

  • Captain_LuckyCaptain_Lucky Posts: 556
    edited March 2018

    As I said before and you can ask Mesanna too if you don't take my word for it.  UO never came to the point that they wiped any in good standing accounts out even for inactivity,  I do know of a handful of accounts that belonged to players over the years including just recently, players who did multi digressions against UO and the rules.

    What id ask first is:

     Does/did any other know or play on your account?  Is it possible a friend or guild mate might have known your account name, it only took a small bit of real info back in the day to fish out the rest of an account.

    Is it possible that you have forgotten an action the last time you logged in that might be the reason for the loss... many back in my Counselor days we traced to short returns that player got mad and gave away all they had or threw it away striped chars and logged thinking never to return.

    If you were not the original account holder/creator  is it possible the original reclaimed the account and after a while did as above and then quit .

    See there are a lot of reasons things can go missing... now if it was on a bug id say a revert might have happened and you were off the bug..   or if the account was not opened for a Long time could it be you died and didn't get your body and no item insurance?

    Mesanna wasn't exactly high up on the list way back in the day. We hear what your saying, we heard it the other times you said it, but it doesn't make it true. Say it 5 more times if it makes you feel better or scream it louder if you wish. *smile* I'm sure your mistaken on some level. I suppose it's possible some information may have gotten corrupted or something in the past. I've known many accounts that were came back to that were empty. They weren't hacked. They weren't banned. They weren't accounts purchased from others. Nothing other than the account was closed in good standing. Your conspiracy theories aren't helping. At any rate my point was I highly doubt the OP's account was hacked and this is pretty common occurrence with items being long gone especially on the very old accounts from the early days. Maybe it happened by accident, maybe it was an intentional *wink wink* thing, who knows. But it happened. There's a simple explanation that a lot of old information got discarded in some way and it's not any more complicated than that. If anything got hacked it was probably GMs digging through closed accounts back in the wild wild west days.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Was Mesanna here during 3rd Dawn?  She started in QA and if it happened then i don't think she would have been privy to that info.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,489
    I may be wrong, but logic tells me that if accounts had been wiped by EA/Broadsword/OSI etc then it wouldn't just be items that were missing, they'd have deleted the entire account, characters, user name and all. Missing items my best guess is either:

    1. you asked someone to clear it and gave them access and then forgot (I've been asked to do that a few times, I know some others have too)
    2. You cleared off everything useable to an account you planned to keep playing, and then forgot you'd done that. 
    3. Someone who had access to the account and knew you'd quit helped themselves to your items on the assumption you no longer needed them or cared. I know of several foolish people who have shared their log in details, sometimes with entire guilds.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Either your account name or your password or both were known to someone. If I find a piece of paper on the ground, with your name/pword, and I log in and burn your house to the ground and empty all of your soulstones, write nasty letters about your mom, etc...you still weren't "Hacked", you were careless.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • IvenorIvenor Posts: 1,216
    edited March 2018

    Either your account name or your password or both were known to someone. If I find a piece of paper on the ground, with your name/pword, and I log in and burn your house to the ground and empty all of your soulstones, write nasty letters about your mom, etc...you still weren't "Hacked", you were careless.
    Strangely, for once I agree with you! :D

    Moreover, IMO all this thread, from its ALL CAPITAL "scandal-monger" title to the section in which it was posted (even IF true, it should have been, in case, posted in Customer Support) to the general GM slandering, smells of gratuitous provocation, click bait and borderline trolling.

    @Mariah , what do you think?

  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400

    Petra is quite right as is Garth grey. 

    My son did that to over 15 of the accounts I was planning to shut off perma.  He had them all up and a collector character on a shipping account with packies at one inn and stripped al characters down to nothing in bank, stable, and on them.  They stayed that way for years till 201, where he started to collect gifts again.  We tend to forget the small stuff we do or had done.   

