Idoc trolls

To the mods

surely you can see what happens every time someone asks for a change to the corrupt idoc system?

suspected cheats troll the hell out of the post to get it locked

can I suggest you look at the new posters and silence them as their soul intention is to get these posts locked so they can continue business as usual 

you can see that can’t you?

please STOP locking threads and take action on individuals, like you do whenever Popps starts with his novels?

how are the devs ever going to notice how rampant the real estate exploitation is if you allow the trolls to go the posts locked?


  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    The dev team have the ability to read a locked thread.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    The Dev team also can see the name of the thread "IDOC" and choose to skip over it all together  :D

  • @JackFlashUk because posts like yours and idocguy are false, baseless, with no proof of anything, therefore with zero credibility. Just because things are not working YOUR way or idocguy way, than you complain and start accusing people of this and that, just because you dint get your way!.  I plot houses all the time and I sell some of those houses to joxxer, scribbles, ar and many others and than they resell, this is the business of a real estate person, buy to resell, same as your shine rares, armours and so on.  Yes the devs should address those people that stay on the 3rd barrel and auto script barrels too right? yes people should see your friend gating 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 toons setting them up on the 3rd barrel and looting and than gating them back, I assume he is an octopus and have 8 arms to control all 8 accs at same time. you see how things start? baseless? no proof? he said, she said. Idocs are a lot better than b4 and working as intended. stop making false accusations and go learn the game mechanics, it is so easy to plot nowadays and same way that there is a lot of empty spaces everywhere available. Just go find.
  • KingKing Posts: 142
    To the mods

    surely you can see what happens every time someone asks for a change to the corrupt idoc system?

    suspected cheats troll the hell out of the post to get it locked

    can I suggest you look at the new posters and silence them as their soul intention is to get these posts locked so they can continue business as usual 

    you can see that can’t you?

    please STOP locking threads and take action on individuals, like you do whenever Popps starts with his novels?

    how are the devs ever going to notice how rampant the real estate exploitation is if you allow the trolls to go the posts locked?

    STOP all the EM Events please, so many people there and I cant get a drop, not fair, stop the whole process but I cant get one. HAHAH

    • asks for a change to the corrupt idoc system? (care to explain how corrupt it is?)
    • suspected cheats (another baseless opinion?)
    • look at the new posters and silence them (WOW will not even make a comment)
    • please STOP locking threads and take action on individuals (Can we start with the OP?)

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    5 posts King?  where you been with such knowledge?  new acct maybe?
    Exactly my point.

    Vlad Homes, you are not what I am getting at, so all is well thanks ;)
  • @JackFlashUk exactly my point, you just like to baseless start drama on forums.
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    edited January 2021
    vladimir if your Vlad Homes you know your castle is falling right? hope you fix it. 

    Jack, 2 of the big house sellers told me this is how they place at so many. They take 10 accounts and just burn the tool on all of them and start over. it does make sense that players doing that will get most of the spots.  If your just using one account, you got to count to 10 and try again. they dont have to wait and they dont care if they burn the tool cause they will just get on another account. Not saying there isnt a hidden tile cheat, cause so many have talked about it. Just go run around and place and sell the open spots. 
  • Funny I'm upset about the deleting of Vet rewards and resources from IDOCS .. but I'm not on here after every idoc I'm at complaining about it . They try to fix something and in process does something to upsets someone else .. they are in Kobayashi Maru scenario Dealing with IDOCs. Im pretty sure if they surfed yours JackFlashUk & Steven/Idocguy/Daredevil's post 3/4 of them will be complaining as things aren't going 100% the way you expect or want them too.  I like the barrel idea but think shouldn't delete anything other than possible dupes funny watch all the bots get stamina locked with being overweight from resources .... owell I dont want to rant and waste more of my time. No game is perfect just be glad they are still working on this game love!! Hope you all have a Happy New Year !  :)
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,231
    I think no matter what they do, someone will always find a way around it.

    the whole putting up a barrel fence while the game deletes certain things and packs the rest and having to be unarmed to punch through the barrels and all that was a good shows they were trying. Putting a system in the game to tell EVERYONE when and where an IDOC was going to be was a good idea....the problem lies not with the team, but with the players that feel the need to cheat to game the system.

