Another stab at it?

So with champ spawns you pretty much cannot do them solo with just the pet as your fighting skill against a pk.

the reward system should dispense the scrolls based on who did the build up and then boss too but i digress.

Also if the pk (who's skills and items are attuned for pvp) should die at a fel spawn to pvmers they should corpse drop thier gear. Otherwise what risk is it to them? Sure as heck wasnt time to do the spawn itself nor kill the tamer with no fighting skills?


  • warra said:
    So with champ spawns you pretty much cannot do them solo with just the pet as your fighting skill against a pk.

    the reward system should dispense the scrolls based on who did the build up and then boss too but i digress.

    Also if the pk (who's skills and items are attuned for pvp) should die at a fel spawn to pvmers they should corpse drop thier gear. Otherwise what risk is it to them? Sure as heck wasnt time to do the spawn itself nor kill the tamer with no fighting skills?

    I feel like champ spawns should be reverted to Publish 16 rules. They had a perfectly good system before AOS that incentivized even non-PVPrs to do spawns and anyone that died in the champ area was kicked out and banned from returning for 30 minutes so you could decisively defeat the competition and they would not be able to keep resurrecting and coming back over and over.

    Before AOS, champs were full of people and it became a ghost town when AOS launched cause they took away the dungeon ruleset.


    As a brief preface, we’d like to explain the essential goals of the changes listed in this document. The below changes should…

    1. Establish an area where non-consensual pvp can thrive for a significant number of UO’s players.
    2. Create a risk versus reward model that encourages non-consensual pvp based around resource control rather than profit from the deceased.
    3. Provide meaningful and compelling rewards for players that successfully adventure in the specified areas.

    Changes to the Dungeons and Lost Land areas of Felucca

    In order to establish an area where players can engage in a meaningful struggle for the control of resources without drastically impacting the current play patterns of Felucca’s citizens, the Dungeon and Lost Land areas of Felucca will be modified.

    1. When a non-Murderer is killed in the Dungeon/Lost Land areas of Felucca, all of the character’s items other than gold, gems, ingots, ore, leather, hides, wool, wood, boards, and cursed items will remain on their ghost (unlootable).
    2. When a Murderer is killed in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca, 50% of the character’s items (random result per item) other than gold, gems, ingots, ore, leather, hides, wool, wood, boards, and cursed items will remain on their ghost (unlootable).
    3. Any player that dies in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will immediately be given a mandatory “stuck player” option (forced to leave the dungeon and lost land servers). During this process, the player will not be able to hear spoken words (they can send/receive party messages as normal).
    4. A player that dies in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will not be able to return to those servers for 30 minutes.
    5. Ghosts will be unable to enter the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca.
    6. Players will no longer be able to recall or gate into or out of the Dungeon/LostLand areas of Felucca.
    7. The various dungeons of Felucca will be linked to each other via teleporters to help alleviate crowding and bottlenecks.
    8. When a player reports a murder, only the long-term murder count will be incremented.
    9. If a murderer dies in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca, they will not take stat loss upon their next resurrection.
    10. When stealing from innocents, thieves will only be able to steal gold and gems in the Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca. Thieves will continue to be able to use the full range of their thieving abilities against consensual-pvp opponents (guild wars, order/chaos, factions).
    11. Many Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will contain “champion regions” (a.k.a. “Evil-in-a-Can”).
    12. The various champions of evil and “The Harrower” itself (a new champion monster, not to be confused with the mere “tentacles of the Harrower”) that spawn in Dungeon/LL areas of Felucca will carry special Scrolls of Power (detailed further below).
    13. The Minax faction stronghold will be relocated from the lost lands to another location in Felucca.
    14. The city of Delucia will no longer be a “faction city”. However, the city of Vesper will become a faction city.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    warra said:
    So with champ spawns you pretty much cannot do them solo with just the pet as your fighting skill against a pk.

    the reward system should dispense the scrolls based on who did the build up and then boss too but i digress.

