Last Shard Bound Post Was Shut Down Because We Aren't Aloud To Voice Our Disgust

They implement this new garbage idea and face huge criticism from us the paying customers and so they lock the posts to silence us... What kind of fascist forums are these.


  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    Make em events shardbound. People have said if they do they will quit. Come on lol make the em item drops shard bound and then make your decision to it afterwards.
  • CronusCronus Posts: 10
    Shard bound this death for all our game. This reminds me of North Korea's approach.
    Each player now must look what we have on char before transfer. Stupid idea.
    We want game without this remarks - make UO great again.
    @Mesanna @Kyronix
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    huge criticism, what a joke.  The only whiners are the ones that want to farm lower pop shards and then xfer to Atl and price gouge.  The DEVs said they were shard bound and that is the way it is no matter how much of a baby you are.  Go play your home shard and leave us alone.
  • CronusCronus Posts: 10
    Bilbo said:
    huge criticism, what a joke.  The only whiners are the ones that want to farm lower pop shards and then xfer to Atl and price gouge.  The DEVs said they were shard bound and that is the way it is no matter how much of a baby you are.  Go play your home shard and leave us alone.
    May be you blind or stupid. But with this approach, you will play with bots.
    Because players will leave this project. Shard bound, new shard in old style in 2020 y.
    This madness. People need another. Look on another games. Or you play only in UO?
  • RockStaRRockStaR Posts: 168
    Bilbo said:
    huge criticism, what a joke.  The only whiners are the ones that want to farm lower pop shards and then xfer to Atl and price gouge.  The DEVs said they were shard bound and that is the way it is no matter how much of a baby you are.  Go play your home shard and leave us alone.
    @Bilbo do you see how many people do events on every shard and then xfer the drops to Atlantic? There are also people buying the event drops right after the event for low price then transfering to Atlantic and listing them for twice as much an hour or two after wards. Do you support all EM event drops from now on being shard bound? Do you buy rares you like then transfer them? If you buy rares and transfer them back to your shard in your home, then you're supporting the same thing that you are against. They either need to make every single thing shard bound and delete transfers and shard shields. Period. Or allow it all. Not pick and choose. You can't be for one and not the other.
  • KickstandKickstand Posts: 34
    edited October 2020
    Bilbo said:
    huge criticism, what a joke.  The only whiners are the ones that want to farm lower pop shards and then xfer to Atl and price gouge.  The DEVs said they were shard bound and that is the way it is no matter how much of a baby you are.  Go play your home shard and leave us alone.
    But yet the people on Atlantic were whining that there were too many people farming it and the drop rate was bad so they lowered the turn in points for some of the items...that's what happens when you make things shard cant get the drops when the dungeon is swarmed with 50+ people constantly........your argument is invalid try again
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    You poor little girls, go back to your home shards and leave us alone.  LMAO 3 little girls whining
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    You may not reopen a locked thread. This matter has been addressed by the devs and their answer given.
This discussion has been closed.