The Road to One Client ?



  •  I also firmly believe the majority of CC only users are doing it for nefarious reasons. I grew up on CC like most others, but it is absolutely NOT the better client and you guys know it. I don't expect anyone to be honest and upfront, but what irks me is when you make up lame reasons why you "only every play CC and will quit if they discontinue it". 

    I take offense to this.  Not all CC users are hackers and cheaters.
  • I might add, some of us like the CC better because its like the old blanket we still keep.

    OR, it mnight be because we can do spawns with macroed targetting and not be constantly targetting ghost mobs which are just standing around for some reason and probably always will be.

    Or, we might not like the super duper graphics of EC (hiryu comes to mind).

    Or we might like books...

    There's a lot of reasons to like CC other than cheating
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    While opinion, supposition and conjecture can be fun, let's keep it friendly.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    As I said, I started with CC like everyone else, I now play EC because I know it's the better client. I don't experience this ghosting everyones complaining about. Is the ec buggy ? Yep, and you shouldnt have taken offense to my comment if you know you're not guilty. I said a majority of users, and it's my opinion but I still stand by it.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    As I said, I started with CC like everyone else, I now play EC because I know it's the better client. I don't experience this ghosting everyones complaining about. Is the ec buggy ? Yep, and you shouldnt have taken offense to my comment if you know you're not guilty. I said a majority of users, and it's my opinion but I still stand by it.

    At least I don't have headaches and throw fits while I hack and cheat...  Keep the CC!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Draike said:
    I think this poll is useless because it fails to catch the main reason people choose between the clients. And no, do not bring graphics as a reason, UO was never hot on graphics and been the mmo game with over 20 years of age only shows it. Many more games with way better graphics failed miserably to catch players attention and did not survive a fraction of years UO has. It really comes down to if you use third party mods/scripts or not. With EC you dont have to, with CC you do, being those either legal or illegal. Just be honest with yourself and admit it. Just my 2 cents into the whole mix of things 
    So according to you all CC users are scripters and you know for a fact that graphics have nothing to do with it.  Thank you for that remarkable insight.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    I absolutely love this sit and laugh at it actually. This is strictly my opinion, but I firmly believe that maybe 5% of the population really does have an issue with the EC as far as not liking the graphics, or even those claiming dizzyness/seizures/fits/etc...I didn't care for it either when I first downloaded on a computer so old it had no business running it, but then I stepped back into the 21st century and bought a new one (I know I know, you can't afford a new one, yet you manage to log in to UO every day of your life and pay for 15 accounts) once I got a decent computer the EC plays wonderfully. I also firmly believe the majority of CC only users are doing it for nefarious reasons. I grew up on CC like most others, but it is absolutely NOT the better client and you guys know it. I don't expect anyone to be honest and upfront, but what irks me is when you make up lame reasons why you "only every play CC and will quit if they discontinue it". Just sit back and quietly read threads like this and be happy you still have your client at all. If you guys think for one moment that the devs don't know exactly to the number why 95% of CC users are actually playing the cc, you're all high. The proof is in the meta data that was captured when they made us agree to that little file sniffer a long time ago, unless I missed the part where they changed their mind and removed it. But keep these threads going please..they're hilarious to read. And before I get reported, I'm not pointing fingers or mentioning anyone by name, I'm not..merely my opinion, which I'm entitled to, and for the record, I voted EC. 
    And yet another know-it-all that says CC users are nothing but cheaters.
  •  I also firmly believe the majority of CC only users are doing it for nefarious reasons. I grew up on CC like most others, but it is absolutely NOT the better client and you guys know it. I don't expect anyone to be honest and upfront, but what irks me is when you make up lame reasons why you "only every play CC and will quit if they discontinue it". Just sit back and quietly read threads like this and be happy you still have your client at all.

     I actually do not have any "nefarious" reasons for preferring CC.. I honestly believe EC is so ugly it is mind boggling they let that thing woggle into existence at all, and I am glad that I have a client at all to play it on, and yes, I'd quit the moment they shut down support for CC, unless there is a true graphical equivalent or upgrade for it. I prefer the UI as well, but I can live without it if there were no other way. EC graphics = no thanks. I'll take a graphicless m.u.d. over EC any day.
  • SlissSliss Posts: 283
    Cookie said:

    CC IS the better client, end of story, for no other reason, that it just performs better on all fronts. 

