It would be handy to have an icon or message in CC showing the time to Thorn planting
As we know, there is a down time to planting Thorns.
It would be handy, for the CC, if a message was to be given, and/or an icon showing within the buffs/debuffs, saying how much time is left 'till one can plant another thorn.
By the way, 2,650 Luck and did not get an egg drop in the backpack.... several times.... is this normal ?
What would be the Luck number to get an egg 100%, all times ?
Don't give up so easily, you will get eggs.
100% egg drop? 1 meeeeeeeelion luck.
BOO HOO I didn't get eggs 100% of the time!
several times? pathetic
not having cool-down timer for attunement causes death and loss of items or causes people to download third party software to fix issue, - which comes with unattended macro capabilities built in. I think there are higher priorities”
Free stopwatch
Free countdown timer:
Desk pin to make the window stay on top:
Countdown timer
Use your computer as a computer....
A physical one:,aps,181&sr=8-2-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE3WlpVVUJKRlVUSjMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA1NDEyMjRWTlZZOUpEWERJTUsmZW5jcnlwdGVkQWRJZD1BMDQ2ODA1NTI5TzA3VVpSOFU1RE8md2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl&th=1
Or I think every phone has a timer.
Best way to get more eggs per thorn is to take 2 friends. And you can chat for the 20 seconds that you have left over if you get too fast at gathering eggs. Or continue writing the next novel.
But you do get over 90% after you rub the statue. So you have an hour that you can get eggs at a very high rate. Invite 2 friends and the eggs increase to about 50+ eggs per session. I let the others loot the corpse so I do not get those.
"sorry I am having trouble accessing your stopwatch skill right now"
For the Music thread. Alexa Play Ozzy's Boneyard on Sirius XM.
Perhaps you should say YOU won't be in 2 Months, I will still be planting a couple hundred per week just like I always have. Maybe not a huge number of us still do thorns and Vorpal Bunnies but enough. Not to mentions the Swamp vines and a real good way to fast farm A LOT of reagents on Siege. So yeah the cool down timer would be handy for thorns as well as whatever you think it might be of use for.
But the point is, @popps can get an egg with a easy to craft luck suit, which he has, and 1 hour on the statue.
I find it more beneficial to give 20 thorns to 2 others and take turns planting. 1 hour gives 3 hours of eggs.
Huh, never thought about it that way. Do it yourself.