House fell in last few days, anyone grab Soulstones?

Hello. Pardon the sudden introduction. It has been a while since I was active, and I can't even find the stratics forums I had posted on from time to time. Formerly known as DirtyOldMan (yeah, I know) on Catskills, changed the character name to Loren and eventually moved to GL. 

Was on an island, I would call the west coast of said Island. No dungeon entrances, just trees, a few other houses and I think you could dig/mine sand in a few spots. Borg cube-ish but I had a porch with 2 chaos symbols and a purple cat on the mailbox said "thanks for all the fun catskills - mesanna" (i think).

Just busy with RL and [insert list of excuses here], I screwed up. I read the last set of IDOC updates as 95 days. 90 = the IDOC process to take at least 5 days. I got the "account sub expired due to cc expiration" on Apr 28. Currently located in Alaska but regardless I resubbed for 6 months (oops kinda) with new card last night, which was Aug 2 evening AKDT ... an yup Aug 1 was day 95. I logged in and ...hey! look at that grass. Yeah, feels bad. My fault entirely.

If anyone happened upon the IDOC and is willing to return or even sell (I have 66mil and change) back some things let me know. Sigh. I always did keep thinking about making a Siege account lol.

Kinda hard to remember but I think I had about 12 Soulstones, tons of magic bandage making fountains, 6 large planters that didnt need maintenance. I dont know how much of that poofs when it falls. I know all the mats and furniture I made did. Recreating everything is possible given enough time .. but then again after I changed computers and didnt bother to migrate settings, honestly, resetting each characters UI exactly the way I had it before was what kept me from deep diving back into it. Even had all the pieces of ore to make mining and smelting super easy. (Think Storm's mining tutorial back in the day. Need fire beetle and patience to setup. Then it rocked). 

Roast me, toast me, share your stories. Maybe I will see you in game sometime. 


  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,783
    Soulstones are deleted now.
    sorry to hear that you lost everything.

    fountain of life and raised gardens can be purchased with sovreigns
    from the in game store
     (sovreigns purchased through Origin and code applied to mythic account)
    or you might be able to purchase some from vendor search.
  • LorenLoren Posts: 2
    Thank you for your reply.
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