    I don't do IDOCs. but there happened to be one on Origin that I wouldn't have even known about except for the fact that it was the castle right behind mine.

    So...I figured why not?

    About 10 minutes before the drop, I watched as characters started recalling in...some gating...and running to  the exact same spot, standing on top of each other...I'd say about 7 or so. I'm thinking...okay that's a great idea because you can only do so much damage punching a barrel with your fist so bring all the help you can, right?

    So when the barrels finally became vulnerable (I was smart and stood on them too so I could get in with them :) ) the barrel went down I ran in and started punching or two punches each, I hit about 5 of them? maybe 6....because you have to be standing close to them to get anything. So these 7 or so accounts...seeming to be controlled by one person as they were all moving in unison, were doing the same thing. I got about 12 or so items, mostly garbage as the system deletes all the good stuff now lol, but I did get stuff....which is what the system intends. 

    So as far as looting an IDOC? It's better if you have multiple accounts to get enough damage to one barrel to get through faster, but if you don't, just stand on top of the ones that do and use their entrance!

    As far as house placement AFTER? That's a whole other ball game that I can't say much about because I only have 2 accounts and 2 houses and don't use the game as a second job buying and selling real estate. I think the team came up with a good solution to the IDOC system, but like I said, there will always be those people who feel the need to cheat (even if they say they don't) and find ways around the blockade.

  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    the barrel certainly did slow the likes of Idoc guy down

    I just think that the house plots should new a lottery system now so everyone has a chance to own it, without having to spend 500m+ from an insanely greedy market.

    If what's said is true that a certain house has 17 18x18 for sale at extortionate prices then thats got to be addressed. They are not selling for a reason I guess. greed and RMT money earner maybe?

    10 accts or not thats just stupid

    can I also assume King is UOKing with a new acct created? owner of the script illegal idoc RMT site, if not then I apologise for making the assumption

    I for one would love the idocs to go back 10+ years when they were fun, well certainly for us on Europa, but those days are long gone, and I just wonder how much damage is being done to this game by the greed and RMT resellers?

    the last post before it was locked, and indeed so many before has mention of so many people quitting due to idocs, well I did 7 years ago, came back 3 years ago, as we all do, and have fun d so much more to do in game with a great guild.

    This is, or was a game and not a place to make a living extorting people to be able to enjoy playing

    so like I said  let have a new house ownership system where the power os retuned to the players and NOT RMT resellers.

    That's me on the subject, no point carrying on, my point is here, whether its respected on not by the Dev team

  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    Funny I'm upset about the deleting of Vet rewards and resources from IDOCS .. (...)
    One of the most "genial" idea ever, that single-handedly drove the Vet Revs prices trough the roof. REALLY well thought... :# :/
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    edited January 2021
    Ivenor said:
    Funny I'm upset about the deleting of Vet rewards and resources from IDOCS .. (...)
    One of the most "genial" idea ever, that single-handedly drove the Vet Revs prices trough the roof. REALLY well thought... :# :/
    Vet rewards should always be pricey 
  • @JackFlashUk this is the reality that you dont like.
    I can go around and buy people's house or plot and than resell for 100-200% more and there is nothing wrong with this type of business, people will buy if they want, I am not forcing anyone.

    I made well over 40P just buying and reselling for GOLD and not RMT as you claim.
  • @JackFlashUk ; at least you said the true for the 1st time:

    That's me on the subject, no point carrying on, my point is here, whether its respected on not by the Dev team

    Your subject, Your opinion Only, there is 99.99% other people that don't agree, so lets move on! :)
  • JepethJepeth Posts: 544

    Okay, so now I would like some kind of mechanic in the game where if you have over, say, 10 platinum, every now and again random NPCs mobs come to rob and attack you no matter where you are. If you have a castle they line up out front with siege equipment to try and over throw your holdings.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I think that's enough.
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