were so afraid to give players anything of value because it might ruin "their campaign. 

    This just further solidifies my argument that you don't actually play the game, otherwise you would KNOW the things that are inherently wrong with some game mechanics and would fix them immediately. I just don't get it, and I would much rather hear a Dev member tell me that I"m wrong or explain to me the reasoning other than a heavy handed moderator berate me for speaking the truth about a game that I PAY to play.
    The nerfing of Tamers is quite impressive....

    Besides the issues which you well point out, such as MoBs targeting the Tamer rather then the pet even when the pet is right next to the MoB and is also attacking it, or that Pets commanded to attack a specific MoB then change their target to something else, there is also several other issues which affect pets and taming and contribute to the detriment, to my opinion, of playing this particular template...

    For example, the issue that damage done by pets, to my understanding, is cut down to 50%, or the issue that Area Spells which most high end MoB have of one kind or another, restrict the ability of Tamers to vet their pets and thus they have to rely on spells, rather then using the more natural Veterinary (it would only take a change to the range at which vetting a pet is possible, make it higher then what AOS works, and tamers could again vet their pets... after all, doesn't Consume Damage work at quite a distance from the pet ? So why couldn't veterinary be made the same ?).

    Also, many training abilities for pets have problems.... either they do not work or not work well, or consume so much mana for little to no benefits, that Tamers often do not train their pets in that ability to preserve their mana only for what is really important... Tamers can select several abilities for their pets but, often, they end up chosing only 1, in order not to have the pet drain all of its mana for an ability which does not help them much in fights... if this was fixed, then Tamers could again select multiple abilities for their pets rather then only 1 thus making them more effective in fights....

    These are the most relevant which come to my mind on the fly, an expert tamer I imagine could list additional ones which result in the tamer template being at quite a disadvantage....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,112
    I can't just go with it, this infuriates me. I"m not looking for an All Kill easy button, but if I do everything right on my end, making sure my pet is fully fed, happy, healthy, horny, whatever..and I go into a dungeon, and within 10 seconds it all becomes a s#$t show, something is wrong !!!!
    Personally, I look at it this way....

    The difficulty of a Sampire is to build the template, put together the gear but then, when the Template setup is done, then, to my understanding, fights are rather easy saved for some more difficult bosses.... it is pretty much, as I understand it, a matter of pressing some macros during the fight.

    Now, with taming, the difficulty should be in the training of the pet, chosing the right training "build" that best works with that pet but, then, after having fully trained a pet the proper way, it does should be, to my opinion, as pretty much it looks to for sampires, an easy task for a tamer to get MoBs killd saved some exceptions for a few higher MoBs.
  • ChrilleChrille Posts: 220
    edited September 2022
    Just be careful with what you wish for if pets get smarter so will monsters. Bedlam isn't that bad if you learn how to do it stay close to the entrance do not go close to sir patrick since he has some whirwild ability and also do not get to close to master mikael since he use some area spells aswell.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,112
    edited September 2022
    I"ll even elaborate and tell the whole story. I"m sitting here in my house in Tampa hoping that Hurricane Ian doesn't wipe out the entire county, so I thought You know what, I'll go into Bedlam and goof off for a while, maybe collect a set of keys and hassle the grizzle, you know, the 3 slot grizzle that's not worthy of 5 slots !!!!!! So i go in, start killing stuff with my pet, and of course the funny business begins almost immediately.."All kill..targets Sir Patrick...pet gets on him, YES !! thinks I...all of my hard work skill building pays off....uh....no, pet gets tired of hitting Sir Patrick and decides instead to retarget the lowly skeleton, I mean, my pets smart and that's the biggest threat to him right ?  No biggie, All KILL I reshout to my life long companion who's supposed to know me as well as I know him....nope..screw that, why would he attack Sir Patrick when there's a ferocious Patchwork skeleton that needs his attention. So Sir Patrick continues to kick his ass, but then Sir Patricks 20 screen aura attack hits me from afar..and then he comes running after me, afterall I"m a bigger threat to him than my gigantic pet amiright ? amiright ? so I run out of the dungeon like a sissy, come back in and see my pets healthbar is low, so I run fairly close and try to heal, nope I"m too far away...Sir Patrick can hit me from the next county with his deathly aura but at 120 magery, after spending years abroad learning the ancient and mystical art of Magery, I can't target my pet who's RIGHT THERE !!!!! 

    So All follow me, screw this nonsense we're going home and watching Real Housewives of Vesper......
    At a Tamer, I can understand your argument....

    As a work around, not a fix which should come from the Developers to pet's A.I., but a mere work around for the time being, try, before engaging a tougher MoB, to 1st tell your pet the command "follow" and target that MoB which you want your pet to stick on, and then, after that, tell your pet to kill that MoB also....

