Recipe not contained in recipe book

FextheElfFextheElf Posts: 37
Hi sorry idk if is properly a bug but i dug up a recipe for howering wisp and in the recipe book there is no the slot for that.

Ty for help


  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,388Moderator
    This is a change made in publish 103:
    The Hovering Wisp no longer requires a recipe to craft, and recipes are no longer available as Heartwood Quest rewards.  This corrects an issue where multiple items had the same recipe ID and caused issues with the new recipe book.
    Unfortunately although the recipe is no longer available from Heartwood, it still can be found in treasure chests.  So in reality, the 'bug' is that the recipe drops in chests, the recipe book is not bugged.
  • ok ty
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