Publish 112 Feedback Thread



  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2022
    "hmm, after more testing you are correct, physical damage IS being dealt against players

    but not reflected"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • I mean do you want the video for it ? have you tested it on players actually or only in pvm. It is clear evident on my video every time I did it with 54% physical vs 70%, FWW always did +20 dmg on average
  • quickbladequickblade Posts: 323
    edited February 2022

    first one is vs 54% physical and Hit points drop to 52
    second one is vs 70% physical and hit point drop to 72

    I did it 5 times , and every time was same result
    Done with 100% poison wakizachi on test server
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    edited February 2022

    when you add the kegs to the Potion Vat
    are they supposed to say "a Keg of red liquid"?

    I purchased the potions from a NPC alhemist
    in potion kegs that I crafted myself on TC
    (character who added them to Vat, was GM alchemist)

    or is another skill required for the name to appear on the list?
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    If i remember right, you used to have to use a skill to ID the different levels of potions... taste id or something. I remember getting poisoned alot checking different poison levels.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Pawain said:
    The Chalice can be locked down and set to public.

    You only need 1 per shard.  It literally does what @ popps asked for.

    The devs took a players request and made an item that matched it.

    Seth said:
    keven2002 said:
    Seth said:

    The chalice is not supposed to be God mode in Fel where you get to do as many spawns as you can in 2 hours without fear of being PK'ed. Come on now. How watered down are you trying to make the game? lol
    What is it that you are afraid monsters would loot from you, that you feel it's worth a vet reward? I mean, it cannot be an insurable item or an item in fel.

    Is there anything in Tram that we are so worried about monsters looting from our corpse? 

    Maybe perhaps the next Event they will make cursed minor arties so then we will find the statue useful, for 2 hours a day. Then it's no longer watered down, but a necessity and 2 hours become too short  :D
    Did @popps asked for the Chalice... wow, and santa delivers.

    What do monsters loot?
    Gold, trap boxes, petals, imbuing resources, mining resources? 

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Seth said:
    Pawain said:
    The Chalice can be locked down and set to public.

    You only need 1 per shard.  It literally does what @ popps asked for.

    The devs took a players request and made an item that matched it.

    Seth said:
    keven2002 said:
    Seth said:

    The chalice is not supposed to be God mode in Fel where you get to do as many spawns as you can in 2 hours without fear of being PK'ed. Come on now. How watered down are you trying to make the game? lol
    What is it that you are afraid monsters would loot from you, that you feel it's worth a vet reward? I mean, it cannot be an insurable item or an item in fel.

    Is there anything in Tram that we are so worried about monsters looting from our corpse? 

    Maybe perhaps the next Event they will make cursed minor arties so then we will find the statue useful, for 2 hours a day. Then it's no longer watered down, but a necessity and 2 hours become too short  :D
    Did @ popps asked for the Chalice... wow, and santa delivers.

    What do monsters loot?
    Gold, trap boxes, petals, imbuing resources, mining resources? 

    The mean monsters were looting poor popps and it made him sad 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,131
    Monsters looting was not an issue with Monsters' corpses having their timer long enough NOT to have their corpse decay before the players was able to get ressed, go to their characters' corpse and re-equipped with whatever was not insured and not looted, and THEN go to the Monster, kill it (if they could find in a mess of a Spawn to find which MoB actually stole from them in the first place...) or get to that particular MoB's corpse and retrieve their stolen items.

    What changed ALL of this, was the Treasures Of Events and their MUCH reduced MoBs' corpses decay rate as well as the high likeliness for players' characters to get killed and, thus, looted by MoBs.

    With players' characters dyeing all the time, getting looted all the time even of items as simple and as "dime a dozen" as one might want, AND of Treasures Of artifact drops if one did not insure them fast enough.

    Not every player uses Third Party, illegal "auto-scripts" which automatically insure any and all drops the split second which they get into a player's character.... many players, still have to do it manually and, be it their coloring and some players being color blind, be it the fact that some items are small, like a ring, a skinning knife etc. not always, in the heat of a messy spawn, a player can actually find in their backpack that Artifact drop to immediately insure it....

    And they DO get looted by MoBs...

    So, what happened with the MUCH increased decay rate of MoBs at these Treasures Of Events, was that too often, players' characters could get killed, looted or sometimes trivial stuff like petals which still was a pain to always and continuously have to restock.... sometimes important Treasures Of Artifact drop, and because of MoBs decay rate having been increased greatly, by the time that the player got ressed, re-equipped and back to the area, that MoB's corpse that looted them was gone for good, and all of their looted items with it.

    Once, twice, thrice might be OK, but at Treasures' Of Events this happens ALL the time and even getting to loose a "dime a dozen" petals, potions all the time OR, important Treasures Of Artifact drops which cost much time for that player to get (not all players are "drops' machines"... some experience a rate of 4-5 drops an hour so, losing one to Monsters looting it means 15-20 minutes of their time wasted all for nothing...) became, then, intollerable.

    I think that the Developers have done it RIGHT, to produce this Calice and make it not possible for MoBs to loot players so that the above lamented, won't repeat.