    It might not work all the time, and your pet could still divert its attention on something else and disregard the MoB which you have prioritized as its main target but, at least, it might help reduce a little the issue....

    Good luck.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 643
    edited September 2022
    This is why i avoid putting AoE/DoT abilities on most of my pets (except for very specific ones meant for AoE, like my FWW+PB Najasaurus). AoE abilities make your pet target switch like mad, and DoT abilities will make your pet stick to a target, even when you don't want it to and order it to kill a new higher priority target that just popped up. None of my Beetles receive Poisoning for this reason (among other reasons), nor do any of my pets get Exploding Goo. I too wish the "All Kill" command target was an absolute hard focus for your pet until either the target is dead, the pet is dead, or you give the pet a new command.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,435
    At least we know that the Pet's AI is working as intended, attacking the larger threat.  Guess the DEVs told the MOBs that a Tamer is a greater threat than even a Greater Dragon.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited September 2022
    Smart monsters, kill the handler first... normally I invis to break lock in ToT.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,076
    edited September 2022
    Be careful what you wish for.  You should ALL know what happened to treasure hunters.  Anything done to modify tamers will only make them worse.  Just leave it alone and just deal with the targeting issues. A tamer mage build with 120 lore and taming and good mage skills are more than good enough. When you rely on jewels and overload the build you will always get in trouble 

    leave it as it is or YOU will be sorry. That’s guaranteed 

    you just need to learn you cannot have a fire and forget missile in this game 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Honestly now that pets can't go wild abd just do randomly whatever they like is there value in 120 heck stay at 90 get some jewelry and enjoy 60 extra points in another skill 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Seth said:
    They have to start fixing things.

    I like the team they're pretty cool but its time to do work. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited September 2022
    “I agree at 120/120 if I am even controlling a dog that needs 0 taming, if 2 mobs attack it I have 0 control over which of the 2 mobs my pet attacks. Very annoying.

    especially when a mob has necromancy and it animates dead and your pet gets surrounded by those banshee mobs with like 10hp that spam mortal and you literally can’t get your pet to attack them. I end up walking over and smacking them with a mage weap”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,204Dev
    @ Kyronix I'll have a grownup conversation with you and leave out insults and childish behaviour, if you'll just explain the reasoning behind this to me.
    Would be best if you could summarize your main bullet points into specific feedback so we can see about making some adjustments.  Leaving out the color commentary would certainly help to keep 
    everything clear.

    Some of the reasoning I'm not sure - the original Pet AI targeting is some of the oldest functionality in game.  There are other pet training AIs that can also impact pet targeting - but those are a case by case basis and would need more details to know where to begin.

    Stay safe during Ian!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,572
    edited September 2022
    That makes sense. A pet acts like a mob. If you aggro a mob it will follow you. 

    @Kyronix ;

    There's 3 red archers during the khaldun spawn. They stand in a triangle shape. They are 10 or more squares away from each other.

    1. If you tell your pet to attack one, the pet heads to it but before it gets there, another archer will attack it. The pet then heads to that target. But, before it gets to the new target it is hit by another archer. So the pet heads to it. This repeats. It could repeat forever because the pet will never get to an archer before it goes to another. Even tho you are telling it to attack a specific one.

    2. A pet surrounded by mobs.
    The pet will attack a mob and stop because it changes targets to another aggressor. Basically the pet will keep changing targets and never bite any mob. It goes into what I call a death spin. It just spins changing targets no matter if you keep telling it to attack a specific one.

    3. Pets will wonder off screen.
    You tell the pet to attack a high hp target. You start casting and healing others. If the pet is aggroed by a mob far away, the pet will go to that mob. Since you are busy healing others and casting on the high hp target, your pet is 3 screens away trying to attack some mob on a hill.

    4. Pets can't navigate terrain. 

    Start on second floor Luna bank. Go at a medium speed down to the stable.  The pet will not navigate the stairs without help. Then the pet will get hung on the paladins as you head to the stable.

    Take a pet to yamotsu mines. Try to run to the fire beetle area. There is no way a pet will navigate even if you are spamming all follow. 

    Pets get hung on trees when you navigate woods.

    Good Luck fixing these things.

    We want the pet to attack the target we ask it to attack and ignore the others.

    Other things.

    1. When bladeweaving is on a pet. We should be able to change the pet from offensive to defensive mode. We can not. Some players have found unconventional methods to do it.

    2. Remember when publish 97 came out, a casting pet, such as magery, would stand back from the target and cast spells. We complained because we were new at controlling our pets and had not learned how to be tamers under the new system. Basically we kept getting killed. So you made casting pets go to the target and melee.

    Can you put that back on magery  Pets. We have advanced and now know that we would like a casting pet to stand back and cast spells when the pet decides to cast.

    Necromancy on Pets.

    Few spells work . The spell with the skulls casts but does not increase damage. @PlayerSkillFTW can describe better.


