Loot and Loot Nerfs

So 1% of the player base has access to loot that came out during initial release of Time of Legends. How is it fair to other players with out that tier of loot to compete/farm for it and your reasoning behind nerfing it?


  • I missed quite a lot I think, but, what exactly are you talking about loot wise? I have done the roof, and I do think the encounter ends with an obscene amount of magic loot, and some of it even seems "usable" instead of straight to relic fragment stuff.. What I get more concerned about is the Named Arties that I get suck. lol
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited January 2019
     I rested for a whole year and deciding to go back to do the roof soon. I heard the tamer was nerfed, but that is fair because there was zero spawn when the team is all tamers.

    But what do you mean by the 1% and with what initial loot? Is the Cameo etc no longer dropping in back packs? I have received good names arties in the past, as it wasn't easy.

    If what you mean is that they are no longer giving out names arties then it is bad. Where is the excitement in this game. Everything is nerfed and mundane. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • amitamit Posts: 36
    Sure the roof drops some arties. But I'm talking about the NAMELESS LEGENDARIES that were dropping at the beginning of Time of Legends release. Those hardly drop anymore and players in pvp a huge advantage that have them over players that don't. 
  • amitamit Posts: 36
    And for the nameless legendaries that do drop now - they in no way shape or form have as many of the stats that the ones pre loot nerf have.
  • I think he's talking about nowdays don't drop itens with 10+ mods, like some months ago, roof legies are with 8 mods, sometimes you see a 9 mod in exodus.

    And the noname is because usually only mobs in Eodon don't drop loot legendary (8+ mods) without prefix and sufix (ye still drop, i still got some, but not common as 6 month ago)
  • You want to see loot nerfs, break out your t-hunter and grab a few ingeniously maps
  • MissEMissE Posts: 782
    You want to see loot nerfs, break out your t-hunter and grab a few ingeniously maps
    Agree, what on earth has happened to tmap chests?  It is rare to get ONE legendary bit these days in about 10 chests.  As for the other items they seem to be even worse. Very few major or greater artis compared to what you used to get.  They nerfed forged pardons with the vvv royal pardon, and even mana orbs seem to be few and far between.

    Cheers MissE

    For more info about Angelwood Warehouse Events go to the A.W.E Forum
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    I agree, why are the Devs and some players always like to propose nerfs. Can we focus on making the game more exciting. 

    Nerfs = Boring Game

    We want excitement.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • amitamit Posts: 36
    edited January 2019
    I think he's talking about nowdays don't drop itens with 10+ mods, like some months ago, roof legies are with 8 mods, sometimes you see a 9 mod in exodus.

    And the noname is because usually only mobs in Eodon don't drop loot legendary (8+ mods) without prefix and sufix (ye still drop, i still got some, but not common as 6 month ago)
    Exactly. Thank you. You hardly ever see items with more than 8 mods. It sounds like a big cash grab to me *winks*. Those folks that farmed legendaries especially during initial release of time of legends have all the 10 to 12 mod pieces. 

    And when the nameless legendaries drop they're no were near the intensities items had before nerf. Usually 8 mods.
  • Most of what I've seen lately are really confused...Like a few excellent mage mods, then SSI and +hiding or something.  useless for the most part,  might have 8 mods on it, but actually only 3-4 ever go together
  • PicusPicus Posts: 13

    I cannot believe that I still haven't stopped paying for this account....anyways here is a very similar thread which I started here almost 1 year ago, nothing has changed and much is worse.....failing for the win.


  • amitamit Posts: 36
    I mean these items were out for about a month after expansion release. I fail to see reasoning behind the loot nerfs other than in game item monetary gains. They've become rares at this point (now who would have a master plan for something like that? *wink*)

    If new players coming back have 0 chances of getting said items from farmng why even try new content/pvm? Why invest in max luck suits when treasure chests aren't effected by luck? What "they" want you to do is spend irl money for in game items! Conspiracy theory ;)
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    You are mistaken. Treasure chests are most definitely affected by luck. I'm not entirely convinced that you are correct in your assumption that there has been a loot nerf either.
  • amitamit Posts: 36
    "The luck of whomever digs up the chest, at the moment they dig it up is used to calculate loot intensity. At the core, loot from mobs and in treasure chests is generated the same, the numbers that factor into those calculations for intensity however, are generated differently." - kyronix said in 2014

    So I was wrong there...

    ...But in regards to loot being nerfed. I haven't seen an item with more than 8 mods in some time.
  • amit said:

    ...But in regards to loot being nerfed. I haven't seen an item with more than 8 mods in some time.

