PvM in Tram, Flagged as a Criminal in Fel on Recall
in Bugs
Hi. I was recently out hunting ships. I was partied with another player. We were playing in Trammel. We killed all the riffraff and then started in on the pirate. I put down a reaper and then recalled to my house in Felucca to drop items off. Three different times, with three different ships I was immediately flagged as a criminal when I landed at my house. Never attacked anything in Fel, just recalled in and walked into my house.
Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
fight pirates in TRAM
summon REAPER
recall to house in FEL while reaper kills pirate in TRAM
Reaper hits pirate in TRAM and it flags him because he is in FEL at his house unloading
How hard is that to understand, what you need a video of everything.
It was definitely against a red pirate in Tram. Not blue. We had killed everything on the ship but plenty of time had passed because we looted the ship, I had recalled to the bank to drop off liquor bottles and recalled back to pick up the cargo then recalled to my house (where I was immediately flagged as a criminal).
At first, I thought maybe I had hit my guildmate or idk something but then it happened two other times.
Thanks, guys, for trying to reproduce this!
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
As @yoshi said, you can recall away immediately.
My buff bar does not show heat of battle.
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant
Governor of Moonglow
Discord: txeggplant