    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 643
    edited September 2022
    Pawain said:
    That makes sense. A pet acts like a mob. If you aggro a mob it will follow you. 

    @ Kyronix 

    There's 3 red archers during the khaldun spawn. They stand in a triangle shape. They are 10 or more squares away from each other.

    1. If you tell your pet to attack one, the pet heads to it but before it gets there, another archer will attack it. The pet then heads to that target. But, before it gets to the new target it is hit by another archer. So the pet heads to it. This repeats. It could repeat forever because the pet will never get to an archer before it goes to another. Even tho you are telling it to attack a specific one.

    2. A pet surrounded by mobs.
    The pet will attack a mob and stop because it changes targets to another aggressor. Basically the pet will keep changing targets and never bite any mob. It goes into what I call a death spin. It just spins changing targets no matter if you keep telling it to attack a specific one.

    3. Pets will wonder off screen.
    You tell the pet to attack a high hp target. You start casting and healing others. If the pet is aggroed by a mob far away, the pet will go to that mob. Since you are busy healing others and casting on the high hp target, your pet is 3 screens away trying to attack some mob on a hill.

    4. Pets can't navigate terrain. 

    Start on second floor Luna bank. Go at a medium speed down to the stable.  The pet will not navigate the stairs without help. Then the pet will get hung on the paladins as you head to the stable.

    Take a pet to yamotsu mines. Try to run to the fire beetle area. There is no way a pet will navigate even if you are spamming all follow. 

    Pets get hung on trees when you navigate woods.

    Good Luck fixing these things.

    We want the pet to attack the target we ask it to attack and ignore the others.

    Other things.

    1. When bladeweaving is on a pet. We should be able to change the pet from offensive to defensive mode. We can not. Some players have found unconventional methods to do it.

    2. Remember when publish 97 came out, a casting pet, such as magery, would stand back from the target and cast spells. We complained because we were new at controlling our pets and had not learned how to be tamers under the new system. Basically we kept getting killed. So you made casting pets go to the target and melee.

    Can you put that back on magery  Pets. We have advanced and now know that we would like a casting pet to stand back and cast spells when the pet decides to cast.

    Necromancy on Pets.

    Few spells work . The spell with the skulls casts but does not increase damage. @ PlayerSkillFTW can describe better.


    At this point, i highly doubt they'll fix the existing bugs with several Pet Training abilities (they've been around for a few years now), especially with how focused the devs are on New Legacy. The best quality of life improvement that Tamers could currently receive, would be to make "All Kill" a hard lock onto the target for pets. Pet tunnel visions on that one target, until either the target is dead, the pet is dead, or a new command is given.

    The "Guard" command could retain the ability for the pet to target switch, particularly to anything that damages the Tamer. Hell, i remember when you could tell pets to Guard other creatures (particularly pack animals), corpses or items on the ground, or patrol between two points and attack anyone/anything that trespassed there. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    I could further detail the bugged Pet Training abilities, if Kyronix asks.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,942
    edited September 2022
    Agreed, maybe there should be 3 types of command:

    One that locks on a single target like the Revenant.

    Another that picks the strongest target.

    And the third one will be skirmishes, so the pet will attack which ever is nearest enemy.

    All kill one
    All kill strongest
    All kill nearest
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,112
    edited September 2022
    Pawain said:
    That makes sense. A pet acts like a mob. If you aggro a mob it will follow you. 

    @ Kyronix 

    There's 3 red archers during the khaldun spawn. They stand in a triangle shape. They are 10 or more squares away from each other.

    1. If you tell your pet to attack one, the pet heads to it but before it gets there, another archer will attack it. The pet then heads to that target. But, before it gets to the new target it is hit by another archer. So the pet heads to it. This repeats. It could repeat forever because the pet will never get to an archer before it goes to another. Even tho you are telling it to attack a specific one.

    2. A pet surrounded by mobs.
    The pet will attack a mob and stop because it changes targets to another aggressor. Basically the pet will keep changing targets and never bite any mob. It goes into what I call a death spin. It just spins changing targets no matter if you keep telling it to attack a specific one.

    3. Pets will wonder off screen.
    You tell the pet to attack a high hp target. You start casting and healing others. If the pet is aggroed by a mob far away, the pet will go to that mob. Since you are busy healing others and casting on the high hp target, your pet is 3 screens away trying to attack some mob on a hill.

    4. Pets can't navigate terrain. 

    Start on second floor Luna bank. Go at a medium speed down to the stable.  The pet will not navigate the stairs without help. Then the pet will get hung on the paladins as you head to the stable.

    Take a pet to yamotsu mines. Try to run to the fire beetle area. There is no way a pet will navigate even if you are spamming all follow. 

    Pets get hung on trees when you navigate woods.

    Good Luck fixing these things.