    I won't argue the point of loot nerfs.  But I will say, with all the luckc boosters we can get, it has become so seldom that there is anything coming out of chests that is useful that they juyst arent worth the time anymore.   Might have 8 mods, but unless most of them are complementary, they're still useless.  I see stuff labeled artifact, and wonder what the hell is the trigger for it to be labelled such.   I think the dev teams have gotten so far into numbers, and procedures and grinding and quantity, that they have lost sight of the reason most people play...for fun and to find something useful.

    But it';s gone to far to turn back now, it is what it is, and we will just slowly continue to dwindle down the accounts until there is no more...
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
     The nerf you are talking about I assume was the same one where they removed the -100 luck property and scaled back what dropped legendary arties.  If so that was one of the needed nerfs.   I was camping the bandit camp farming legendary arties from the raiders with 9-10 properties with high intensities and 7-8 prop legendary with decent intensity from tsuki wolves.  Those arties that did occasionally have properties that were complimentary to each other were very rare and very over powered and begged to be scaled back.  What they should do is just add a God mode ring and then the new people will have a reason to play.

     If you take two characters one with max luck and one with zero luck and play each for 40 hours  keeping only clean majors you will find the character with max luck will have several chest full of majors and the Zero luck character will have maybe 2 chest full. And the max luck characters will be much higher intensity.   If you do a handful of kills and say Gee luck does not work then you need to brush up on how luck does work.  I can tell you that running max luck = a lot more LvL 7 maps in level 6 chest than low to no luck does.  Luck overall is a nice boost not a guarantee or a crutch.
  • amitamit Posts: 36
    I disagree with you. Now those items are considered rares and sold for plats/hundreds or dollars.

    Very few players farmed those items and have access to them. Why give a small % of players ridiculous items like that only just to nerf the loot later? It doesn't make any sense other than someone is trying to make a pretty penny of those items.

    Why did I/other players reactivate my/their accounts and buy time of Legends only not to have access to this gear other than farm billions of gold just to buy one piece when guys like you have "chests full"?
  • amit said:
    I disagree with you. Now those items are considered rares and sold for plats/hundreds or dollars.

    Very few players farmed those items and have access to them. Why give a small % of players ridiculous items like that only just to nerf the loot later? It doesn't make any sense other than someone is trying to make a pretty penny of those items.

    Why did I/other players reactivate my/their accounts and buy time of Legends only not to have access to this gear other than farm billions of gold just to buy one piece when guys like you have "chests full"?
    Amit is 100% right.  It's very disappointing to discover that I missed out on the "Time of LegendaryLootz" and as more of the community realizes that this stuff simply DOES NOT SPAWN anymore the prices are going to go up accordingly.  Judging from the quality of the stuff I see going on vendors lately it looks like the big farmers have already sorted through the houses full of old loot they had. 

    I bought this shield for 25 mil a few months ago:

    I have seen literally thousands of "legendary" shields as monster loot in the past 10 months and nothing that even comes close to what they used to have on them in terms of not only number of mods but also intensities and types of mods.  
  • amitamit Posts: 36
    Correction you CAN farm +9 mod items u just need to pay for 20 accounts and mutlibox.

    I digress.
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 589
    edited January 2019
    The absolute best Legendary gear, was coming off of Putrifier and Abscess in Fel with high Luck suits, until they nerfed the loot from them. People multi-boxed numerous Archers with AI ready to kill them fast.
  • amitamit Posts: 36
  • hunter11hunter11 Posts: 223
    DONT NERF THE LOOT.. Oh wait they did.... OKAY WELL BRING IT BACK DAMN IF YOU DO EVERYONE CAN FARM AND HAVE THOSE ITEMS.. also you have what 10 dead or nearly dead servers make them all revert to different times in uo and leave them that way to satisfy the player base and don't reset it it really sounds to me like you guys are messing up this new shard/server.... however the loot nerf was the worst thing ever aside from the people abusing the farming it should just be everyone farms if they want those items and eventually they can get them now good luck finding a great item that one may need that was put in the game to even begin with then, EHHHHH let's take it away... it's too powerful... instead of well shoot we can't now might as well let everyone get these items in some way obviously not too easily but it would benefit all pvpers, better and more mods/stats higher template diversity, sampires could rock amazing luck suits, I honestly don't see how if you brought them back how it could even be a problem with anyone... other than the people who ran 20 bots farming 24/7 
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    Don't necro threads please.
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