How long will Jeopardy theme play before Hythloth event starts?

Mordin_RockbiterMordin_Rockbiter Posts: 69
edited October 2021 in General Discussions
It was thought event would start October 4th, but no information has yet confirmed its actual starting time. Crowds are getting restless at entrances to Hyloth. Nothing in  news, no turn in NPC, no additional text on creatures and no drops. Anyone with information please.  *hums theme to Jeopardy*


  • Hey Kragg.  Mantis here.  yeah its pretty stupid. The lack of communication from the UO team FOR EVERYTHING.... is getting increasingly in tolerable.   They have access to many many channels of communication and they use none of them.

    Website is out of date, they don't post the newsletters to the website.  The don't use the crier.  they don't use there own forum.  I don't get it.  

    The other day I saw pictures about a anniversary party on origin.... after the fact.  on facebook.  how about a heads up lmao.  why do shit like that and tell no one
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