Changes/Improvements on my wishlist...



  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    Cookie said:
    Grimbeard said:
    @ Grimbeard shard bound is not the solution for anything, its the most stupid crap they ever did
    So you like to farm small shards and the sell on Atlantic good to know I bet you have shard shields as well 
    I don't do this, in fact, I rarely sell anything.

    But I'm going to pose the question - what would be wrong with doing this?
    It is how someone wants to play, why judge them, why stop them?
    They are gathering, others are gaining by being able to trade, and get items for a reasonable price.
    What is it, that players such as you, are actually trying to protect?

    You know we hear a lot about players leaving the game etc, you want to know my opinion, I believe it is because of current fixed ingrained attitudes of the current players, always trying to ban players, or control them. This isn't gaming. This is not having fun. I believe if we got rid of Trammel, and these type of authoritarian attitudes, UO would do a lot better, people would re-learn how to be more open minded.

    Grimbeard said:
    Why are treasure map chest not trapped? 
    Shard longevity is the answer to the question.

    Item availability helps players.  If they can’t find anything they need or want they leave.  

  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546
    Cookie said:
    The issue really is of course - Bots on dead shards - but then I do not believe Trammel should have any loot at all, and that in itself would prevent Bots, and dead shard farming.

    How far down the rabbit hole of dementia does someone have to be to NOT know that this would shut the game down instantly? This is so batshit that it alone invalidates everything else you've ever said.
    This is correct.  The majority of the player base does not like PVP, and even a good amount of pvpers do not want to do it continuously.  Removing loot from trammel is a terrible idea.

  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 546

    Cookie said:
    I would even suggest, a cataclysmic event, where all gold, and resources are wiped.
    Then take loot away from Trammel, and put more emphasis on Crafting.
    I would maybe not even bring PvM equipment/weapon loot back at all, on any facet.
    (although that would mess up getting relics for Imbuing).
    But the point is, Crafted gear, has to rank above PvM loot - except for "special" event items, top boss rare artifacts.
    Let’s not.  If you want to experience this go play a free shard.  
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited February 7
    Cookie said:
    I would even suggest, a cataclysmic event, where all gold, and resources are wiped.
    Then take loot away from Trammel, and put more emphasis on Crafting.
    I would maybe not even bring PvM equipment/weapon loot back at all, on any facet.
    (although that would mess up getting relics for Imbuing).
    But the point is, Crafted gear, has to rank above PvM loot - except for "special" event items, top boss rare artifacts.

    Thanks but no, the reason that Trammel was created was because Ultima Online, because of pkillers, was losing lots of players.

    Having a Trammel with barely anything and putting the loot in Felucca will basically mean, to my opinion, seeing once again a very significant loss of UO players which might make the servers get shut down for good for lack of sufficient revenues to keep them up.

    Thanks but no.

    To my understanding, there is plenty players out there who do not want to have anything to do with PvP and player killing and this, for various reasons, including, perhaps, the presence of cheaters, scripters as well as for other reasons.

    Already Power Scrolls only in Felucca was a big mistake, to my opinion, it gave a Monopoly to a limited sub set of players who were in control of Champion Spawns and, consequentially, were able to ask whatever prices they wanted for Powerscrolls and this, forced the rest of the players, if they wanted to advance their characters, to have to engage in horrible and alienating grinds (or use scripts and bots) in order to earn the huge amounts of gold necessary to purchase Powerscrolls and, eventually, some UO players had enough of those alienating grinds and quit playing UO, to my opinion...

    Not to mention, that having Powerscrolls only spawn in Felucca also triggered a ridicolous inflation in UO with a whole lot of other issues and downsides.

    And no, it was not possible to challenge those holding the Monopoly of powerscrolls in Felucca because with their exclusive access to powerscrolls and the huge in game wealth from which they exclusively benefitted coming from them, they were able to outfit their characters with the best skills and gear there was thus making them even more powerful and not possible to be challenged by many among the other UO players, especially if casual players and not gamers with an extensive time at hand to play.

    Powerscrolls being exclusive of Felucca was, to my opinion, a big mistake which created many problems in UO and caused, to my viewing, the loss of players.

    Doing the same mistake again I do not think would be a good thing for UO.

