Celebrate the Moonglow Royal Zoo during National Zookeeper's Week and Win 25 Million Gold!

TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
edited July 2022 in Chesapeake
The Moonglow Royal Zoo is celebrating National Zookeeper's Week! During this week, July 18th through July 24th, Moonglow will focus on restocking our zoo with glorious animals from around the realm!

During that time, I will be at the zoo's entrance (by the donation box) every night from 6p-7p EDT, accepting animals and gold donations towards the rebuilding of the zoo. Of course, donations are ALWAYS welcome but will not count towards the contest I'm about to tell you about!

At the end of the week, the following prizes will be awarded:

Most animals: 25 Million Gold and a choice of the following Contribution statues from the Community Collection Rewards: Quagmire, Bake Kitsune, Wolf, Changeling, Reptalon, Polar Bear, Snake

Most points:   Item(s) up to 500 Sovereigns in the UO store and the choice of one of the following Interactive statues from the Community Collection Rewards: Silver Steed, Quagmire, Bake Kitsune, Dire Wolf, Crane, Polar Bear, Changeling, Reptalon (or any of the Community Collection Reward Statues listed above)

Tamers of all skills are welcome to donate to the Zoo! If you have someone taming for you and handing off the animal to you to donate, that's great too! If you need a gate from your taming area, please let me know so I can mark a rune and gate you directly to the donation box!

The zoo is currently at Tier 4. The highest I have seen is Tier 11. 

Below are the points assigned by UO and gold is one point per 15gp. 

You can find additional information about the Community Collection rewards here.

See you at the Zoo!
Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
Governor of Moonglow

Discord: txeggplant


  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178
    To answer a question asked on stratics ... yes you can have me mark animals/contributions off to another character. 
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178

    I am happy to report that the Moonglow Zoo has been fully stocked!!!! The contest will continue through tomorrow, Sunday, July 24th, to add additional points for upkeep and the contest results will be reported shortly after.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! Thank you to ALL the contributors! It's so nice to see the zoo come back to life :)

    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • JamesJames Posts: 94
    Congratulations on a Fantastic Accomplishment! 
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178

    The Moonglow Royal Zoo requests the following people attend the PaxLair meeting this Tuesday @ 9p EDT at the PaxLair Teahouse, located just east of the Homare-Jima moongate:

    Adelin, Bloodlust, Borganne, Cutthroat Sally, Eight Ball, Lady Flen, Full Moon, Grobschmieder, Scarlett and a representative for the City of Yew.

    If you see any of these people out and about, please let them know their presence is requested. Thank you!

    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • TXEggplantTXEggplant Posts: 178

    Hello! I want to thank everyone who contributed during the Moonglow Zoo Fundraising Drive!

    It was a great success, and the zoo is once again teeming with life! Thank you all for everything you do and thank you all especially for this!

    Last week, contributors collectively donated 594 animals to the zoo! What an accomplishment!

    The point total for all the contributions was … it’s so amazing … 25,004,031!!!

    I believe that gives us quite a buffer but I will be keeping a close eye on it so your hard work is not forgotten nor is it in vain.

    Thank you again and we hope you have all recovered from your taming PTSD by next year’s event *smiles*

    Here's how it broke down :)

    Most Number of Animals

    Borganne - 330 

    Adelin- 162

    Eight Ball - 40

    Cutthroat Sally - 39

    Grobschmeider - 10

    Scarlett - 7

    Full Moon - 4

    Lady Flen - 2

    Borganne won 25 million gold and picked a statue from the Zoo as his reward.

    Most Points

    Borganne - 13, 409,122

    Cutthroat Sally - 11,340,009

    Bloodlust - 200,000

    Adelin - 35,820

    Eight Ball - 10,000

    Grobschmeider - 5,500

    Scarlett - 2,600

    Lady Flen - 800 (Lady Flen, I have an award for you. Please contact me!)

    Full Moon - 180

    Borganne won item(s) up to 500 sovereigns in the UO store and a statue from the Zoo as his reward. 

    I hope all of you enjoy the sounds of happy animals in the zoo as you run across our fair island! And once again, thanks to ALL who supported this fundraiser!

    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
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