    We want the pet to attack the target we ask it to attack and ignore the others.

    Other things.

    1. When bladeweaving is on a pet. We should be able to change the pet from offensive to defensive mode. We can not. Some players have found unconventional methods to do it.

    2. Remember when publish 97 came out, a casting pet, such as magery, would stand back from the target and cast spells. We complained because we were new at controlling our pets and had not learned how to be tamers under the new system. Basically we kept getting killed. So you made casting pets go to the target and melee.

    Can you put that back on magery  Pets. We have advanced and now know that we would like a casting pet to stand back and cast spells when the pet decides to cast.

    Necromancy on Pets.

    Few spells work . The spell with the skulls casts but does not increase damage. @ PlayerSkillFTW can describe better.


    At this point, i highly doubt they'll fix the existing bugs with several Pet Training abilities (they've been around for a few years now), especially with how focused the devs are on New Legacy. The best quality of life improvement that Tamers could currently receive, would be to make "All Kill" a hard lock onto the target for pets. Pet tunnel visions on that one target, until either the target is dead, the pet is dead, or a new command is given.

    The "Guard" command could retain the ability for the pet to target switch, particularly to anything that damages the Tamer. Hell, i remember when you could tell pets to Guard other creatures (particularly pack animals), corpses or items on the ground, or patrol between two points and attack anyone/anything that trespassed there. Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    I could further detail the bugged Pet Training abilities, if Kyronix asks.
    At this point, i highly doubt they'll fix the existing bugs with several Pet Training abilities (they've been around for a few years now), especially with how focused the devs are on New Legacy.


    Well, at the very least, the more expert UO players who know well all of the ins and outs of what does not work or works badly with Pet Training abilities, could point out a few "Major" ones which should really get Developers' attention for a fix....

    Perhaps, the Developers might not fix any and all not working or mulfunctioning Pet Abilities but a few, highly prioritized ones, they could....

    I mean, let the Developers decide how to prioritize their work but the players should still point out, well prioritizing, what they think does not work with Pet Abilities.... starting from the most important that they consider as necessary to get fixed, down to the least important.

    Then, the Developers will figure out whether they have no time to fix any, some time to fix a few most important ones, or can somehow find the time to get them all fixed....

    But the main important thing, I guess, is having expert UO players pointing them out, which mulfunctioning Pet Abilities they consider as most important, "game breaking" for a Tamer, and then down to those still mulfunctioning but, somewhat less important.

    If I was knowledged enough as a UO tamer player I would point them out, but I lack the necessary experteese with pet Training so, I guess, it is better to leave this to the UO Tamers' "Pros"....

    I could further detail the bugged Pet Training abilities, if Kyronix asks.

    I sure hope that, @Kyronix will make that invitation, so that the UO players well knowledged about Pet Training might then want to come forward and list in these UO Forums, what Pet Training abilities, to their opinion and findings, do not work well and should therefore be looked at and fixed so that the Tamers' gaming experience in UO could be more enjoyable and fullfilling.
  • Seth said:
    Another that picks the strongest target.
    "Strongest target" is subjective. There are creatures that don't have beefy stats, but are far more dangerous (particularly to the Tamer themself) than beefier creatures due to the abilities they possess, such as Discordance (Satyrs), Peace (Dryads), Necromancy (AoE preventing the tamer from Vetting due to target switching), or Auras (once again preventing the Tamer from vetting). I'd prioritize my pet attacking a Lich, Succubus or Satyr any day over going after a Greater Dragon Paragon.

    popps said:

    Well, at the very least, the more expert UO players who know well all of the ins and outs of what does not work or works badly with Pet Training abilities, could point out a few "Major" ones which should really get Developers' attention for a fix....

    Perhaps, the Developers might not fix any and all not working or mulfunctioning Pet Abilities but a few, highly prioritized ones, they could....
    In terms of actual buggy abilities (not just sub-par), Magery Mastery has several bugs with it. MM pets will cast Bless on their opponent rather than themself (A +10-12% buff to stats on a boss is pretty significant), and cast Arch Cure on their opponent. In terms of "sub-par", MM pets will cast Magic Reflection when being hit with Elemental damage, even if the bulk of their incoming damage is Physical (a MM pet will cast Magic Reflection when fighting a Greater Dragon for example, and start taking more damage, even with Consume Damage on them). MM Pets will also start channeling Death Ray at point blank range, even when getting attacked, causing them to waste Mana for nothing, channeling Death Ray also pauses their melee attacks.

    What Pawain was referring to, is that Necromancy and Necromage pets will cast Conduit, yet none of their single target Necro spells will chain to targets inside the Conduit radius, so Conduit is bugged for pets.

    There's plenty of other examples of abilities either not working at all, or being completely sub-par, such a Crushing Blow not giving extra damage to a pet's attack, and only delivering the 10 Stamina damage to the victim.
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