Gift of renoob
"Not only does everyone now have 800+ skill points due to cuffs of archmage, various talismans, and 8+ mod jewelery.
Apparently that is not enough, and we all get a free skill spellweaving.
Gift of renewal at 0 skill level 6 circle gives +11 hit points every 2 seconds for 90 seconds, (that's 180 hit point heal)
Attunement at 0 skill gives 57 kinetic shield at level 6 circle.
AND no reagents required?? so you don't even need a single LRC piece.
Not necessary in my opinion to be castable at 0(JoaT) skill. And you don't need to break spell focusing to have it. There are enough +skill already in game where if i want to invest in spellweaving i should have to actually use some of those skill points.
Of all the spells in the spellweaving spellbook, I would actually say that gift of renewal should need 120 skill, and attunement 100"
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Until/Unless something is done, you wont find us logging on this game. Facts.
i do carry talismans of ward removal however the recharge times are 1200seconds compared to the cool-down of 120 seconds of the spells. Also official client allows a max of 4 macros to arm these. One of these is used by your standard dress macro, another is used for spell focusing sash or slayer talisman/s, I have managed to find slayer talismans of ward removal to save a macro slot. There is an exploit to recharge the talismans by placing them on vendors/mannequins).
All of my chars use gift of renewal and attunement, I even use another bug/exploit to give an additional Faster casting to attunement
ill assume there’s no limit to dress macros on gay’s client”
Honestly, this game really isn't as hard as you make it out to be.