EC and the first aid bet for Vetting pet

I have finally made move to EC but need a little help setting up the macro so it uses the first aid belt can someone walk me through it please
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • SlissSliss Posts: 282
    You should not need any special macro for it. Whatever uses the bandages should just find them there. Except it is bugged and does not work like that. Most of the time, the belt has to be open for your heal/vet macro to see the bandages there. I usually keep it perma open behind other windows. It will probably get fixed in 5 years or so once people find a useful purpose for this bug.
  • DJAdDJAd Posts: 290
    Just drag the first aid belt to a hotbar space and then assign a hotkey to it. That's all you need to do.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Works fine for me, I even have 2 choices of bandaging, heal self and heal friend with all bandages held in a belt in my backpack.  Like they say, just pull the belt or the bandages onto a hotbar, set a hotkey and go to town.  
    I will say, sometimes after I die I have to open the bandage belt and close it again and it then works, it was fine until the one of the last publishes without having to do that but now seems it must be done to work again.
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    Sorry I guess I just overlooked the thread title.  I use bandage belts on all 3 of my tamers and they work just fine, same as I said above for using them on tamers for their pets.  I do, however, use Pinco EC so if that makes a difference I don't know.
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