Looting Macro with the Classic Client : possible ?
As we know, the Enhanced Client does give the ability to make a macro to loot either kills corpses or containers.
And I understand, that Third Party applications which work with the Classic Client, also permit, with the Classic Client, to have a macro to loot kills' corpses or containers such as chests, crates etc.
Then, I wonder, and I ask to Mr. @Kyronix , what is the way to have such a looting Macro with the Classic Client ?
If none exists, how about, please, making one so that players are not forced to have to use unauthorized Third Party applications with the Classic Client and thus avoid the annoying and time consuming repetition process to have to pick every single item one at a time ?
Side Note. If the Classic Client on its own lacks the ability to make a looting Macro, for those players having UOAssist, is there a way to make one ? How ?
I understand that, recently, not too long ago, the Developer added a Dressing Macro to the Classic Client....
Why shouldn't then a Looting Macro functionality also be added to the Classic Client, considering that the Enhanced Client has it, and that Third Party, unauthorized application have it thus showing that indeed, the Classic Client can have a looting Macro, just like the Enhanced Client has one...
Especially, since a Looting Macro is way more needed in the Classic Client as compared to a Dressing Macro, to my opinion, considering how more often a character needs to loot kills' corpses or containers as compared to getting dressed up....
Yet, a dressing Macro was added to the Classic Client but no Looting Macro ? Go figure....
@Kyronix , please ?
That would be an important feature to have for a Looting Macro... but besides that Feature, another one which would be fundamental to have for a good Looting Macro, would be the ability to select an internal container where the looted stuff would be sent to.... so as not to litter one's own main backpack with all of the looted items....
@popps - There is currently no way to "auto loot" corpses in CC. I also do not think there is a way to set this up in UOA either (ie open corpse / loot X) but Yoshi might be a better source there.
That said, there is a "Auto open corpse" toggle in CC that will open a new corpse that you have looting rights to (as long as you are in war mode and getting looting rights). I used this technique the first couple weeks of the Fey event to grab the 70-90 arrows off centaur corpses (still had to manually drag the arrows though).
i think there’s a danger of assisting afk play with that.
also the dress macro is used all the time. Not just when you die. Not sure how you’re switching between spell focusing sash and non focusing and arming talisman of ward removal…
I think we play different games.
if they were to add any more functionality, a mobiles bar for targeting would eliminate any requirement to download third party clients, not sure some random looting macro is going to do it”
For imbuing, I find myself wanting to pick up the small gems from corpses... unfortunately, since they are small, I always have a hard time picking them up with the mouse cursor and, eventually, it takes away a lot of my time to pick a gem here and a gem there from corpses... being able to have a macro to pick them up without the need to target them, would be very beneficial to me...
Same is for jewels, in the mess of a corpse, often picking up a ring or a bracelet can become a chore and take up more time then one might be willing to spend...
But I could also accept, in the lack of better options, to be able with a macro to have to loot an entire corpse, except the 50 stones items, that is.... I would then discard what I do not want after reviewing the items in my backpack.... although, to this purpose it would be beneficial if the looted items could be sent to an internal backpack rather then in the main backpack....
As in regards the fear of assisting AFK play, those who want to AFK usually use the unauthorized Third Party applications which have way much better scripts and capabilities that UOAssist has....
So, helping out players to fine tune UOAssist Macros, I seriously doubt would be used by anyone for AFK play.... but if you feel better, Personal Message me about how should I make such a looting Macro with the Classic Client and UOAssist....
Thanks !
Email Tug
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I know nothing about boxing and couldn't say if he's correct, but your first google result has the website for the program and UO is shown in all it's glory using the EC.
Seems they even have a twitter and offer a free 7 day trial.
C'mon now, if i can find this garbage in a 10 second search why can't it be stopped?
I tried searching YouTube but could not find any video as well. I want to see someone playing UO in EC multiboxing and killing all the bosses. Pls pm me link as well...
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
In the EC you'll notice the corpse container has more than one button at the top.
Write yourself an organizer or restock agent for Gold and Nightshade, set the destination container to your hot bag, set the organizer/restock button to your Gold/Nightshade creation, and push the corresponding button rather than loot all. This will "loot" the gold and nightshade from any container into your hot bag, leaving things you don't want behind. (If you're using Pinco's UI, I believe you can expand this to filter items by property.)
You can also write yourself a macro with Action>Other>Vacuum that will execute an organizer (Gold,Nightshade) on all open containers except your main backpack. So, if you killed 5 critters and opened all their corpses, then ran Vacuum, it would run the organizer on each container (corpse). However, it would take a while to run, as Vacuum would be moving up to 2 items per container at 5 containers (2*5 =10), at 1 second per item. You'd need to stand still for 10 seconds, or set a macro delay of 10s, for the Vaccuum to work properly.
Anyway, yes, selective looting is native to the default EC. You can combine it with Target Nearest Object, Target Next Object, objects being the corpses at your feet, to reduce button clicking even further.
Sorry popps.