Cannot use clothing bless deed on gargish cloth items
in Bugs
Clothing bless deed doesn't work ("this bless deed is for Clothes only.") on various gargish cloth items:
- Gargish cloth chest
- Gargish cloth arms
- Gargish cloth kilt
- named/loot artifact variations of the above.
for obvious reasons”
However, if you convert it to the (cloth) elegant collar of fortune, wham, you can now use a clothing bless deed on it. I wouldn't classify that as an exploit, would you?
"For obvious reasons" -- do you think there would be an "exploit" for gargish cloth items?
I don't think it'd be an exploit to allow gargish cloth items to use clothing bless deeds.
A tradeoff with cloth items is they cannot be enhanced, if memory serves. (on top of the other tradeoffs with cloth).
Humans also have the cloth ninja hood -- clothing bless deed works on that.