    That is at least how I see it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 7
    I am forever seeing how Botting, lag from botting, shardbound restrictions, wars on sub-sets of players, and free loot in Trammel is losing the game players.
    Tell me the difference - you can't have it both ways.
    Making the game easy, making botting a possibility, is the current problem.
    All of the problems I see, are Trammel problems, which has to suggest to you all by now, Trammel is the problem.
    Many of you chose to see it as a 3rd client problem, you are deluding yourselves, these 3rd clients are having far less negative effect in Felucca.
    You are misplacing the blame, blaming the wrong players, blaming the wrong software even. Felucca Pvpers, are not the same players as Trammel RMT players. The programs they use, are not necessarily the same. Certainly blaming the wrong Facet. Trammel is the issue, hands down.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Cookie said:
    I am forever seeing how Botting, lag from botting, shardbound restrictions, wars on sub-sets of players, and free loot in Trammel is losing the game players.
    Tell me the difference - you can't have it both ways.
    Making the game easy, making botting a possibility, is the current problem.
    All of the problems I see, are Trammel problems, which has to suggest to you all by now, Trammel is the problem.
    Many of you chose to see it as a 3rd client problem, you are deluding yourselves, these 3rd clients are having far less negative effect in Felucca.
    You are misplacing the blame, blaming the wrong players, blaming the wrong software even. Felucca Pvpers, are not the same players as Trammel RMT players. The programs they use, are not necessarily the same. Certainly blaming the wrong Facet. Trammel is the issue, hands down.

    I am sorry, but I need to disagree, Trammel, to my opinion, actually saved Ultima Online so, it was (and is) a good thing for Ultima Online.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    popps said:

    I am sorry, but I need to disagree, Trammel, to my opinion, actually saved Ultima Online so, it was (and is) a good thing for Ultima Online.

    Right here, right now.
    Is it the actions of Felucca pvpers, or Trammel players, that have been disturbing UO content, for the last year?
    I would hazard a guess, you do not know, or have ever met any Feluccan pvpers.
    I would hazard a guess, you think there is a lot wrong with the game though, based on your experience in Trammel...?
    (And 20 years, but I thought I would start by making it easy for you).
    Feel free to respond. :)
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    be good to get rid of the cheat client that you *cough* coach *cough* is using whistle stealing your char name wouldn't it ;)
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    be good to get rid of the cheat client that you *cough* coach *cough* is using whistle stealing your char name wouldn't it ;)
    Have I got you siding with Popps for once ? :)

    I create history. :)
  • StingardStingard Posts: 31
    edited February 7
    They could just make a shard with a no pvp ruleset and instanced housing that will let you transfer in current characters once, but not transfer them out. I think the Cookies of the world would find that the other shards go empty pretty quick, because most of the player base is no longer interested in the automated, who can run and heal best, pvp world that is UO. They don't want PvP. Seige is fully available for that and largely empty.  They want victims.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Stingard said:
    They could just make a shard with a no pvp ruleset and instanced housing that will let you transfer in current characters once, but not transfer them out. I think the Cookies of the world would find that the other shards go empty pretty quick, because most of the player base is no longer interested in the automated, who can run and heal best, pvp world that is UO. They don't want PvP. Seige is fully available for that and largely empty.  They want victims.
    Rubbish regarding the victims.

    I come to these forums to see victims, and trust me, it is emotionally draining.

    I give my time, trying to help you guys, but you are in so deep, you cannot see it :)
  • StingardStingard Posts: 31
    Cookie said:
    Rubbish regarding the victims.

    I come to these forums to see victims, and trust me, it is emotionally draining.

    I give my time, trying to help you guys, but you are in so deep, you cannot see it :)

    Spoken like every abuser ever . . .  It is for your own good.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 7
    Stingard said:
    They could just make a shard with a no pvp ruleset and instanced housing that will let you transfer in current characters once, but not transfer them out. I think the Cookies of the world would find that...
    Ban World Shards (free client).. let them cheaters do their Bots vs Bots on Felucca and monitoring on Trammel.
    By doing that u can remove shard bound from legit shard and replace this tag by Ban World tag.. they could even do more special rule shards by doing that move.. like a fresh start with special rules shard; u can use any client on that banworld shard..

