logging out/in exploits

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited March 2022 in Bugs
"Have received clearance to open duplcate thread due to changes in pet mechanics. Namely the following additional pet safeguards have been introduced:

  • Bonded Pets can no longer go wild
  • Pub 112 hotfix, Dead bonded pets will now teleport with their owners (when changing servers)
1: Players who suffer genuine connection loss/power outage/client crash have their pet dissapear immediately to stable while the player remains ingame and pet is no longer guarding player, player normally logs in dead, and can cause loss of items. (Pet should remain in game defending char and get autostabled when player logs out)

1: players logging out/in to prevent pets dying during combat
2: players logging out/in to summon pets to locations where pet summoning is prohibited, EG  ilshenar, Eodan, all ML dungeons, and the Great Stygian Abyss
3: players logging out/in to be able to continue to allow pets to continue fight when they themselves are dead, risk free, so the victim has to expel much time/hp/mana to defend themselves VS a 5 slot pet with 1500 hp/mana. And cannot even kill pet as owner logs out when pet is redlined, rendering it invincible.
4: players logging out/in to summon pet to bypass being revealed or being disrupted when using a pet ball of summoning.
5: players logging out/in to summon pets to bypass using powder of location charges on pet balls of summoning
6: players logging out/in to retrieve non bonded pets (normally recently tamed from locations where gate travelling is not allowed) EG travel to Eodan, tame a najasaurus, recall to stables, use log out/in to summon pet to stables rather than play game as intended to negotiate new pet out of dangerous location. (- This also can mean a loss of revenue from UO store from pet bonding potions.)

All issues resolved by following small adjustments:
a) pet to be auto stabled only when character fully logs out of game (pet to remain in game defending character while character remains in game)

b) for non mounted pets to be retrieved from the stables upon log in (this is currently the case anyway if you log out when dead)

c) auto stable to only be active for bonded pets

Adjustments will only fix exploits and will not cause loss of any pets.
Will place less demand on log-in servers too"

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  • gaygay Posts: 406
    Sounds like you're just upset that you couldn't kill someone's pet before they logged it out, then sprinkled some trammy nerd stuff on top and called logging pets out an exploit.

    Leave the veiled and biased agenda out of generating bug reports.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “Conflict of interest declaration: i play a tamer (among other templates)” 
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited March 2022
    Conflict of interest declaration: I do not play a tamer anymore (in pvp). I am fine with tamers being able to log their pets out to prevent death. Because that's exactly what the log out protection mechanic was intended to be used for.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2022
    “Haha I don’t think it was, it was introduced to prevent the loss of pets (pets going wild if someone lost connection and couldn’t reconnect - pets would stay ingame until user relogged) but it is interesting that your thought of it being used to prevent death of pet just goes to show how widely it is exploited

    If you use this mechanic to log out to prevent pet death it is most definitely an exploit

    pet death is an intended mechanic, that is why they turn to ghosts and can be resurrected by people with veterinary or stable NPCs”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • gaygay Posts: 406
    edited March 2022
    Preventing pet death via logging out is an intended mechanic, that is why it was never changed after pet bonding was added. If it wasn't intended, then it would have been changed like 20 years ago. Just because people generally _dont_ hunt with unbonded pets, doesn't mean that there aren't those who bond a pet before hunting with it and subsequently take the risk of it dying, and if pets were never meant to permanently die after they were tamed then bonding would be instant and there wouldn't be a 7 day wait to bond a pet or a pet ponding potion you can buy in exchange for real money.

    But please tell elaborate on how one person not being able to log their pet out to prevent it from dying will have any significant impact on the login servers, because that's what I really want to hear. lmao

    Also don't get me wrong, I love killing people's pets, but the basis of your entire argument is just... well for lack of a better word. It's just dumb.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,083
    If you are willing to turn off pet stat loss i can support this..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited March 2022
    “You realise that people using official classic client to PvP actually can’t log out to “save their pet” currently?
    that is, if you do you lose all the health bars. There is no mobiles bar on official classic client. And it’s just not worth the 20 mins it takes to grab bars again. So it is generally only those on EC and unofficial client who log out to prevent their horse dying anyway, you prob didn’t know that as it’s prob been a while since you’ve played official client

    For lack of a better word..

    Also, there is no statute of limitations on bugs, I can show some that are older than this.

    i should also add:

    Single slot Vanity pets are also now able to be resurrected in trammel with a bandage without the veterinary skill.

    @McDougle not sure why you’re worried about a 0.1 loss when there is the whispering spell now to get triple pet gains. “

    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Thank you for the report.
This discussion has been closed.