Question or two for Siege players

i know you do not want transfers because your economy in great i fully love and support that, how would you feel about naked transfers no items no gold no nothin just Anon Mcdougle . it might make players think about moving there would there be a reason this would not work ? 

if this was possible how would you feel about adding a second character slot with soul stones no one even on Siege really only has one char...
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 


  • no on both. transferring characters means they transfer with all the powerscrolls they received. one char per account should absolutely remain because it makes reputation matter.
  • Siege has and always will be a total sealed shard as is Mugen.   You get one character and you do as the rest of us have ..., work to make your way in the world.   Now there is a bonus to playing Siege... You can place a house and not hurt your prodo shard home.  Siege is hard for a reason, try it.
  • Second @Max_Blackoak. Reputation matters, and skills are earned. RoT is not nearly as difficult as everyone makes it out to be, nor is it nearly as time consuming. Come to Siege, start fresh, build a group of your own or join one of the Siege Perilous groups. Start in NEW, and watch how the entire community of Siege comes to your aid.

    If having low skills is really that large of an issue, drop the 25 bucks on a Mythic Char token. Siege isn't "The Hard Shard." Siege is how Ultima was meant to be played, where PvP matters more than because of your ego, and your reputation is actually attached to the person behind the keyboard. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    there is of course a McDougle on Siege i found skill gain easy PS are cheap and plentiful and i quickly scrolled out my Bard i have a beautiful 18x18 and had no trouble building decent suits !!!

    what if not only did characters come naked and no items or gold but all skills dropped to 100 ??
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • clearly you're trolling now. go back to your cave, shooo!

    (on the off chance that you were actually serious: how would that be fair to Siege newcomers if they don't even get the 1k gold while everyone else had that and is completely established? it's not like even that 1k gold will get them up to speed but it helps a little so they can at least buy some training equipment. Similar point on dropping all skills to 100 - how would that be fair to people who invested time and/or money to get 120s and train those skills up???)
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    I'm not trolling i have a genuine desire to understand the mind set of Siege players or in the case of other threads i have posted PVPers and while i love bee's it is never my intention to poke the nest . but i will still ask questions..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 414
    id play mostly siege if this were allowed.  biggest complaint has always been its just impossible to to train a warrior character.   i know you can train casting skills fast from the exploit but ive always played warrior based, and its just impossible to train those skills.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2018
    This is not a boast, between my 2 accounts I have 72 soulstones with every skill except camping, item and taste ID. There is absolutely nothing stopping anyone from working skills, and saying impossible to train a warrior character is simply untrue.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Smoot said:
    id play mostly siege if this were allowed.  biggest complaint has always been its just impossible to to train a warrior character.   i know you can train casting skills fast from the exploit but ive always played warrior based, and its just impossible to train those skills.

    it takes no longer than a week to train up ANY warrior related skill on Siege and it's even faster the more time per day you have to play. Please talk to someone who knows what they're doing before dismissing Siege just because you were told or you believe it doesn't work. I will be more than happy to help out.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,829
    Smoot said:
    id play mostly siege if this were allowed.  biggest complaint has always been its just impossible to to train a warrior character.   i know you can train casting skills fast from the exploit but ive always played warrior based, and its just impossible to train those skills.

    I've trained up a pure warrior character on Siege, and absolutely loved it.

    Max offered advice on how to do it quicker, I ignored his advice and have done it the hardcore old school way of playing it up. :o

    It's taken awhile, absolutely loved it though, very rewarding way of playing. A very enjoyable, fulfilling game experience.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,829
     McDougle said:
    I'm not trolling i have a genuine desire to understand the mind set of Siege players or in the case of other threads i have posted PVPers and while i love bee's it is never my intention to poke the nest . but i will still ask questions..

    I'm watching you! >:)

    Nah I know you are not trolling - you can usually tell by tone, who is, and who isn't.

    That's why I usually try and give a decent response!

    Unless you've completely gobsmacked me.

  • SmootSmoot Posts: 414
    edited October 2018
    Smoot said:
    id play mostly siege if this were allowed.  biggest complaint has always been its just impossible to to train a warrior character.   i know you can train casting skills fast from the exploit but ive always played warrior based, and its just impossible to train those skills.

    it takes no longer than a week to train up ANY warrior related skill on Siege and it's even faster the more time per day you have to play. Please talk to someone who knows what they're doing before dismissing Siege just because you were told or you believe it doesn't work. I will be more than happy to help out.
    who has a week to train a character?  i can train same character on atlantic in about 5 hours.  I could do maybe 1 hour a day max.  I think only possible way is pinks, and just not sure i want to devote that much gold to a character, if i could even find the pinks for sale.

  • psychlo0015psychlo0015 Posts: 20
    edited October 2018
    I think it's a good idea as long as the power scrolls and stat scrolls they used were removed. Actually maybe not because they would be able to use items bought on npc to gain skills like boards, ingots, cloth and leather. It would be unfair. 