    We gonna end up with 10+ ban world shard for 2-3 legit shard.. this would be a great day for UO.. but won't gonna happen; the mafia boss stepping down as producer to elect her own personal pawn ain't gonna change anything for UO.. BS need new blood at the management to clean the house and make real move.. like a more transparent cash shop (way more profit for EA) and bring back the GG's sandbox game we all loved... step 1; work on CC and kill the heresy; the theme gated game.. sitting yearss waiting on specific mainstreamed shardbound items to go legit PvP vs automation.. is.... a shame.

    And BTW for all of you talking about classic UO version.. y'all missing the OBVIOUS.. it should be UO at it's peak (most popular) and ONLY CC should be useable on such version.. so go work on the step 1.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    Stingard said:
    Cookie said:
    Rubbish regarding the victims.

    I come to these forums to see victims, and trust me, it is emotionally draining.

    I give my time, trying to help you guys, but you are in so deep, you cannot see it :)

    Spoken like every abuser ever . . .  It is for your own good.
    Wow, that took it to another level lol :)

    You are, how you perceive yourself.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Cookie said:
    be good to get rid of the cheat client that you *cough* coach *cough* is using whistle stealing your char name wouldn't it ;)
    Have I got you siding with Popps for once ? :)

    I create history. :)
    I think I have agreed with him once or twice. But I would have to really look into that 
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 7
    It's not about the extrem right agreeing with the extrem left more than someone having a flat earther take.

    You trying to solve an equation with the incorrect unknown.. that flat earther take. (he was pretty much asking for a Siege ruleset with insurance and vacation house on Trammel)
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Grimbeard said:
    Some of those I can understand, but some just make me think 'why?' 
    Why do you want the cap on lockpick raised to 120? I do perfectly fine with it at GM, especially with the odd key for the higher level ones. 
    If you don't want to do weapon bods, don't collect them. Nothing forces you to accept a bod just because it's offered
    Time and Time again people have asked for power scrolls in Tram, and time and time again the devs have said 'no'. Why would they change the policy now?  The one concession they made was to put lower scrolls in Felucca maps. You have more chance of maybe getting 115s added to maps than to get scrolls in Tram.
    I think shard bounding PS would solve the issue..
    Shard bounding Power Scrolls would not solve anything.  Shard bound PSs were a joke because alls the Tamer had to do is take their pet to the needed shard and apply the PSs.  I have Shard Shields to every SHARD and all my shard hoppers are tamers so I get scrolls cheap and my pets are still trained.  If you shard bound scrolls I will just go to different shards and eat scrolls as needed till my char has it all.
  • Cookie said:
    Trammels loot should be drastically reduced, to create a genuine risk vs reward atmosphere.

    People like you have been saying shit like this for a quarter of a century now, and the part where anyone gives a damn has never come. Nobody cares. Nobody wants your precious "risk vs reward" gameplay. Everyone uprooted their communities and moved to Trammel to get away from it the very moment they got the chance, and they never ever came back.

    The fact is everyone would much rather deal with lag and bots than splash around in your little PVP toilet and there's nothing anyone can do about that.
  • MizzlynMizzlyn Posts: 54
    I'm not knowledgeable of what the pvp community wants or needs, but it would be nice if the producers had a EM's for just Fel events. Maybe tournaments, contested champ spawns, or other contests, but like I said I'm not sure what the pvpers find enjoyable fighting over. The EM would hopefully be someone from the pvp community and able to figure those things out.
  • StingardStingard Posts: 31
    Mizzlyn said:
    I'm not knowledgeable of what the pvp community wants or needs, but it would be nice if the producers had a EM's for just Fel events. Maybe tournaments, contested champ spawns, or other contests, but like I said I'm not sure what the pvpers find enjoyable fighting over. The EM would hopefully be someone from the pvp community and able to figure those things out.
    This one is easy.  They want pve oriented characters to get a few dozen pet related 120 scrolls at a champ spawn, then gank them as they are easy kills, steal their loot, ruin their day, and make them waste their precious time.  Then they want it to happen again.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited February 7
    Stingard said:
    Mizzlyn said:
    I'm not knowledgeable of what the pvp community wants or needs, but it would be nice if the producers had a EM's for just Fel events. Maybe tournaments, contested champ spawns, or other contests, but like I said I'm not sure what the pvpers find enjoyable fighting over. The EM would hopefully be someone from the pvp community and able to figure those things out.
    This one is easy.  They want pve oriented characters to get a few dozen pet related 120 scrolls at a champ spawn, then gank them as they are easy kills, steal their loot, ruin their day, and make them waste their precious time.  Then they want it to happen again.

