Improve Swing Speed Calculation
by KroDuK ·U'd lure one in room #5 hit n run.. u'd try aiming the trash mobs with whirl wind sometimes u'd lost control of the spawn (if u didn't clear the trash mage and lich fast enough) and needed to retreat -
Anyone get the secured repair crate to work. And how?
by TETSUJIN ·Smith's hammer (#5092) monster drop. this is not repaired by hand either. -
New Legacy Beta Test Weekend #5
by System ·Ultima Online: New Legacy Beta Testing Weekend #5 will commence today, August 23rd at 9 AM ET and conclude Monday, August 26th at 9 AM ET. In anticipation of this release, a new patch is available fo -
Town Cryer Issue #5
by Community Manager · -
ToT points: party penalty (!?)
by creampie ·* Split fighting teams into no more than say 1-4 players, as many mobs are weak, and die too quickly. (related to point #5). -
ToT points: party penalty (!?)
by popps ·* Split fighting teams into no more than say 1-4 players, as many mobs are weak, and die too quickly. (related to point #5). -
ToT points: party penalty (!?)
by ForeverFun ·* Split fighting teams into no more than say 1-4 players, as many mobs are weak, and die too quickly. (related to point #5). -
Looking For A Good Guild To Join
by Kenjo ·my wife and me are looking to join a new guild on the Atlantic shard u can message me at discord at Jarrethil555#5637 -
Lavaliere for sale and/or trade on Atlantic, Origin, Lake Austin or Europa
by HanTelemnar ·Han Telemnar#5858 -
Lavaliere for sale and/or trade on Atlantic, Origin, Lake Austin or Europa
by HanTelemnar ·Discord: Han Telemnar#5858 -
Champion Challenge (2023/3/15)
by Sun ·<Rules #1-#5> -
What is everyone doing now?
by Pawain ·Need an all the above choice below #5. -
What Is The Real World Official Stance On Using Scripts?
by Seth ·January 21 Newsletter #5 -
What Is The Real World Official Stance On Using Scripts?
by AmberWitch ·January 21 Newsletter #5 -
What CC upgrades/fixes would you like to see?
by Lord_Frodo ·page #5 New backpacks and a few added actions -
Last new
by Morgoth ·Back in newsletter #2 you guys seemed quite excited to look at making the Frost Mite and Ossien Ram ridable but then in newsletter #5 that idea was shot down in flames. -
Can target mount with spells while riding
by ForeverFun ·McDougle, if you read my post #5 in this thread, I outline an interpretation that says you should be able to heal pets that are mounted, etc. If they are in range on the battlefield, it should be pos -
1 button tame and release EC macro inside
by zima ·it is much easier to reach me in Discord, Mutt#5435, or post questions on the MECM. MANY Thanks to PINCO for his help with this. He was able to provide the structure and click locations, which is har -
by Nails_Warstein ·House #5 - 550M tentatively ends April 7th 8pm EST -
by Nails_Warstein ·House #5 - 500M tentatively ends April 7th 8pm EST