    Also if the pk (who's skills and items are attuned for pvp) should die at a fel spawn to pvmers they should corpse drop thier gear. Otherwise what risk is it to them? Sure as heck wasnt time to do the spawn itself nor kill the tamer with no fighting skills?
    I don't see the point of any change for these reasons.

    Felucca is not meant to be a solo play option.

    If the situation is that you've managed to make it solo play, good on you, but the rulesets should not be turning Felucca into Trammel.
  • warrawarra Posts: 34
    edited November 2024
    okay to use your logic, if we did all the groundwork on the spawn leading up to boss, the pk who is geared to kill other players risks nothing and we risk everything.

    Sometimes yu do them solo sometimes in a group.. and the game fails when a pondscum pk enters the fray and for 5 minutes work gets all the rewards.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited November 2024
    warra said:
    okay to use your logic, if we did all the groundwork on the spawn leading up to boss, the pk who is geared to kill other players risks nothing and we risk everything.

    Sometimes yu do them solo sometimes in a group.. and the game fails when a pondscum pk enters the fray and for 5 minutes work gets all the rewards.
    Instead of pondscum - gamify it.

    The PK is not pondscum, the PK is that next level opponent that NPC code has not been able to develop yet.

    It's down to you, to go next level to beat it, it's a challenge, how do you do it.

    One option, is certainly to team up. Create a team that can handle this situation.

    That is entirely the core, and the main storyline of all medieval fantasy, dungeons and dragons etc etc, forever.

    This scenario is a scenario that creates the ability to be in this situation. See it as amazing, and a very limited opportunity. You get to be in a team, you get to have roles, you get to win or lose, epic victories, epic fails. This is the point. The stories. The emotion. The fulfilment, on a team scale.
  • warrawarra Posts: 34
    sorry i am not here to debate the mechanics of online rpgs. at the end of the day it is max effort, for zero return. i could sweat out a champ spawn all by myself and a pk can sit at mag docks looking for an easy prey, that is a tamer with no fighting skills, and pounce on me. And take the boss and all the scrolls for five seconds of effort, while i get zero for building it.

    Like i said, wanna make it fair? if they die they lose armour/wep items in loot. that would sure as heck make it less easier than them sitting at mag docks listening where this so called game mechanisics tells them to go and hunt a tamer.

    Wanna know who needs scrolls the most in this game? A tamer, as ironic as that is.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    warra said:
    sorry i am not here to debate the mechanics of online rpgs. at the end of the day it is max effort, for zero return. i could sweat out a champ spawn all by myself and a pk can sit at mag docks looking for an easy prey, that is a tamer with no fighting skills, and pounce on me. And take the boss and all the scrolls for five seconds of effort, while i get zero for building it.

    Like i said, wanna make it fair? if they die they lose armour/wep items in loot. that would sure as heck make it less easier than them sitting at mag docks listening where this so called game mechanisics tells them to go and hunt a tamer.

    Wanna know who needs scrolls the most in this game? A tamer, as ironic as that is.
    Football is 11vs11.
    You don't put 1 player on the pitch, then complain they had too many, and try and restrict them down to 1 player.

    Not solo content.
    Team content.
    Content that should require more than 1 player.
    How many ways do I have to say it?
  • warrawarra Posts: 34
    edited January 14
    Cookie said:

    Football is 11vs11.
    You don't put 1 player on the pitch, then complain they had too many, and try and restrict them down to 1 player.

    Not solo content.
    Team content.
    Content that should require more than 1 player.
    How many ways do I have to say it?

    this has nothing to do with numbers, the crux of it is the more you think like a dbag, the better your reward for 5 mins of effort in UO. champ spawns, fel idocs, dioc plots, etc. Just catering to the suss that prolly third party sell the gold.  Meanwhile mage only skill has to forfeit 40? minutes of work for that pk.

    Is that football to you?!

    To reiterate, if the pk dies, they drop a RNG geared item.

