- Username
- AmberWitch
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- Primary Shard
- Baja & Siege
- Guild
- Squires of Berg & GIL
The Britannia robe with the alchemy symbol on the front would be nice. With a hood that is minimal or non-existent would be a welcome change. Allow the symbol and robe to be dyeable separately.
Pawain said: April 98 huh. Was in a rent house that was flooded up to our waist in October of that year. Both cars washed away (My '95 convertible Mustang... It caught on fire about 2 hours later while sitting sideways against a telephone po…
Wow. Never saw that! I was living in Vermont on a dirt road in the Green Mountains where dial up was a luxury and I had it! No one else was on that line so I had it all to myself. I was living large. A dear friend gave me the disc but I couldn't pla…
Well you are more than welcome to join us anytime for a dip in the Moonglow Skinny Dipping Pond on Baja dear Lady.
Grimbeard said: How is this really hurting anyone? I was wondering the same.
I voted the "I'll check it out to see what it can do" because I would want that knowledge first hand. After that I know that I wouldn't use it. I'm way too independent to become part of the borg cube. That's my opinion at this time. I truly am cur…
I now see the down side of the this.
I wouldn't dare to peek into your jewelry box. They're guarding pretty fiercely.
Crafting Stations/WorkbenchesDavies LockerBG's Fishing PoleCommodity Deed Box
Does anyone know about a coordinate map that is marked better with the coordinates? I find this can be difficult to understand.
creampie said: siege perilous was using an exploit tactic. it s in fel so they use hidden stealther to block mobs to go to to void pool. thats it nothing to brag about Fake news. There was no need to use exploits. It was a tight team th…
Two words.... NO PARAGONS!!!!
I'm having too much fun getting hats to post!
It's a gift. To thank and reward someone who has paid and played for specific amounts of time. It's a gift. A Gift. Not everything in life can be obtained without putting forth effort. Why should someone who's only paid/played 6 months get the same …
For me and how I play I would say that Stygian Abyss and High Seas are what I have enjoyed the most. At the time, the introduction of Trammel produced a lot of excitement and appreciation for new lands where we could place houses as just about every…
Mariah said: @ AmberWitch In brief, just the main points. 2nd Age was the addition of Lost Lands Renaisance was the introduction of Trammel3rd Dawn was the first attempt at a new client, and only users of that client had access to IlshenarLor…
Could you possibly post links to what each of those expansions offered? My old brain refuses to remember what some of those older expansions provided. Thanks!
LilyGrace said: I don't party my girls. And I let one naughty girl go after them. I LOVE this!
Imagines all of Sosaria carpeted in bandages*
It will reset to a new location in 30 days.
Cookie said: Europa - up from wave 95 to wave 122. We are possibly 2nd, in the Shrouded Sails event. Really great performance from everyone, was a lot of fun to do. Cookie if memory serves me still I think there was a Japanese shard tha…
Victim_Of_Siege said: The only thing I ever claimed was a Hephaestus, and it was on Siege. Got quite a lot of points the two times i participated in the record setting Runs. Those were so much fun we should do it again! Friggin, frac…
Radst said: Brit Ship is definitely bugged. The whole wooden pavement should also be dyed just the same. Next time hire an independent 3rd party coating inspection company to insure the coating contractor performs to specification. Jus…
Can we just go back to not stackable for the duration of the event please? My heart went all aflutter getting a decent amount of crustaceans(and yes, no rock crab yet!)and then I nose dived back to earth when the candy was taken away. I'll be like M…
Victim_Of_Siege said: I want a T-shirt that says "I sunk McDougle and all i got was this T-shirt" I think you're on to something here. Now I want one too. Maybe a random generator of player names who participate in pirate hat plundering…
I thought I could do everything but soon learned that maybe having 5.0 skill in everything doesn't work. She ended up being a cobbler and making shoes, boots and then the glorious day when she could finally make thigh boots happened but it seemed li…
Oh my gosh... the man said please! You have to now!
vortex said: Never been but long time ago I found at a idoc in great lakes a wedding certificate and invitation and the ring. For Jerry farland and angel eyes. Wow! The Farland clan. They were a pretty big guild in the day. That broug…
Today was the first chance I got to start the event. I was silly happy to get 20 Apple Crabs! As mentioned to Grimbeard earlier this morning, watch me not get any Rock Crab! Did I say thank you? Thank you for the crustaceans!
It's a rare occasion that they'll post a response. This is a topic that has been ongoing in many forms for a gazillion years. They've made changes to the system, people aren't happy with the changes, they make another change, people still aren't sat…