Issue with TC house contest stone left MANY designs out of the contest



  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,232
    edited January 2022
    The Trinsic Rose is on there twice...150 and 157. Going through the ones that were just added today.

    I am glad they added that one, the pictures Threnody posted didn't do it justice!

    nvm I guess she did two of them...maybe might not want to name them both the same, very confusing!

  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    Posting for Lady Sparkles:

    The Extreme Log Cabin is at 34o 16'N 25o 44'W (Malas) Sierra is the owner of the Castle
    White Stone Manor is at 34o 21'N 24o 19'E (Malas) Sparkles is the owner of the Castle
  • RubyKnightRubyKnight Posts: 192
    edited January 2022
    My 2 did not make it to the stone and I entered them on day 3 of the contest. I feel that they should wipe all votes until they fix their mistake. I work full time so I cannot pop into game when a Dev posts that they will be at brit commons.  I think it is pretty unfair to those going onto the stone late. Seems like a bunch of people got an advantage in voting by getting on the stone. Actually, if they just wipe the stone clean and give a few days for everyone to re-enter the contest would be a good solution. I won't hold my breath.

    Knightly Castle is at 74o 06' N 58o 30'E (Tram) Ruby Knight is the owner
    Castle Byers is at 53o 32'N 28o 29'E (Tram) The Lusty Wench is the owner
    ICQ 568300481
  • azukiazuki Posts: 4

    Castle Name: Seaside Ruins

    Facet: Trammel

    Coordinates: 72o 25’S 32o 20E

  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    Archangel said:
    Kaz said:
    I dont think its going to matter in the end.  Im sitting here at the stone watching people gate in their voters. 

    The folks who bribe or are a part of large guilds will be controlling which designs make it to the end.  
    Nobody needs to gate in anyone as all toons are born here with a rune book with 9999 charges, and a preset rune to the bank 10 paces east. 
    Yesterday I too had a gate open full time for mepole AT the stone to go visit my house , while my place was not on the stone yet... and bystanders went into the gate, and came back again through the constantly open gate.. to and from my house.
    So please stop the conspiracy theories!
    not really a conspiracy theory unfortunately, I went through the gate they were doing and it went to New Haven town square... I wouldnt have posted if the gate went a house...
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    I can understand some frustration surrounding this but my take on the voting is, if you’ve built a place and hope to get into the finals or ultimately win, you’re going to vote for your own design. So you’ll be patient with yourself and wait for your design to show up on the stone. 

    If you’ve got friends and guild mates you’re looking to recruit to vote for your design then you were most likely able to tell them your design wasn’t showing on the stone. And they’ll most likely be patient and wait for your design to show up.

    And if you’re hoping you’ll get votes from players who like to look at all the designs available before they vote, I think there’s little to fear about not having a chance for your design to be seen. 

    Because there’s no way players had a chance to look at all the designs on the stone before the devs showed up and started to fix the issue. They got there quickly and stayed for a long time. And came back the following day. 

    Given how much chat there was on TC there’s no way players who were touring the castles didn’t see what was going on and wouldn’t know more entries were going to be added. 

    I don’t think what happened will make much if any of a difference in the outcome. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    LilyGrace said:
    I can understand some frustration surrounding this but my take on the voting is, if you’ve built a place and hope to get into the finals or ultimately win, you’re going to vote for your own design. So you’ll be patient with yourself and wait for your design to show up on the stone. 

    If you’ve got friends and guild mates you’re looking to recruit to vote for your design then you were most likely able to tell them your design wasn’t showing on the stone. And they’ll most likely be patient and wait for your design to show up.

    And if you’re hoping you’ll get votes from players who like to look at all the designs available before they vote, I think there’s little to fear about not having a chance for your design to be seen. 

    Because there’s no way players had a chance to look at all the designs on the stone before the devs showed up and started to fix the issue. They got there quickly and stayed for a long time. And came back the following day. 

    Given how much chat there was on TC there’s no way players who were touring the castles didn’t see what was going on and wouldn’t know more entries were going to be added. 

    I don’t think what happened will make much if any of a difference in the outcome. 
    But if i had seen say xyz i wouldn't have voted for pdq so it of course makes a difference....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,023
    If you’re someone who’s going to vote before seeing many designs then it is what it is. You’ve already decided to cut most of the designs out of the running without ever having seen them. 