    Now thats footbal!
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 601
    edited January 14
    warra said:
    Cookie said:

    Football is 11vs11.
    You don't put 1 player on the pitch, then complain they had too many, and try and restrict them down to 1 player.

    Not solo content.
    Team content.
    Content that should require more than 1 player.
    How many ways do I have to say it?

    this has nothing to do with numbers, the crux of it is the more you think like a dbag, the better your reward for 5 mins of effort in UO. champ spawns, fel idocs, dioc plots, etc. Just catering to the suss that prolly third party sell the gold.  Meanwhile mage only skill has to forfeit 40? minutes of work for that pk.

    Is that football to you?!

    To reiterate, if the pk dies, they drop a RNG geared item.

    Now thats footbal!

    What Cookie really means is that if he or his buddies ever actually catch some random slob trying to do a champ spawn on their shard, they want to be able to roll up running their assorted PVP scripts and kill them with as little fuss as possible.

    All this happy horseshit about "think of the challenge" is just empty circlejerking. He desperately wants to be a big fish, no matter how tiny a pond he has to live in, or how much he has to cheat. Everything he posts is just that, rephrased in different ways to try and sound like something more.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited January 14
    warra said:
    Cookie said:

    Football is 11vs11.
    You don't put 1 player on the pitch, then complain they had too many, and try and restrict them down to 1 player.

    Not solo content.
    Team content.
    Content that should require more than 1 player.
    How many ways do I have to say it?

    this has nothing to do with numbers, the crux of it is the more you think like a dbag, the better your reward for 5 mins of effort in UO. champ spawns, fel idocs, dioc plots, etc. Just catering to the suss that prolly third party sell the gold.  Meanwhile mage only skill has to forfeit 40? minutes of work for that pk.

    Is that football to you?!

    To reiterate, if the pk dies, they drop a RNG geared item.

    Now thats footbal!

    What Cookie really means is that if he or his buddies ever actually catch some random slob trying to do a champ spawn on their shard, they want to be able to roll up running their assorted PVP scripts and kill them with as little fuss as possible.

    All this happy horseshit about "think of the challenge" is just empty circlejerking. He desperately wants to be a big fish, no matter how tiny a pond he has to live in, or how much he has to cheat. Everything he posts is just that, rephrased in different ways to try and sound like something more.
    No need to put words into my mouth.
    We play, live and die by the same rules, we don't complain the whole time.
    I don't think you get this.
    Nothing makes us more special, apart from the teamwork, and the fact we are prepared to team.

    I cannot keep being held responsible, for your inability to play the game, stop moaning please, get a clue.
    If you ever developed beyond a sampire, or beyond Atlantic, you may actually learn how to play.
    I don't know why I'm even discussing anything with someone with so little clue how to play tbh.
  • Cookie said:
    Nothing makes us more special

    Nothing makes you special at all. Nobody cares about ghost shard PVP.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    edited January 14
    Cookie with generic atlantic sampires.

  • Seriously, trying to roleplay like you're some kind of big wheel while maining a dead shard is such cringe. It's like putting your cat in front of a chessboard and declaring yourself grandmaster when he forfeits to lick his ass. On Atlantic you'd be nobody. I mean you're already nobody, but it would be a lot harder to pretend otherwise on a shard that also had other people on it.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    Seriously, trying to roleplay like you're some kind of big wheel while maining a dead shard is such cringe. It's like putting your cat in front of a chessboard and declaring yourself grandmaster when he forfeits to lick his ass. On Atlantic you'd be nobody. I mean you're already nobody, but it would be a lot harder to pretend otherwise on a shard that also had other people on it.
    If this is true, why do you feel the need to say it. :)
  • Cookie said:
    Nothing makes us more special

    Nothing makes you special at all. Nobody cares about ghost shard PVP.
    Looks a lot like u do since all you bring up is to talk about dead shards all the time...
  • Lord_NythraxLord_Nythrax Posts: 601
    edited January 14
    Umesaburo said:
    Cookie said:
    Nothing makes us more special

    Nothing makes you special at all. Nobody cares about ghost shard PVP.
    Looks a lot like u do since all you bring up is to talk about dead shards all the time...