    That is simply not true. One of the biggest complaints of CC advocates over the years was that EC performs better and they can't compete with EC players. EC runs smoother without the migraine inducing stutter at every step, and has UI that is not from the dawn of computing age. The only thing CC has over EC is the looks which is quite subjective, and access to illegal scripting software. Neither should be a reason to get rid of the more modern client.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I can not use the EC because it gives me a headache and makes my eyes hurt within a few minutes.  Looking at a screen shot can do the same.

    Also I throw up everytime I see images of Swampy, Horse, and Hiryus, etc (most graphics) from the CC.

    The CC Swampy was called the Cucumber since day 1 when Todd created, by the larger community. I wasn't the first to call it this. The EC Swampy looks like the traditional Chinese dragon, which obviously look much better.

    The CC Hiryu looks like the old classic F-16 plane with its wings stretched flat both sides, and white and red colors. The EC looks correct with its long swirling tail (I like the animation in 3D). In PVP, the EC Hiryu looks menacing.

    Anyway, not many players use forum. Do this poll on the game client for 3.5 months and see. This will ensure at least they login and see the poll.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited November 2018

    totally agree with what you said.  saying only reason people use the classic client is for cheats is nonsense.  i dont even use UO assist anymore.  i do fine. 

    for me its the paperdolls, and the mounts mainly.    and iconic pets like dragons that just dont look like UO to me.

    and the books of course.  i cant imagine having UO without the vast collections of literature.  it just wouldnt be UO for me.

    Lets be real, the graphics of EC were outdated even when it was released in 2009. 

    If it was just the UI with none of the spell effects, runescape looking paperdolls, or other blasphemous "art", id play EC.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    AMEN @Smoot
  • HimmelweissHimmelweiss Posts: 15
    edited November 2018
    Seth said:
    I can not use the EC because it gives me a headache and makes my eyes hurt within a few minutes.  Looking at a screen shot can do the same.

    Also I throw up everytime I see images of Swampy, Horse, and Hiryus, etc (most graphics) from the CC.

    The CC Swampy was called the Cucumber since day 1 when Todd created, by the larger community. I wasn't the first to call it this. The EC Swampy looks like the traditional Chinese dragon, which obviously look much better.

    The CC Hiryu looks like the old classic F-16 plane with its wings stretched flat both sides, and white and red colors. The EC looks correct with its long swirling tail (I like the animation in 3D). In PVP, the EC Hiryu looks menacing.

    Anyway, not many players use forum. Do this poll on the game client for 3.5 months and see. This will ensure at least they login and see the poll.

    The CC swampy actually really looks better than the EC swampy.
    The Hiryu looks better in EC than in CC.

    Smoot said:
    @ Uriah_Heep

    totally agree with what you said.  saying only reason people use the classic client is for cheats is nonsense.  i dont even use UO assist anymore.  i do fine. 

    for me its the paperdolls, and the mounts mainly.    and iconic pets like dragons that just dont look like UO to me.

    and the books of course.  i cant imagine having UO without the vast collections of literature.  it just wouldnt be UO for me.

    Lets be real, the graphics of EC were outdated even when it was released in 2009. 

    If it was just the UI with none of the spell effects, runescape looking paperdolls, or other blasphemous "art", id play EC.

    The Dragon in EC looks better than the the dragon in CC.

    The Grass and Road textures look better in EC than in CC.

    What i am trying to say is that some things look better in CC and most other things look better in EC.
    And when it comes to "taste about graphics" it will be an endless discussion anyway :D

  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited November 2018
    The bane dragon looks better in EC.

    *opens the door for Phoenix guy*
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • HimmelweissHimmelweiss Posts: 15
    edited November 2018
    As I said, I started with CC like everyone else, I now play EC because I know it's the better client. I don't experience this ghosting everyones complaining about. Is the ec buggy ? Yep, and you shouldnt have taken offense to my comment if you know you're not guilty. I said a majority of users, and it's my opinion but I still stand by it.
    Even thought i prefer EC by far, ghosting happens quite often in EC and it is extremly annoying.

