Illegal 3rd party progams is ruining PvP

When is something going to be done about these 3rd party programs, it is literally wrecking pvp and making the game boring and stupid.  People are auto-consuming every consumable in game, using wall scripts, script changing half their outfit at same time as their weapons.  Like 80-90% of pvp has gone automated and there is no more skill pvp anymore.  What a joke this game has become.  Do something about this devs!
@Bleak @Kyronix @Mesanna


  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    edited April 2019
    The best cheats win UO PvP.
    After 20 yrs of PvP I literally know one person (other then myself) not using 3rd party programs.

    If u want fair level PvP, find another game like most honest players have already done.
  • TempestTempest Posts: 22
    edited April 2019
    I made a thread about this two days ago the general consensus is that it's ok to cheat because they play in trammel and doesn't impact their gameplay.

    It's funny though that the dev's don't care about the optics of their game. People looking at coming back or thinking about playing for the first time come to forums and all they see is people complaining about cheating going unchecked and other players actually sit there and try to justify it. Yet some wonder why no new players ever stick around.

    Mesanna is just in this for a paycheck she does not care about the game.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Tempest I do not know where you get your info from but the 2 main reasons NEW players do not stick around is UO is NOT an instant gratification game and UO has the steepest learning curve of any game.  If you are refering to PvP then you need to go back to AoS when UO became item based and to PvP now you need so much gold that a NEW player could never afford it.  Cheating is never good for any game but please show me an online game that doesn't have cheating in it and to be honest you make it sound like everybody cheats in UO which is a false statement and no these forums are not full of posts about cheating like you are trying to infer.
  • TempestTempest Posts: 22
    edited April 2019
    @Bilbo where do you get your info from on the main reasons players do not stick around? how do YOU know those are the main reasons :) seems like you just making assumptions no? I never claim cheating is the #1 or #2 reason players quit playing but it absolutely is a major factor in it for many. Other online games do have cheating no doubt about it and that's ok the difference is they actively take steps to prevent it and you know actually uphold their ToS by terminating accounts where as broadsword prefers to ignore them and let cheaters ruin other players gameplay.

    I provided video proof *removed by moderators to protect cheaters* in the other thread of cheaters in action and every member in their guilds also run the same programs. It's an epidemic that the dev's have chosen to overlook and posters like you that do not participate in this aspect of the game blindly try to defend.

    When 1/3 of the posts on the main page are relating to cheating in nature the game has issue's. I'm not going to go into every thread for specific examples just to prove some random troll wrong. These forums are full of negative energy.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    good try only posting the PvP threads so lets just get rid of PvP and the problem will be fixed.  And when did bugs equal illegal 3rd party programs. 30 posts per page and you call 4 of them 3rd party cheating and also claim that is 1/3, you using funny math and I get my info from playing the game, helping others play the game and listening to them.  Where were those "10 BOTs" that poped out of no where I saw 4 people max in that video.  What is even funnier is the OP is running EC so are you saying that EC is illegal or that there are 3rd party programs for the EC and why is it that he didn't die if this is so bad. So we have a trumped up video and 2 bugs and a general complaint thread all to prove that cheating is killing UO.  When are you predicting UOs death, oh wait we heard this , what for the last 20 years.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    edited April 2019
    Oh Warshak.  The people who automate everything are generally not very good and have very slow reflexes.  Most high level pvpers do things manually because they dont want to instantly eat an apple when theyre corpsed, theyd rather save it for redline mortaled.  I could list 100 other examples of why scripting those things is stupid.

    I am sorry that you have had a rough couple of weeks getting pushed out of your own grinders by a guild with half as many people.  Crying on the forums should not be your approach to improving 

    I will agree that target relative is stupid but realistically there is no way to stop it.  Other shards that shall remain nameless had an elegant solution of putting a 30s Cool down on walls and teleports.  That could be a good solution.

    Also, suit swapping involves no cheating.  It is built in to both enhanced and classic client.  You can change any number of items at the press of the button.  
  • NonelNonel Posts: 33
    Yeah automation really doesn't work well in PvP. I wouldn't even combine two actions, of any sort, to the same hotkey. I think cheating is much more of an issue in Trammel (afk scripting and event multi-boxing) than it is in PvP
  • PaithanPaithan Posts: 120
    If they had a developer that updated UO assist/ classic client to give everything the same as enhanced client you might have a point. Other developers actually fix what lazy UO developers should have.  Only issue really is the target relative. 
  • TjalleTjalle Posts: 86
    Paithan said:
    If they had a developer that updated UO assist/ classic client to give everything the same as enhanced client you might have a point. Other developers actually fix what lazy UO developers should have.  Only issue really is the target relative. 
    Cheating is cheating no matter how you try to justify it. And cheating was still cheating long before the Enhanced client.
    The only thing that changes are the excuses to do it...
  • Acid_RainAcid_Rain Posts: 282
    Tjalle said:

    Cheating is cheating no matter how you try to justify it. And cheating was still cheating long before the Enhanced client.
    The only thing that changes are the excuses to do it...
    Agreed, the excuses never end & change with the times to attempt justification. 

    Paithan said:
    If they had a developer that updated UO assist/ classic client to give everything the same as enhanced client you might have a point. 
    While excuses change, apparently the players using them never change as they were using cheats long before the EC & still do.

  • CadyCady Posts: 21
    UOS is w/e, EC is still more OP, have UOS remove target relative and range based dismounting scripts, all them guilds like FS! who rely on WoS targeting scripts to 6v1 someone make me feel sorry for em, but that BS has got to go, makes for a boring UO experience.  
  • caglecagle Posts: 30
    When is something going to be done about these 3rd party programs, it is literally wrecking pvp and making the game boring and stupid.  People are auto-consuming every consumable in game, using wall scripts, script changing half their outfit at same time as their weapons.  Like 80-90% of pvp has gone automated and there is no more skill pvp anymore.  What a joke this game has become.  Do something about this devs!
    @ Bleak @ Kyronix @ Mesanna
    Dude that has been a complaint since 1998. There was a Pk once who had a prepatch bow. It kill d anyone with one hit. The guy drove people nuts. At a UO convention people were literally laughed at by devs for complaining. So your argument is pointless.
  • The_Higgs_1The_Higgs_1 Posts: 420
    LOL I love the EC nonsense people use as a excuse to use illegal programs.  EC is not that great it only give a slight speed advantage and only around objects.  You cant auto target, you cant set set lists and record dismount bola macros or swap weapons and suit at the same time.   Pvp is just stupid anymore with all these cheats.  Now the first P in pvp stands for programs not players.  And yes all of t his is easily fixable, most free shards turn off half the stuff in them to keep the game legit, its not hard.   All the dev team has to do is their job.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    edited April 2019
    Warshak, everything you just said the EC cant do, it absolutely can do.  Yes you can record macros to dismount and bola.  Yes you can completely swap an entire suit and weapon with one key press.  You can auto target with a variety of selection criteria (lowest hp enemy, lowest hp friend).  Your complete lack of understanding of game mechanics is disturbing considering how vocal you are here 

    The only thing EC cant do is target relative.

    Also, you can insta suit swap in CC, its a built in UO macro.  Educate yourself please.
  • LynkLynk Posts: 186
    Cady said:
    UOS is w/e, EC is still more OP, have UOS remove target relative and range based dismounting scripts, all them guilds like FS! who rely on WoS targeting scripts to 6v1 someone make me feel sorry for em, but that BS has got to go, makes for a boring UO experience.  
    What is WoS targeting script?
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I think this has gone on long enough.
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