    Cookie desperately wants to be thought of as some kind of cool elite MMO guy around here. I, on the other hand, am quite content to be hated since I consider you all turds beneath my boot anyway. Hope this explanation helps, and welcome to the forum.


  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,876
    Umesaburo said:
    Cookie said:
    Nothing makes us more special

    Nothing makes you special at all. Nobody cares about ghost shard PVP.
    Looks a lot like u do since all you bring up is to talk about dead shards all the time...

    Cookie desperately wants to be thought of as some kind of cool elite MMO guy around here. I, on the other hand, am quite content to be hated since I consider you all turds beneath my boot anyway. Hope this explanation helps, and welcome to the forum.


    But you are a generic atlantic sampire.
    How the hell does someone as mediocre as you get to this point?
    "since I consider you all turds beneath my boot anyway"
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    Sorry but I hate to say this.

    You go to felucca and you know the risks of getting Raid WILL happen but you are so entitled that you want all the rewards? pls go back to trammel.

    This is no different than the Trammel event that the Treasure Hunter did ALL the work and when the boss showed up, the entire shard get the rewards for the work that you did.

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,311
    Cookie said:
    But you are a generic atlantic sampire.

    Shots fired!
  • warrawarra Posts: 34
    King said:
    @ warra
    Sorry but I hate to say this.

    Im entitled huh? How about reading what i said and comprehending it too - if you need a hand let me know.

    There is no risk for pks and they are .0001 percent of the general pop - i could care less what makes them tick too.

  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited January 15
    warra said:

    There is no risk for pks..
    Have you ever played on a red character?

    The meta under BS studio is to bot the champ spawns with a couple accounts and patrol on your red frame skipper character with superman abilities.. in those term; agreed.. champ spawn need to be revamp.. they should give us 3x 120PS per sub account on the first saturday of every months.

    Or how to completly ruins one of the best content ever produce on a sandbox game for peanuts greed.. go all in.. we amost there anyway.

    @warra Once u'Ve try to play on a red character.. you are gonna use the same tools as them to join the bots war.. or not!

    Edit: what king really meant is you are entitled to use your own constellation like any BvB'ers playing UO under BS.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • warrawarra Posts: 34
    why do ppl reply with tripe, it is not greed if i am the one building the champ spawn. the dbag pks can build it themselves too. two point to reiterate since you cannot be bothered to read and cherry pick your arguments is:

    champs shopuld distribute half the scrtolls to whoever built the spawn and half to whoever downed the boss. And if the pk dies he loses a RNG item that sits in corpse.

    Thats fair i think. Anything else and it is catering to the gold shop vendor crowd.
  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
    edited January 15
    attempting to get a normal response out of anyone that likes PVP is pointless ;

    1. They have a superiority complex ( they somehow think its difficult to kit out another character in a specific way then use a load of scripts to kill players that arent kitted out in the same fashion)
    2. They make lots of gold out of the process so why would they agree for it to change? ( a rational player would see the problem and agree to changes for the benefit of the game not themselves)

    Ultimately though PVP should be a 100% opt-in process like it is in most successful games (and please dont be a chump and say by going to Felucca you are opting-in...).

    Like it or not it is Felucca that destroyed the game not trammel, this comment will incense all those players that dont like "trammies" but its a fact

    Core/Key items within a game should not be isolated to the control of a single group of players, be they "trammies" or pvpers or whatever they should be equally accessible to all. This is why the economy is screwed currently, as it has been for years, along with all the botters making certain items worthless

    All of this can be easily fixed ;

    1. Ban all non approved clients and fix existing clients with required functionality for pvpers
    2. Redesign key item drops out of Felucca (e.g Powerscrolls)
    3. Make Felucca the pvp playground it should have been and create events/item drops etc etc for pvp players in events there, not events based around critical game items
    4. Sell more items in the UO Store to stop gold sellers
    5. Make BIS items Account bound
    6. Game control player housing locations
  • KingKing Posts: 143

