How Felucca players are treated...
I made a pretty solid post last night regarding Treasures of Deceit in Felucca, and about how I feel like the developers somewhat ignore Felucca players... and that even though we're a minority of your player base that we still deserve content and updates just like your Trammel player base.
That post got deleted last night without any reason.
I choose to play in Felucca because I get less grief here. If another player wants to move into a spot I've been sitting at for hours, then one of us is going to die. That can't happen in Trammel though, and players are free to grief whomever they want.
The Felucca ruleset was based on the same ruleset from launch, and I feel that because there are fewer of us out here that are willing to fight other players, that we just don't matter.
I'm not saying we don't get content at all and I'm grateful for the updates that we do get but releasing content for Felucca on one shard and ignoring the others... why? What else am I supposed to think?
That post got deleted last night without any reason.
I choose to play in Felucca because I get less grief here. If another player wants to move into a spot I've been sitting at for hours, then one of us is going to die. That can't happen in Trammel though, and players are free to grief whomever they want.
The Felucca ruleset was based on the same ruleset from launch, and I feel that because there are fewer of us out here that are willing to fight other players, that we just don't matter.
I'm not saying we don't get content at all and I'm grateful for the updates that we do get but releasing content for Felucca on one shard and ignoring the others... why? What else am I supposed to think?
"everything looks stupid" UO feedback 2024
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@Kyronix ; Open up Felucca Deceit on all Shards Please.
I would prefer the event not open up in Felucca on my shard (Chesapeake). I say this for two reasons:
1. The developer's resources are finite. There are some other genuine bugs with this update that should be addressed before expanding the content.
2. I don't believe there is a legitimate reason for expanding this into Felucca other than to alleviate over-crowding which isn't actually much of an issue.
Let me expand on these points before my PVP-minded friends get out their splintering pitchforks.
First, the bug with the belt, the issues with some of the spawns getting stuck on Origin, monsters stuck on the other side of walls. I would much rather see their time spent fixing these problems. We should also remember this is still the second event of four expected before the end of this year. They are likely still trying to get Forest of the Dark and Tears of the Ice Dragon ready to go and having to set this event up on every facet of every shard will take time.
Second, a week in and on Chesapeake the crowd has severely died down. Chesapeake isn't Atlantic and I think they rightfully recognized it needed to have the event turned on in Atlantic Felucca to ensure everyone had a fair shot at getting drops. As everyone is so fond of saying 'Atlantic has the most population,' and that is both a pro and a con. I think before the end there will be plenty of time for everyone to get their items before the event ends.
So if we don't turn on the quest in Felucca to alleviate over-crowding why do it? As other posters have mentioned you can quickly insure the drops so the odds of PVPers snagging one from a victim isn't much of a guaranteed thing as powerscrolls. There's just not as much of a need for it happen. I think what most of you are asking, again as is your right, is for the developers to provide a meaningful reason for people to go to Felucca and "consent" into PVP. Since we can do this just fine in Trammel this event isn't it.
We are glad to have a poison para or Ram, it gives up something to do for 20 seconds besides running around killing single skeletons.
Why have the playerbase been forced into Trammel for so long?
It's so obvious, many of us don't want to be.
If the developers have finite resources, they should be pointed at Felucca. Half their problems are then dealt with instantly.
1. We pay to to get the same content, but get less.
2. Neglecting low pop shards doesn't help, it forces people to not join fel content. And by doing that you will have less activities in fel and be forced to join that one shard who already have most of the players on it already.
3. Please give us something, EU pvp community really wants it, we pop harrowers mainly to get some content in fel, and those fights are amazing.
4. Please think of us low pop shards
And think of the shards like Lake Superior who love to do events in groups! @Kyronix ; Please open the event in Fel deceit! we are not low population in September thru December.
atlantic might be the only one with fel side on because the other shards arent as crowded
not saying i agree with this, atlantic has more than enough benefits already, but that could be the reasoning if its not going to be fel side on any other shard.
We need Felucca OPEN for this event. We can go through a whole floor and kill one thing. A few minutes ago a diff set of players and I came upon a Para poison ele. I swear it took 10 seconds and it was dead!
Oh... this is TRAMMEL the magical place where botting isn't happening.....
Fel players are generally viewed as sociopaths these days. Even though the truth is most of us fight against other fel players and not the sweet little plant lady who accidentally wandered into fel. It's the only gameplay experience that changes weekly, opponents change, battlegrounds change, pvm content is always the same.
Content should be published to fel first and mirrored in tram to appease those who do not wish to pvp... Now we are lucky if any content is mirrored in fel at all. Sad indeed....
Question is, @Kyronix and @Bleak , do we need to expect that ALL of these types of "Treasures of....." Events will be like from now on ?
Players without a Dexers, for example Tamers, or Mages (forget about Bards, Thieves or other types of players...) will be doomed to not be able to get drops like Dexers ?
Oh, and most importantly, to "which type" of Template are you "adjusting" the drop rate ?
To Sampires, to Tamers, to Mages ?
The reason for the question is, that if you adjust the artifacts drop rate to Sampires' ability to get them (and they get them a go-go and easily as we can see by the huge number of participants using a Sampire), by reducing the drop rate not to have Sampires get too many, then Tamers and Mages who have a much more reduced drop rate will hardly be able to get enough drops and thus be able to get some items.
If, instead, you will adjust the drop rate to the more reduced one of Tamers and Mages, (x drops that they can get in 1 hour), then inevitably Dexers will be able to get a ridicolously high amount.
So, what shal we need to expect ? Will there be some balance and justice in the drop rate among the different types of Templates or do UO players need to pretty much organize themselves to always have to play a Dexers at these "Treasures of....." Events because that will be the only way for them to get the most drops ?
Personally, I would like to see a variety of Templates and not just dexers, dexers and more dexers because the new content that is made available always favours, who knows why, this type of templates....
P.S. To those who would like to tell me to shut up and just play with the Template "that works", I am sorry, but I care for the game and would like it to address any and all playing Templates and not just have all skills on a Soulstones and then pick up "what works" according to what Event comes live...
This, also because Veteran players might have all skills on a Soulstone and be ready "on the fly" to rapidly adjust to "what works" with a new Event, but what about New or Returning players who happen to like and anjoy playing something "else" but a Dexer ?
They would not be able to "get ready on a fly" to put out a Dexer so as to maximize their drops at these "Treasures of...." types of Events....
So, personally, for the better sake of Ultima Online, I think that the Developers should think also of others' Templates and their ability to get drops aside from Dexers....
Furthermore, in regards to the length of these Events, they should not tailor it to the type of Template who can get the most drops the fastest, but to the templates who can get the least drops the slowest if we want most UO players to be happy with the game they play (that is, also those playing Tamers, Mages, Bards, Thieves etc. etc.), and not just those playing Dexers....