  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Will someone please explain what the point of this thread is?   
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited November 2018

    thanks for the reply and opinions.   this is the whole reason i made the poll in the first place, because i know my own tastes are only my own opinion and wanted to get a sense of others not my own.

    (id have to personally disagree on the textures, i feel the EC looks rather muddled in most cases.  and i still prefer the hildebrandt dragon vrs the newer one.  goes to show there are many differences to what people prefer visually.)

    its just to get an idea of the value players other than myself put on the art and graphics, and which style everyone prefers.  im by no means pushing to eliminated the EC, or the CC.

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I don't care about the art, I just prefer the EC overall. 
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    edited November 2018
    As I said, I started with CC like everyone else, I now play EC because I know it's the better client. I don't experience this ghosting everyones complaining about. Is the ec buggy ? Yep, and you shouldnt have taken offense to my comment if you know you're not guilty. I said a majority of users, and it's my opinion but I still stand by it.
    Even thought i prefer EC by far, ghosting happens quite often in EC and it is extremly annoying.
    i dont play EC so cant speak from experience, but could this be a problem with monitor response time rate rather than the actual client.  i specifically went with a 1ms response time monitor (sacrificing color depth) for online games to reduce problems with ghosting.  i know many common IPS monitors (better color depth) have a 6 milisecond or higher response time, which is not ideal for gaming.  for games most people would tell you you want to shoot for 4ms or below.  apologize if this is redundant information to you, just trying to be helpful.

  • The only way I have found to eliminate the ghosts when they are there, is to completely shutdown the client and restart it.  Not a real solution at spawns...
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 416
    jaytin said:
    I don't care about the art, I just prefer the EC overall. 
    i should have added a third option to the poll :/
  • InLorInLor Posts: 434
    Art and aesthetics are subjective, but it's not like things can't make sense. The EC is aesthetically obviously inferior when it comes to cohesiveness. And that's because they had to basically technically and artistically paint over the old one. It's really a mixed bag with a lot of aesthetic clashing. Some monster designs are really off, and overall, 3D tends to date quicker than 2D. Compare the DKC series from the SNES with DK64. The latter looks far more dated. 

    The classic client, while archaic and riddled with faults, still looks and feels better put together. Things like the frames and animations can quite easily be fixed and many, many other aspects as well, as "unofficial efforts" have demonstrated. I would personally opt to go with the classic client in terms of focus on updating clients, because it has a distinct appeal in today's marked saturated with generic 3D art. The classic client has a distinct Ultima feel that is dear to very many people and I think with some love can still appeal to people today. One sucky thing about 2D is the labor for the art... but with today's tech you can render in 3D and then generate sprites with that.. so long you have the art direction and know-how to nail the aesthetic feel.. otherwise you'll have really out-of-place looking art, like now is the case with some of the 3D art that was converted to sprites for the 2D client.

    Anyhow, the 3D client has gotten way more love and the 2D one was effectively almost abandoned until recently. On top of that, the 3D client has Pinco... while no such modding options exist for the 2D client. So, I am very happy about the 2D client getting love and I hope it will continue. I only ever logged in to EC for a few features, that if present in the 2D client, would help me bid the EC client farewell. 
    A qua lemmúr wíste, an zen anku vol verde wís.
  • cobbcobb Posts: 172
    CC always wins these polls. That would indicate that it would make more business sense to devote more time into it since it is the more popular client.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Less than 40 have expressed an opinion.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Rorschach said:
    Will someone please explain what the point of this thread is?   

    Many replies have no point but It went into a fun direction.

    The Dragon in EC looks like some poorly made robot dragon toy from the 60s.

    The EC swamp dragon is horrible and is missing 2 legs.  

    We disagree on many Mobs artwork.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,299
    edited November 2018
    I hear the CC causes the Diabeetus
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,673
    Invokana Baby!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimTim Posts: 840
    Just for the record this is what a real dragon looks like

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,401Moderator
    Rorschach said:
    Less than 40 have expressed an opinion.
    which is somewhat under 3% of the registered posters on this forum.  I think this thread is serving no real purpose.
This discussion has been closed.