Family Secrets, Part Three

EM ObsidianEM Obsidian Posts: 361Event Moderator

Family Secrets, Part Three


                Moreno carefully inspected the magical flute that was wrapped in an elegant silk cloth.

“So that’s it? Just like that?” Inquired Moreno. Roysia shot him a grin and replied:

“Just like that.”

Moreno held the flute out in front of him, carefully inspecting it and admiring the elegant carvings, runic inscriptions and sounds being emitted from the instrument.

“You understand that you can never go back. He will be after you for the rest of your days.” Said Moreno. Roysia nodded and replied:

“I assure you; I have no problems with remaining unseen. However, he will be after you for the rest of your days…”

Moreno chuckled as he motioned to Ansen Siphh to take the flue for inspection. Ansen took the flute and carefully looked it over.

“Where can we fit you in our operations I wonder?” Inquired Moreno as he looked towards Roysia. He then continued:

“News of your deceit has not spread as of yet, perhaps you can infiltrate Trinsic and the elf that has been after us?”

Roysia sat back in the chair and pondered for a few moments before replying:

“Tanila is blood lust; she will not stop until you are dead. You and your men murdered her beloved after all.”

Moreno sat with a blank look on his face as he recalled the investigator Ivasaar whom hailed from Trinsic and how he was placed in charge of investigating the Britain mint heist several months back.

“She doesn’t seem like the one who can be bartered with or paid off I am assuming?” Inquired Moreno. Roysia shook her head and replied:

“Not a chance. Her only purpose in life, and perhaps death is to bring you to justice.”

Moreno grinned slightly as he took a sip from his mug of ale. He then looked over to Ansen who was inspecting the flute that Roysia had stolen from King Blackthorn. After observing Ansen staring blankly and not blinking for several moments Moreno inquired:

“Ansen… Ansen! What is it?” Ansen looked up a bit confused as he set the flute down on the table. After gathering his senses, he replied:

“It is legit, there is no doubt about it. What… what can you possibly be interested in this vile magic for?”

Moreno chuckled slightly and replied:

“A bargaining chip if you will. The King needs this… We need payment.”

The tent was filled with silence, but yet filled with the sounds of music as Moreno, Ansen and Roysia observed the flute that was resting on the table in front of them.

                The silence and observing was broken up by a bright flash of light and loud explosion that followed from farther into the jungles on the island. Moreno and Ansen quickly stood up and headed towards the windows of the tent they were meeting inside of.

“Looks like it came from further inside the island.” Said Moreno.

While the two were squinting into the thick jungle overgrowth, another explosion could be heard, this time from the opposite side of the tent. The two quickly rushed over and looked out and observed several ships bearing the crest of Lord Blackthorn and that of the Royal Navy. The cannons being fired from the ships, the source of the explosions on the island.

“What the, what is this!?” A visibly shaken Moreno inquired as he looked over towards Roysia.

“I brought some friends.” Replied Roysia…
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