    You have no idea.
    But carry on with the victim mentality.

  • MizzlynMizzlyn Posts: 54
    edited February 7
    Could you just explain what you want to pvp over so to speak? Or what about siege doesn't work?
  • StingardStingard Posts: 31
    Cookie said:
    You have no idea.
    But carry on with the victim mentality.

    But didn't you say you don't want victims?  Make up your mind!
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,660
    Cookie said:
    Stingard said:
    Mizzlyn said:
    I'm not knowledgeable of what the pvp community wants or needs, but it would be nice if the producers had a EM's for just Fel events. Maybe tournaments, contested champ spawns, or other contests, but like I said I'm not sure what the pvpers find enjoyable fighting over. The EM would hopefully be someone from the pvp community and able to figure those things out.
    This one is easy.  They want pve oriented characters to get a few dozen pet related 120 scrolls at a champ spawn, then gank them as they are easy kills, steal their loot, ruin their day, and make them waste their precious time.  Then they want it to happen again.

    You have no idea.
    But carry on with the victim mentality.

    But it is true for the majority of pvpers even if it's not for you
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 7
    Mizzlyn said:
    I'm not knowledgeable of what the pvp community wants or needs, but it would be nice if the producers had a EM's for just Fel events. Maybe tournaments, contested champ spawns, or other contests, but like I said I'm not sure what the pvpers find enjoyable fighting over. The EM would hopefully be someone from the pvp community and able to figure those things out.
    You nailing it unlike most of people around here.. even the one pretending to enjoy PvP (when they BvB) and talking about risk vs reward.. these people legit taking part in a MAIN event, in wich u racking more reward in Tram tunnel rather than Fel cities and nobody cares.

    But yeah.. u nailing it.. since the insurance system.. it's all about contesting.. mini game like king of the hill.. competition like tourney.. or simply chassing away from your spawn the rats that cannot do their PvE legit (without botting)... they too cool to touch the PvE stuff.

    If u wanna talk about risk vs reward while ignoring the HUGE wtf we getting served during a MAIN content prodo has to offer cuz of the heresy.. go play on SIEGE but then u won't have any attention cuz it's a place for griefers (full loot kill the fun PvP inciting the zergy zerg or toxic stuff like griefing.. most people won't take any risk and only PvP when they sure to win)
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 7
    Stingard said:
    This one is easy.  They want pve oriented characters to get ...

    This one was true back in the days.. you still had a couple PvPers within those PvErs to help them compete.. today it's all about who has the most subscribe account and bots to do the tchou tchou train while automating 95% of their actions to win the battles.. it's pointless to even try to exist on Felucca if your legit.. cuz u'd have to wait yearssss on Trammel before the specific shard bound event items cycle to what u need to try to compete as a legit user vs those frame skippers and botters doing the tchou tchou on felucca.

    Yes, it was about picking on weaker people (for the most part).. today it's on another level.
    PS: You had more people willing to protect the weak than pick on them.. but those were usually casuals and imo if u go on a champ spawn on a 100% PvE build.. u deserve to die and get picked on.. it'S part of what remain of the risk vs reward (these people wants all the reward with 0 risk).. longer PvE during a champ but u can stand your ground in PvP.. u can risk bringing a pure luck PvE build for better loot.. the good & fun stuff.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    edited February 7

    YOU know enough about the game to know how to cheat and what cheat client to use

    Don't even bother trying to explain it off as a friend, teacher, coach or whatever nonsense you make up


    as far as I am concerned all these questions you presents as a "confused" player is BS and you are looking for ways to get away with cheating

    pack it in
  • MizzlynMizzlyn Posts: 54
    You are entitled to believe what you want Jack, I'll still ask questions either way.
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited February 7
    @JackFlashUk he's clearly playing dumb since day 1.. at least he ain't promoting a cheat engine nor boosting a fragile E-EGO.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,659
    edited February 7
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
This discussion has been closed.