Phoenix Auction ~ September 9th @ 7 PM Central

LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234

Please join us for our next auction! There is still time to enter items for auction, if you have any items that you wish to auction off, please place them in the mailbox at the auction house located South of Luna directly across from Luna Fairgrounds. 

Thank you for reading through the Auction House rules, please refer to these any time you have a question.


The auction will have a maximum of 35-40 items
Submissions should be placed in the mailbox at the auction house

Place your item(s) in a backpack with a book
In the book MUST be the following information:
-Item(s) Name
-Your Name
-Your contact info (ICQ/Discord)
-Minimum bid(s) for your item(s)

The house charges 5% commission on all sales


There will be one item at the auction up for lottery
Lottery ticket prices are based on the price of the item
Winners MUST be present during the drawing at the end of the auction


To avoid long drawn out bidding wars, you must bid in the following increments:

0 - 1 Million Gold - 100K Bids
1 Million - 50 Million Gold - 1 Million Gold Bids
50 Million - 100 Million Gold - 5 Million Gold Bids
100 Million Gold and up - 10 Million Gold Bids

NO PETS! There is a public hitching post outside of the Auction House for your use

Auction lists will be posted the day before the auction
A herald with auction lists books will be available at the house the day of the auction


  • I have dropped off my items.  Can't wait!
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,234

    The time is almost upon us!

    Phoenix Auction is tomorrow!

    List of items up for Auction:

    Deed for a Stone Ankh 
    Deed for a Lighthouse 
    Sakkhran Bird of Prey 
    Pirate Shield Recipe 
    Fuedal Grip Recipe 
    Soulstone Fragment Token 
    Smuggler's Edge 
    Serpent's Jawbone Not Shard-bound 
    Fey Tali Set 
    Abyssal Infernal Statuette 
    +25 Stat Scroll 
    Crystal Ball of Knowledge 
    Triton Statue 
    Elemental Cameo 
    Sherry the Mouse Statue 
    Statue from Heritage Token
    Feudal Grips 
    Field Garden Bed 
    First-Aid Belt 
    Blackthorns Epaulettes transmogged onto a tabard 
    Mark of the Destroyer
    Tamer Builder Kit(120 Vet/Lore/Tame, Lvl 3 Primer, 5.0 SoT)
    120 Spellweaving/Lvl 3 Spellweaving Primer 
    Wildfire Ostard 
    +5 Stat Scroll x 5 
    Mark of Travesty(Discord/Music)
    Small Soulforge
    LRC Suit 
    Splintering Kryss 
    Tinker Legs


    TIckets will be 2 Million Gold each.

    Hope to see everyone there!

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