    The problem was noticed right away. The devs were working on the problem right away. There were 108 designs on the stone to start. There’s no way players got through many of those before it was a known issue that would have come to the attention of those calling off the stone. 
  • cmtoopcmtoop Posts: 5

    My castle is not on the stone. I tied to reach a GM for 2 days then noticed on login it said to come here. Castle location Deceit Island Felucca. Castle name is Hidden River. Architect is Gerand. Thank you.

  • cmtoopcmtoop Posts: 5

    btw, I second what RubyKnight had to say.

  • icyhoticyhot Posts: 2
    House name: My Place  House maker: Ben Location: Fel Deceit  Please add it.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Just becoming more and more laughable!! Seriously wipe the votes extend entry by a week then two weeks for voting just admit as a team you made mistakes and fix it for once...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • rippleripple Posts: 2
    Please addition

    Castle name: A mansion built on the ruins of a castle with two old towers

    maker: ripple

    Co-ordinates: 120o 25'N, 174o 23'W

    North of Deceit isle  

    Facet: Felucca

    Thank you

  • niboshiniboshi Posts: 1
    edited January 2022
    Not registered in the castle customization contest.
    Castle name: the old fortress of willows
    maker:xiao lin
    Facet: Trammel
    Coordinates: 62o 19N, 61o 6E
    please! :'(

  • AsariAsari Posts: 1
    I entered the contest 7 days ago, but my catsle isn't on the list. Please add it.
    Castle Name: Martan Iwatey
    Maker: Lopia
    Facet: Malas 
    Coords: 65o 8'N, 45o 8'W
    edited January 2022

    Castle Name:  Mugen Kawaii Castle  
    Owner: OGIWAN
    Facet: Malas 
    Coords: 7.1N 33.15E

    Please resister my castle
  • rippleripple Posts: 2
    Castle name: A mansion built on the ruins of a castle with two old towers

    maker: ripple

    Co-ordinates: 120o 25'N, 174o 23'W

    North of Deceit isle  

    Facet: Felucca   Trammel  [I made a mistake]

    Thank you

  • kanakana Posts: 1
    edited January 2022
  • Please register the castle. 

    Castellan: Hazedon 
    Castle name  Renaissance villa
    城の名前  ルネッサンスヴィラ

    Facet: Trammel  
    Coords: 50o 6'N, 35o 38'E
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    @Bleak i am being told EJ accounts can use the brown portal to remove EJ status, and can then vote... might wanna remove the gate... maybe wipe the votes and start over after that?
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,232
    I was just about to post that Norry. I just tested it and yes, I was able to vote.

    PLEASE remove that gate, wipe the votes and start fresh once all the new castles have been added!

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    All this for a contest that realistically impacts under a hundred people (castle owners) maybe in future only accounts that own castle or keeps are allowed to enter and vote ..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • cmtoopcmtoop Posts: 5
    edited January 2022

    Coordinate 90.21 N by 162.04 W Deceit Island Fel. Castle: Hidden River: Arch Gerand. Still not added to stone.

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    edited January 2022
    How many EJ accounts do you think did that and then BUILT the castle? I think it would be unfair for someone with 1 paid account that has 2 other EJ accounts to essentially get 3 entries.... also not sure how it would work for someone to place multiple houses on the same account to place entries and then change ownership around ass needed between another account. Should be 1 entry per paid account and honestly 1 entry per person regardless. In my opinion having multiple entries per account like I've seen people post above is like someone bringing their kids along for the extra raffle tickets just so they have more chances to win.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    I wonder if there is a way to wipe characters without resetting the shard. Any ejs that went through the gate could revote
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    McDougle said:
    All this for a contest that realistically impacts under a hundred people (castle owners) maybe in future only accounts that own castle or keeps are allowed to enter and vote ..
    I suspect there's way more castle owners than you imagine. Origin seems quite empty and at least 40 come to mind. Times how many servers?...
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    McDougle said:
    All this for a contest that realistically impacts under a hundred people (castle owners) maybe in future only accounts that own castle or keeps are allowed to enter and vote ..
    Math isn't your strong suit is it.  100 castles total in all of UO, LMAO 4 castles per shard.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,666
    Votes have been reset. Those that voted have to vote again. If they get this memo.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,232
    Greetings Everyone, We have reset all votes for the Custom Castle contest. All eligible houses will be added to the voting list by us so there is nothing you need to do. The voting dates have not changed so be sure to cast your vote for your favorite castle. We apologize for all the confusion with the Castle Contest. This was an error on our part. We have brought TC1 down to fix the issue and it will return within 30 minutes. We appreciate your patience with us! Good Luck, UO Team

    THANK YOU TEAM for fixing it so quickly :)

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