It's been 10 years since I did bods questions
It used to be if you wanted clothing blessed deeds you had to fill specific bids with that as the reward. I think i understand it's now a point system and turning in any bod gives you points?
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
The cloth 5 part will get it.
Any leather will get it.
But the easiest thing to do is figure out what large leather you can fill and bribe the pieces up to 20 exceptional Barbed. Because you will probably take years to get Horned non exceptional 20 piece on all the BODs.
Banking points is not useful to get points build up. Pick a reward and do a Large BOD that will max bribe to get that many points or more.
@Victim_Of_Siege provided some very nice links. Another new system is the Bribe system, make sure you read up on it also.