Impossible to beat house placement scripters??



  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Victim_Of_Siege That was my first system.  LOL
  • @Bilbo Believe it or not, mine was a VIC-20   :D
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • vortexvortex Posts: 248
    My all time favorite computer! Still have mine set up!

  • Another 18*18 fell this night while I was sleeping. (Hard to place when you sleep) 
    But just checked and to my big surprise (not), it was the exact same guy that placed at the previous idocs that had placed again. (Scribbles)

    Zayin: Paladin
    Mort: Mystic Mage
    Siw: Tamer
  • GandalfGandalf Posts: 116
    he is probly the best house placer in the game. that's why he win all the time.

  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    Another 18*18 fell this night while I was sleeping. (Hard to place when you sleep) 

    Yes, this world is   not perfect.To win the lottery you need to buy lottery tickets. Sole feeling that you need money badly is not enough for them to send you a paycheck. 
  • Gandalf said:
    he is probly the best house placer in the game. that's why he win all the time.

    Zayin: Paladin
    Mort: Mystic Mage
    Siw: Tamer
  • FortisFortis Posts: 412
    @kyronix @mesanna do you care about one of the biggest cheat going on in game presently
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    Why is it so difficult to get this message across? It warrants investigation and action so clearly. 
  • And again this night.

    Zayin: Paladin
    Mort: Mystic Mage
    Siw: Tamer
  • NikardNikard Posts: 164
    UO is pay to win. More subs = more toons = more chances. EM events, house placement, idocs, crafting, the list goes on and on. Same problem. Every day. Every aspect of the game. Those players that are paying to win are all using 3rd party programs to control multiple clients. Nothing will ever be done about it, because that is the business model that keeps the lights on. Our dev team does not have the resources to chase cheaters. 

    In the spirit of game health, if the community decided as a whole to stop supporting players who traded in cash [RMT] - in theory those players would find something else to infect. That being said, goodluck convincing a pvper to earn anything lol.

  • DragonheartDragonheart Posts: 26
    edited March 2021
    there are plenty of other shards to play.  I dont know why you guys let stuff like this bother you.  Probably just another house placer mad he is getting beat. 
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    It is bothersome because people abuse the game against the rules to get an unfair advantage over all other players then they are charging people insane prices just to have a home. They do nothing to help the game out. They place a house plot only to rip someone off to own it.  It’s greedy and scummy. If it was done without a script, well that’s unfortunate. But to script it is just rotten. 
  • Not sure if you noticed but everything is expensive compared to previous years.  Vet rewards, imbueing materials, pets, etc.  

    Also there isnt a shred of proof in this thread.  Perhaps you guys should stop falsely accusing people and actually go in game and report to a GM.  Im actually surprised the mods here havent give you a warning for falsely accusing people of cheating.  

    There are appropriate avenues to deal with this issue.  These forums arent it. 

    Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
  • GwenGwen Posts: 210
    dvvid said:
    It is bothersome because people abuse the game against the rules to get an unfair advantage over all other players then they are charging people insane prices just to have a home. They do nothing to help the game out. They place a house plot only to rip someone off to own it.  It’s greedy and scummy. If it was done without a script, well that’s unfortunate. But to script it is just rotten. 
    Those guys have as many PAID accounts as houses they are selling.  You really think devs need to fight them? Dont buy house. Pretty easy to find a small plot (or bigger if you have time) on ATL. 
    All other shards have tons of empty space. 
  • GandalfGandalf Posts: 116
    edited March 2021
    Let's stay in the main topic.
    You only need one account to be able to cheat like him and not give any chance to other players to place. We are not talking about pay 2 win or anything else, this is something real and present. I'm really not surprised that the developers don't react as they rot the game.
    Lets wait another 10 years until it gets into their heads.

    @Mesanna @Kyronix

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    If there is proof of this, send by email, this is not the place.  There may be a script, or he may just be better at placing because he has had a lot of practice. Familiarity does lead to faster success. It can't be proved through static pictures on a forum.
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