    Basically its just not fair and would go against they idea of the shard.
  • BoBoBoBo Posts: 21
    Bo recently created several more characters on siege.  Was easy, created EJ account asked guildie to train it up to what the Bo wanted.  Bo scrolled character.  1 week later character was done it was done at a very reasonable price via siege gold.  Let people who want to work skills do it for you.  Bo bets people would take prodo gold for doing such a thing. 
  • Smoot said:
    Smoot said:
    id play mostly siege if this were allowed.  biggest complaint has always been its just impossible to to train a warrior character.   i know you can train casting skills fast from the exploit but ive always played warrior based, and its just impossible to train those skills.

    it takes no longer than a week to train up ANY warrior related skill on Siege and it's even faster the more time per day you have to play. Please talk to someone who knows what they're doing before dismissing Siege just because you were told or you believe it doesn't work. I will be more than happy to help out.
    who has a week to train a character?  i can train same character on atlantic in about 5 hours.  I could do maybe 1 hour a day max.  I think only possible way is pinks, and just not sure i want to devote that much gold to a character, if i could even find the pinks for sale.

    1 hour a day will get you there eventually and is definitely more than 0 hours and sticking to complaining about it. Pinks help but at 10k per 0.1 this method gets expensive quickly and they are not necessary for this.
    I am still convinced that even with only 1 hour per day it will not take more than a week to finish a warrior.

    Why are you letting this keep you from starting on Siege? Imagine you had made a character on Siege when it first caught your interest. It would have been finished and probably well established by now. Have you ever looked at it this way?

    If you really want to join Siege just do it.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 414
    edited October 2018

    Why are you letting this keep you from starting on Siege? Imagine you had made a character on Siege when it first caught your interest. It would have been finished and probably well established by now. Have you ever looked at it this way?

    If you really want to join Siege just do it.
    actually been there for 14 years, and my character still isnt GM.  i usually log on, but then i think about im only getting 1 gain every 15 mins and it seems pointless and i just log off.  i cant kill anything worthwhile, so it just gets real boring.

    ideally, id like to see a toggle for regular skill gain vrs guaranteed gains.  im the type of person that likes to play a character to train it, rather than just logging in every 15 mins to get a gain (which would be impossible for me to really do anyway)

    i love the ruleset of siege, just not the skill training.

    plus like i said considering the fact you can exploit so many casting skills i see no reason for warrior type characters to be punished. 
    while im at it, hiding and stealth should also be removed on siege it would be alot more fun.

  • you're obviously a lost cause then :-/

    about hiding and stealth: hiding is fine, stealth is overpowered on Siege because there is no passive detect and because tracking is basically a broken skill. Stealth needs to be looked at.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I stopped reading after "actually been there for 14 years, and my character still isnt GM", none of the rest matters.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,829
    I stopped reading after "actually been there for 14 years, and my character still isnt GM", none of the rest matters.

    I've been there say 4-5 months half active, and have 5xgm (tact,anat,parry, bush,mace), Macing is at 110/120, resist 70, and healing 98.9, hope to finish that any day now.

    I've also got 2, almost 3 soulstones (1 gifted, 2 farmed for), and have imbue at 20, lumber at 70.

    I'm about as slow as you can go, because I really do just play it up, and not very efficiently at that.

    Whilst I'm ok for the skills I play a lot - warrior, mage, gathering, I do worry about the crafting system under ROT - I think the slowness may slow me down a lot there, we will see.

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,488
    swings and roundabouts @Cookie it takes a little longer to train a crafter, but it costs a heck of a lot less in resources. I've not actively played on Siege for a little while, but I did, and trained 2 crafters. My first lived in Delucia inn for weeks!  I have been lured back recently with a fabulous deco project (see homes and castles forum). I've enjoyed roaming the shard again finding the things I wanted for deco, you might see me there some more - but not if I see you first!
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    I wish you had sold ME that Zento house instead of Doc, although his museum I suppose will do more for the shard than my gigantic collection of Orc ships would have :-)
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,488
    But I didn't know you wanted it! It happened like this. 
    I read Doc's buying and searching thread where he said he wanted a Zento house. That triggered a guilty feeling that I was sitting on such a house and not using it. I sent him a pm and offered it, on the proviso that I could find somewhere else on the shard to move to - I wasn't prepared to give up on the idea that I may wish to play more in the future.

    Doc offered a straight swap, my house for his keep, no money changed hands and I have had a lovely time converting the keep to the new style and decorating it.  It's currently set 'public' if anyone wants to look around it, I'll leave it that way for a week or so then lock the front door :D
  • *pick's the lock on Molly's Keep*
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,792
    I love ROT on Siege.   I know that within so many minutes I can get a gain in the skill I am trying to to get, whereas on a prodo I would have to grind and grind at it.
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • Bottom line is it wouldn't be fair because you have such an advantage on regular shards. You can actually finish characters faster on regular shards than on Siege and you also have all of those cheap resources available. It just wouldn't be fair and would make the game more pay to win than simply pay to play. 
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