Luck Values based on what items you can access.

PawainPawain Posts: 10,503
edited March 2023 in General Discussions
The basic all crafted Luck suit has 8 pieces, with a possible value of 1520 Luck. 

Added Luck items still attainable:
Lucky Charm 150 , Minax's Sandals 150, Robe 140, Jewelry 400 or 450.

By crafting and procuring items that are still spawning you can have a Luck suit like this:

Going to use my 20+ yr old Gardner as a Tamer. For one of my Rabbit killers.
Fits the theme of Growing and Planting Thorns. 

If you can add other Luck items Like the Mempo or shard bound and other items from events, you can increase this Luck amount.

Will work great for saying all kill or using a Summoned. 

Maximum Luck as of right now is 2840.

Using Crafted 190 Luck items and
These Luck Items:
Head  Mark Of Wildfire
Talisman  Lucky Charm
Earrings  Yukio's
Robe  Blackthorn or the Old version
Neck  Mempo
Cloak Serpent Skin Quiver
Ring  Compassions Eye
Bracelet Bracelet of Primal Consumption
Shoes  Minax Sandals
Non Luck items Tangle and Artio's sash.

We came up with a Higher SDI version that still has High Luck.

This is enough SDI and plenty of Luck.
Rubbing the Luck Statue gives this toon 3600 Luck!

I removed the Arms and replaced with Cuffs of the Archmage.
Removed the weapon and am holding a 50% SDI book.
Removed the Primal Bracelet and am using a 100 Luck Bracelet that I found on VS
That has:  100 Luck, 3 FCR,  18SDI.

With my skills and Mana I can use this template and suit for all the content that I do.

Can use this to calculate if you can run Consume forever.

This template can.

So, I'll have 3 toons to go hunting the Wascally Abomination Wabbits.

Two that are just pet users and this one that can fight.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.


  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,503
    edited March 2023
    I also built a Luck suit for my Melee fighter.  I used the template of my Tiger that can fight the Dynamic Dungeon paragons.  Would be more difficult to use a template that needs over 720 Skill Points.

    This toon can successfully fight anything I can get to.  Ill use it in the next Dynamic Dungeon.

    I was very lucky during the great vendor search slowdown of 2023 to find the ring below.

    The suit is basically built starting with the two items on the Side.
    Character is is Tiger Form and has SSI 5 Town Buff.

    All the armor pieces are crafted Bone or Studded armor Reforged with Luck except the legs.
    I used Britches of Warding for the HCI, Stamina and Resists.  Resists would be crap without them.

    A reforged Luck Shield.
    I am going to use swords without Luck so I can get all 3 Leeches and a slayer.

    The reforged pieces were either done with Fortune and Haste to get Dex bonus and Luck.

    I found that if you only choose fortune you get pieces with Luck and HCI or DCI, which I was able to use to get those at max.

    It took a lot of mixing and matching to get these stats.

    I can swing a 3.5 Sec weapon at max speed. That is all the popular Swordsmanship weapons.
    (He does not need the % SSI town Buff to be at Max Speed.) Uses his bandages at Max Speed also.

    Since the Tiger was my #7 Dex suit needer, low on the totem pole,  he had a couple of Artifact pieces and the rest crafted. He had 70s resists and Mace and shield.
    His Damage is 1 point higher with his non luck suit on.

    So with a lot of luck with reforging/vendor searching and planning you can make a near perfect Dex Luck Suit as long as you do not need skill points on the suit.

    The extra Luck pieces are:
    Yukios, 140 Luck robe, Minax's Sandals, Serpent Skin Quiver.

    Rubbing the Statue gives this guy 3270 Luck!

    Could Also use this suit with an Archer with certain bows and be at max speed. Or Put SSI on the  desired Bow.

    Anyone else have a Dex Luck suit they would like to share the Stat screen and weapons they can use?

    End of the Luck Threads.  Ill be on a 7 day cruise starting Sunday so will return refreshed to start the Spring Event!

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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