What items would you like to see for sale, with the new expansion, in the UO store.

A tile/altar/item that allows you to recall/gate into your house like a boat.

Skill cap increase tokens, raises your skill cap by 10, max of 80 points.

Stat cap increase tokens, raises your stat cap by 5, max of 30 points

Guild Herald, that allows guild message of the days.

Merchant relief token, Token adds one slot to a house providing 1 fee free merchant.

Pet resurrection potions, A potion for a pet ghost that acts like a bandage with 120 vet skill.

Veteran Robe Enhancement token, A token that adds something useful to veteran robes. (10 LMC?)

I am just spitballing here, but I think all these item would be fairly easy to code. I am curious to see your ideas.

What would you like to see in the UO store?


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