Is their ever going to be a PvP update?

TailTail Posts: 70
1 time a year isn't enough. We have put what needs attention!


    • Resolved issue where pets could obtain illegal stats
      • Illegal stats will be adjusted and randomly re-assigned based on the default range for each stat
      • Adjusted pets will keep their skill training and the scrolls that have been applied to them
    • Resolved issue with pet Bane Dragon AI not using mana for abilities
    • Resolved issue where dismount and riding swipe would not un-toggle when dismounting, each now has a short cooldown before they can re-toggled
    • Bushido Evasion PvP: every evade is now subject to diminishing returns
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,872

    Funny. :)

    Fingers crossed.

  • TailTail Posts: 70
    That is NOT anything that we asked for but So you guys don't really listen to pvp Player Base do you? Oh well, Most players have found other games. I guess it's time to start looking for a new game after 24 years. You guys just refuse to listen . . .Fine you win.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    We are not the UO Player Base here, we are maybe 10% if that.  Asian Shards PvP also I would bet there are more of them then you guys and no they do not Gen Chat PvP like Atl, they have more Honor.
  • TailTail Posts: 70
    Bilbo said:
    We are not the UO Player Base here, we are maybe 10% if that.  Asian Shards PvP also I would bet there are more of them then you guys and no they do not Gen Chat PvP like Atl, they have more Honor.
    So hello, I am Tail. perhaps you have heard of me. They have on every Asian Shard and American shard as I have played them all. The people on this forum might represent 10%. I however represent about 45%. I know a thing or 2 about pvp. I have been here since 1997 and I have listened to the players complaints. I don't feel like I need to say much more...but yeah
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Tail said:
    Bilbo said:
    We are not the UO Player Base here, we are maybe 10% if that.  Asian Shards PvP also I would bet there are more of them then you guys and no they do not Gen Chat PvP like Atl, they have more Honor.
    So hello, I am Tail. perhaps you have heard of me. They have on every Asian Shard and American shard as I have played them all. The people on this forum might represent 10%. I however represent about 45%. I know a thing or 2 about pvp. I have been here since 1997 and I have listened to the players complaints. I don't feel like I need to say much more...but yeah
    Kind of full of yourself and sorry to tell you this but just like voting you only count as 1 so you are not even close to even the 10% no matter what you think or say.  I doubt that the Asian Shards have any respect for you as they are honorable people and really do not like uppity American know it alls.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Thanks for the feedback.
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