EM Lyraa
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- EM Lyraa
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- 426
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- Member, Active UO Account, UO EM Account
- Posts
- 188
Greetings, thank you so far for your participation! I have in the meantime already received alot of fish. Unfortunately, all were under the previous record so I can not announce a new top fisherman! But I would be very happy if you continue to be s…
Very nice @burgermab - I like the picture! Yes, we had 4 winners and it was a lovely evening with you all! And yes, I really like these small, fine events. We haven't had one of these in a long time, so I was really happy to be able to spend the gam…
Das bin ich, vielen Dank! Und nun freue ich mich auf ein tolles weiteres Jahr mit euch - auf bald! EM Lyraa
Hallo @burgermab Vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung - naja, sowas passiert noch ab und zu, das kommt ganz auf die Laune der Teilnehmenden an ;-) Hoffe, du bist bald wieder mit dabei (am 21.10. findet wieder ein Event statt). Auf bald! EM Lyraa
Hello @burgermab Thanks again for the kind words - hope you had fun and will be joining us again at the next event! Stay safe and until soon, EM Lyraa
Hallo @burgermab! Oh, vielen Dank für die Blumen! Ich gebe mir Mühe. Mit den neuen EM Tools die wir jetzt erhalten haben, wird es eine Umstellung sein, aber ich denke, damit wird auch wieder etwas mehr Abwechslung in die Events kommen. Ich freue …
Willkommen zurück @burgermab! Ich hoffe, du kannst beim Event von morgen auch dabei sein! Einen schönen Sommer und gute Gesundheit wünsche ich dir! EM Lyraa
@Drakelord Thanks for your response, happy to be there for you and your new pets soon! ;-)
@Trismegistos Danke für die Meldung, ich schaue mal, was ich organisieren kann. Bitte um ein wenig Geduld!
Goblin Quests Name Weight Gewicht Where to get? Wo zu finden? Fisher Fischer Mud Puppy 200 Stones Underworld Tony Fisher Red Herring 197 Stones Underworld …
Handbook Part 6 - Rare Sea Creatures Name Weight Gewicht Where to get? Wo zu fangen? Fisher Fischer Abyssal Dragonfish 161 Stones Destard Dungeon Paul Bocusse Black Ma…
Good morning dear people,unfortunately I need to postpone the next RP/LoF Event. This is the new date: Thursday 25th - Time: 8:30pm CEST (UTC+2). Main RP/LoF Event: Mariah's Magics. Location: Castle Blackthorn, Britain, TrammelI hope this doesn't …
Hello all, we will start soon - join us if you're in the vicinity of the Test Center! Meeting point: Britain Commons. *** Hallo allerseits, wir werden bald beginnen - leistet uns Gesellschaft, wenn ihr in der Nähe des Test Centers seid! Treffpun…
Greetings! And so it is decided: We will be testing the new tools at the Test Center tonight starting at about 8:30pm CEST (UTC+2). If you like to participate, copy your desired character to the Test Center right now. There will be fights in Champ…
Stimmt - korrigiert und danke für den Hinweis!
fizzler: hi Mesanna: hi fizzler: u have closed the fellowdhip shop Kyronix : Yes, the Fellowship shop has closed fizzler: yet i can still fill soulbinders fizzler says: yet i can still fill soulbinders fizzler: r u planning anything for them fizzler…
Mesanna: hi Emma Kyronix : Hello! Emma: Well Hi Emma says: Well Hi Emma says: Im so excited Mesanna: good Mesanna: why Mesanna: please share Emma says: Im here!!! Kyronix : Hooray! Emma says: I cant even type You fire the cannon! EM Lyraa: *fires ca…
Mesanna: greetings Shadow Foxx says: Hello Shadow Foxx says: Any way to make some sort of tool/device that allows for the tradeskills that are 100 Shadow Foxx says: to have the same chance to repair items, like the tradeskills that are 120? Shadow F…
Mesanna: greetings Lizzy: hail Lizzy: When a paragon chest is dyed there is currently no way to restore it to its orig Lizzy: Can you please make the scouring toxin work on paragon chests? Lizzy: or give us some mechanism to restore the chest to the…
If you read this BamBam, you should get in contact with me, otherwise your rewards will be deleted in two weeks. Please email or contact me ingame (also a book in the EM Rewards Hall mailbox will do) - Thank you! Wenn du das lesen solltest, BamBam…
Hallo @Trismegistos Das kann ich gerne bei meinen zukünftigen Postings so machen. Lieben Gruß, EM Lyraa
Don't forget: tomorrow is the day! Tomorrow evening we welcome the developers on our beautiful Shard! 8pm EST at Blackthorn Castle, Trammel - I have set a golden moon gate at all banks, which will take you directly there. Join us tomorrow evening …
Hello @Trismegistos, I got your answers from @Mesanna! Trismegistos said: Would it be possible to make a handrail at the stairs leading on the roof of the WBB. It drives me crazy to fall of this stairs. Done. Can only fall off the b…
Hello @Trismegistos Let me ask the powers that be about your questions first, and then I get back to you asap. And have a good day today! EM Lyraa
Hello und Hallo @Pegasus und @TanAge... I am happy you are here with us. Ich bin sehr froh seid ihr hier mit uns. Until soon! Auf bald! EM Lyraa
@Trismegistos *schmunzelt*... im März ist es soweit, das neue Programm habe ich heute Morgen auf den offiziellen Kanälen veröffentlicht. Links findet ihr in einem eigenen Posting hier im Forum oder in meiner Signatur direkt. *smiles*... It will be h…