  • Lady_StormLady_Storm Posts: 400
    oops 2016. was the year .
  • Okay I am going to inject my 2 cents.  I remember back after I started (2001-2002) there was a HUGE scandal about rogue GMs.  These GMs were dropping houses and stripping accounts.  The story I heard was that a certain well known RMTer/ pain-in-the-Ascii-Code  to EA was paying them. His initials COUGH <M.D.> COUGH.   That was the story I heard I was barely outta noobiehood. I also heard these rogue GMs were fired for -ahem- fencing their stolen loot on Ebay.  UO Urban Legend or truth I don't know.

    BTW, you are wrong about accounts never being deleted. I know of one that was Rainz.  From Lord British's own lips " I banned him and deleted his account personally."  For those that don't know Rainz is the genius that PKed Lord British.  Cracked.com named it #1 Biggest D**k Move In the history of gaming. http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-biggest-dick-moves-in-history-online-gaming/
     Apparently Eve Online has more A-hats than any MMO so it now dropped to #3.
  • When it concerns the very old accounts that *something* happened to... it always seems to be the bank is empty. The character, his skills, the things he's wearing and even the pack are typically still there. So I find that a very odd hacking event. People just *love* blaming the victim when these events occur. Because EA was infallible? When we look at events with today's eyes we find many reports near impossible to believe. But those who were there back in the early days we all know what a bug filled wild wild west cluster scandal ridden mess UO was. The most insane things happened we wouldn't even think possible today. Even the computer equipment back then wasn't as reliable as that we have today. Now my computer tells me I have a failing hard drive I better get working on. Back then one day your hard drive was just trashed and it was a dice roll when it would happen. We'll probably never prove anything one way or the other. But I've followed patterns and the patterns tell me information was wiped or lost. But every time a very old account is opened and the items are gone I just think yup. heard it a 1000 times. I guess every single one of them were careless morons? I tend to not believe that.

    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • DashDash Posts: 8
    I reopened my account after 6 years (approximately) of not playing.  I am 100% certain I have lost items in that time.  Before I let my account go inactive I piled all my valuables into banks and onto characters.  I reactivated last week and have empty packs and chests in my banks, no soulstones (I had 5 stones loaded with skills plus a bunch of empty frags), no weapons on my fighters...  I don't know what happened, but I DO know I wasn't hacked, and I do know I won't get any of it back. So, believe it or not, crap happens to your accounts when you are inactive for a long time. 
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    I can 100% guarantee inactive characters were purged at one time early on in the life cycle of the game. I bought the game when it came out in 1997 and created characters on a couple different shards, played off and on for a month or two, then dropped my sub due to a very crappy connection. I returned to the game around 2000-2001, and had no characters on any shard.

    I didnt really care at the time, as i'd never made any real progress, but theres a good chance my banks were full of random trash noobs collect like piles of furs or legacy colored armor that dont spawn anymore. would have been interesting to see what was there.
  • TimTim Posts: 838
    Really just curious do other other online game really hold on to player info forever?
    I've never quit an online game and then restarted so don't know. I just assumed after I stoped paying the only data they would store would be billing and contact info if that.
  • DashDash Posts: 8
    Honestly, I was a bit shocked that they held ANYTHING on my accounts for 6 years (hence my lack of complaints for losing some very valuable stuff!)
  • I really don't care anymore, it's a game whatever happen is all good..would a admin or mod delete this junk please.. I've really heard enough..
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,577
    Tim said:
    Really just curious do other other online game really hold on to player info forever?
    I've never quit an online game and then restarted so don't know. I just assumed after I stoped paying the only data they would store would be billing and contact info if that.

    Diablo 3 does.  Probably all the Blizzard games do.  That is the only other game I have on my PC so I only know about that one.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,389Moderator
    I really don't care anymore, it's a game whatever happen is all good..would a admin or mod delete this junk please.. I've really heard enough..
    I won't delete it, because there are people who will help you get back into the game, but I will lock it. :)
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