Changes/Improvements on my wishlist...
1. Could you revamp the community collections? The Brit Library and Vesper Museum items are in most cases no longer desirable. Especially with all the new items pouring in from the yearly events. (Moonglow Zoo I'm not familiar enough with to make a judgement)
2. Could we have an upcoming event where we could turn in Paragon/Treasure Map artifacts and ML artifacts(possibly doom and virtue artifacts) to get points towards the event?
3. Could you remove all weapon BOD's. With the sheer number of weapons in the game these constitute so many of the possible drops.
4. Could we please Mark and Recall into Ilshenar. maybe even Housing??
5. 120 lockpicking scroll from tmaps? (such a frustrating RND)
6. Any chance we could get a way to identify high level loot when we open a corpse? Thru coloring or hues based on property weight? (Relic Frag level vs Enchanted Essence/Magical Residue
Lastly, and most unlikely
Could you make champ spawns outside of Fel drop half as many Power Scrolls as those in Fel? Kinda like the dbl resources you get in Fel vs Tram rule-sets. Having 120 in a skill is extremely important, but not many players can compete with PvP equipped players and guilds to survive in Fel to get thru a complete spawn. I understand this would flood the market, but you raised most skills to a 120 cap and kept the method to achieve that level out of reach of many players.
Actually I don't know what the right answer is here, but none of the friends I played uo with at the start will come back, and one reason is in order to finish a character you have to survive in pvp. I also realize a lot of the current demand for power scrolls stems from training pets, something I have yet to try.
If these things have been discussed before ad nauseam apologies...
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Why do you want the cap on lockpick raised to 120? I do perfectly fine with it at GM, especially with the odd key for the higher level ones.
If you don't want to do weapon bods, don't collect them. Nothing forces you to accept a bod just because it's offered
Time and Time again people have asked for power scrolls in Tram, and time and time again the devs have said 'no'. Why would they change the policy now? The one concession they made was to put lower scrolls in Felucca maps. You have more chance of maybe getting 115s added to maps than to get scrolls in Tram.
But I'm going to pose the question - what would be wrong with doing this?
It is how someone wants to play, why judge them, why stop them?
They are gathering, others are gaining by being able to trade, and get items for a reasonable price.
What is it, that players such as you, are actually trying to protect?
You know we hear a lot about players leaving the game etc, you want to know my opinion, I believe it is because of current fixed ingrained attitudes of the current players, always trying to ban players, or control them. This isn't gaming. This is not having fun. I believe if we got rid of Trammel, and these type of authoritarian attitudes, UO would do a lot better, people would re-learn how to be more open minded.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
But for people to want to fight Bots, by introducing Shardbound, seems a strange way to do it.
This is why I ask the question - what EXACTLY is it you are trying to protect/stop?
The reason I ask, is people are coming in with really weird solutions, that affect a lot of other gameplay.
Shardbound affects legitimate trading, it affects pvpers moving shards to pvp, it creates bottlenecks with equipment. You could even argue shardbound caused the whole Atlantic lag issue, as they HAD to play on 1 shard, instead of being spread out.
What is it you think shardbound is helping, and is it even working, or has it just added a few more negatives to the game?
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Trammels loot should be drastically reduced, to create a genuine risk vs reward atmosphere.
Deco could be included in Trammel, for their houses.
Everything else, should be Felucca only.
You know as well as I do, this would solve the Bot problem.
It would fix Atlantic lag.
You could remove the Shardbound property.
You could let people play how they like, because the thing is, if someone scripts/bots, and someone else does not like it - they can physically stop them - they can police the game themselves, without having to rely on external help. Which A. is not coming, you cannot have the manpower for the volume of complaints, and B. should not be necessary.
But the real point, it re-teaches players, and people, mental toughness - that has so blatantly been lost to the world recently. It would teach players to solve their own problems, rather than come running to Devs, and forums. It would teach people to team up, socialise, to solve problems. All of these points, real, and positive beneficial attributes and attitudes in real life. The whole point of games, to have fun, and teach.
And as much as you may scream and protest, and hate what I am saying, because I am suggesting taking away your free toys, you know I am correct.
I give a perfect solution to everything, and you say, it will shut the game down.
Coming from a guy who is advocating banning everyone?
Can you not see how ludicrous your position is?
I am not suggesting we ban anyone, I am suggesting re-creating a balanced game system that works in harmony with itself. How it should have been.
Then take loot away from Trammel, and put more emphasis on Crafting.
I would maybe not even bring PvM equipment/weapon loot back at all, on any facet.
(although that would mess up getting relics for Imbuing).
But the point is, Crafted gear, has to rank above PvM loot - except for "special" event items, top boss rare artifacts.
Even with the season concept, it can work - many other games, change the rules in different seasons, and do exactly that (to keep the game fresh, change things up).
1. I agree, I think it would be nice to upgrade the community collections.
2. Yep, good idea also, I have often thought this.
3. I cannot agree with this - I actually do BODS, and the blacksmith weapon BODS are among my favourites, as they require iron ingots only, and you can build them into weapon LBODS which are easy.
4. Agreed - but I believe the Devs introduced the Portals, which satisfy me here.
5. I do not think this is necessary. And fitting in more skillpoints could be hard, it is nice they stick at GM.
6. Nice idea - every other game does do this. Per my final solution, this would not be necessary.
7. I cannot agree with placing powerscrolls into Trammel - as my core belief is there should be no loot in Trammel, and in fact everything should move the other way.