    You guys can think it a useless addition as much as you want, but you guys are not the only players of Ultima Online, there is a whole lot of other players who, instead, will find this addition MUCH usefull and important to make their gaming experience in Ultima Online more enjoyable and a lot less frustrating.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    So there is a use... but imho it's not worth a vet reward (12mths x $ x years). Maybe this should be classic dungeon rare drop, or a minor reward for next Event worth say 10 minor arties.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    There have been a few posts saying items in the vet reward list aren't worth a vet pick. So let me ask, what would be worth a vet pick? Bearing in mind vet rewards are meant to be not game breaking, nice to have but not necessary to play. After so many years of coming up with vet rewards I'm sure the devs would welcome one or two logical, realistic, not OTT suggestions.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    Seth said:

    Seth said:
    keven2002 said:
    Seth said:

    What do monsters loot?
    Gold, trap boxes, petals, imbuing resources, mining resources? 

    monsters will loot anything that you loot.
    when by myself I will loot scrolls, regs, anything used in crafting (wool, spools of thread)
    & that is usually the first thing they will loot

    last time I was doing the vicious macaws
    someone requested help and I didn't take the time to empty my pack.
    And all of my foil was looted .

    During the Treasures of events
    they would steal the maps out of the paragon chests.

    (I am glad they gave us the Chalice)
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544
    I think the chalice is a good idea. It is a fairly elegant solution to the feedback a lot of us gave on the chest. Since it's such a low vet reward if you don't feel like choosing it for yourself I'm sure you'll find a publicly available one somewhere.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    If my second accounts vet reward gump would come back, Origin would already have a Chalice. I think it's a perfect solution. And yes monsters loot a LOT of stuff so this will be helpful.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2022
    Yoshi said:
    "actually after further testing, both on live shard and on TC, the frenzied whirlwind damage does always deal the damage type of the weapon, so this is fine, in my opininion working as intended.

    Meaning if you hit say an energy vortex with frenzied whilwind with a 100% energy weapon, you still deal no damage

    However the shield bash thing going on here is very bad"

    "I made a huge mistake in my method testing, i was erroneously hitting a guilded Energy Vortex with an energy damage weapon, and so the whirlwind attack did not affect the target.

    as quicklblade showed Whirlwind attack does ofcourse deal physical damage

    not just in PvP but PvM too"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    There have been a few posts saying items in the vet reward list aren't worth a vet pick. So let me ask, what would be worth a vet pick? Bearing in mind vet rewards are meant to be not game breaking, nice to have but not necessary to play. After so many years of coming up with vet rewards I'm sure the devs would welcome one or two logical, realistic, not OTT suggestions.

    Yup, remember once I asked for a page or thread where we can keep ideas from players? There are many ideas buried in this forum over the years + those at Stratics perhaps.

    If there could be a wishlist that we can constantly review and vote up, in fact the Devs won't have to waste time or crack their brains, or risk getting backfired by making a wrong decision.

    Even a simple poll like uoguide.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2022
    There have been a few posts saying items in the vet reward list aren't worth a vet pick. So let me ask, what would be worth a vet pick? Bearing in mind vet rewards are meant to be not game breaking, nice to have but not necessary to play. After so many years of coming up with vet rewards I'm sure the devs would welcome one or two logical, realistic, not OTT suggestions.
    I think there have been several ideas thrown out (based on many of these rewards being 'meh") or even just some simple ideas to improve these items. I won't go through and list them all as there are a TON that have been thrown out (both good and bad ideas) but here are few:

    Current vet rewards:
    • Carto table - Allow a 1 touch use like the chalice that adds +5 to carto for X time. My original suggestion was for it to work like a town stone and last for 24 hours but it could just be for 2 hours too.
    • Autoloom - Allow it to accept hides and make them "cut leather". Also remove the weight restrictions from it so that if we have a commodity deed of 5000 hides (or 5k thread/wool) we don't need to sit there taking 400stones of weight to convert over and over.
    • Potion Vat - Just let it accept all potions (stacks) & kegs. They did the right thing but allowing more than 1 potion type but nobody really uses potion kegs anymore unless they are just old and laying around; and they have the be full to use the vat (added restriction). Allowing all stacks of potions and kegs would easily free up 50+ items from a house.
    New ideas: 

    • Resource "converter" - This builds on the idea of the Autoloom changing hides into cut leather but applies to all resources outside of ore which requires skills to convert and wouldn't have a weight limit. It would essentially work like a fancy salvage bag where you drop something in and choose what to do. It would convert hides into cut leather, logs into boards, boards into shafts (this takes 0 fletching just like converting leather takes 0 tailor etc). 
    • Resources "container" -  This is a generic idea and could easily turned into several separate rewards (like "Smith's ingot pouch") but that essentially would be a secure container someone can lock down in their house and add their resources whatever they might be (if we use the Smith pouch it would only be ingots) and only use 1 lock down. My vote would be to allow all refined resources to be added (ingots/boards/granite/cloth/leather) and possibly cap it at 15 items per container so they need to use a couple.
    • A book case / BOD book case - This container would accept up to 125 "books" and only account for 1 item. So it would take 125 spellbooks and take the equivalent BOD books (I think 5 BODs = 1 item so it would take a BOD book with up to 624 BODs).
    • New rideable ethereals for ONLY players with accounts 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 (shield is given for 25 years). That would be 4 new ethereal statues that could only be ridden once your account is that age. Let's be consistent on honoring people who have paid 20+ years to keep their accounts open. 
    • Veteran luck statue - This would stack with the other lucky sculptures and just give a flat 250-500 luck for 24 hours. Keeping with the idea of consistency, maybe make this a 5 year reward and only players 5 years or older can use? Or make it account bound? Either way This is something I'd probably claim for myself.
    Again these are just a few items that are not even close to game changing that I have thought of myself. There have been a few other suggestions I've seen that would be realistic rewards too.

    @Kyronix - Thoughts?
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