    Like it or not it is Felucca that destroyed the game not trammel

    Lol, this made me laugh so hard.
    Fel existed BEFORE trammel fyi
  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
    edited January 15
    King said:

    Like it or not it is Felucca that destroyed the game not trammel

    Lol, this made me laugh so hard.
    Fel existed BEFORE trammel fyi
    i know this...and why do you think they introduced Trammel...
    But that wasnt my point, i didnt mean Felucca itself (ie. the location)

    I like it how you miss out everything else in the post also and just focus on that one a typical Felucca lover :-)

    Ultimately lets not make it about Fel Vs Trammel, they should never have duplicated the world like that., Felucca should have been a completely seperate place with different locations events etc geared towards pvp and trammel not, but its way too late for that now

    They knew this also, which is why they tried to "incentivize" players to go to Felucca, i.e powerscrolls, +1k luck, double resources etc etc...
  • KingKing Posts: 143
    edited January 15
    The worst thing UO ever did was to create insurance.
    I prefer Fel 99% the time, Raid and PK people just like you. They created Trammel bc of that and if you dont like just stay in trammel OR join a guild, bring a lot of people with you and fight for those scrolls that you need so bad, THAT is the part of the game and fel.

    There is a reason most of you dont even try to play Siege.
  • FenriswolfFenriswolf Posts: 134
    edited January 15
    King said:
    The worst thing UO ever did was to create insurance.
    I prefer Fel 99% the time, Raid and PK people just like you. They created Trammel bc of that and if you dont like just stay in trammel OR join a guild, bring a lot of people with you and fight for those scrolls that you need so bad, THAT is the part of the game and fel.

    There is a reason most of you dont even try to play Siege.
    no we dont play it because we dont want to, simple as that.

    You CANT PK people like me because i simply dont go to Felucca. I dont need to go there. The powerscroll situation doesnt affect me at all, i can just see that its isnt really helping the game. If they leave it as is, it makes 0 difference to me. 

    You cannot seem to accept that players like different things, you want them to do what you want them to do because it benefits you....that is the difference. When trammel was introduced  the player base increased x7.

    You are a minority...

    I am wanting to improve the game, you are wanting to keep your advantage, profit or whatever else drives you with Raids and PK, im not.

    If there was a specific area designed for pvp, 100% opt-in pvp with seperate rewards etc etc then i might go there...if you think that is Felucca currently, you are deluding yourself or have never played any other games
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited January 15
    warra said:
    champs shopuld distribute half the scrtolls to whoever built the spawn and half to whoever downed the boss. And if the pk dies he loses a RNG item that sits in corpse.
    You should go after the fact.. even if your champion is almost dead.. the raider can heal it back to 100%.. to make sure you don't get anything even when they were late to raid you.. on that I could agree with you.. it's flirting with toxic anti-playing design.

    Other than that i'd disagree if the PvP was not a cheater hellfest.. Champ Spawn is one of the best OpenWorld content ever produce on a MMOrpg.. This is in the best UO itteration those PS and champ spawn is in UO DNA.

    PS: u say pps cannot read.. while dodging my question like a champ.. have u ever played on a red character to say there is no risk for the PK?
    If u could read me and answer.. i could have respond.. The problem is there is no risk for cheating and botting.. trying to do a spawn by urself is eating those cheater profit.. this is the only reason why they bot and cheat on dead shard.. to control those spawn and move them on places like ATL.

    Personally I believe your take is real bad.. not that the problem does not exist on another level.

    You cannot seem to accept that players like different things, you want them to do..
    This is a sandbox.. if u like growing oranges and I like slaughtering sheep in the fields.. we can trade oranges for sheep meat.. U cannot force me to grow oranges like i cannot force you to slaughter sheep. This is the beauty of a sandbox with a good economical system (looking at you heretic BIS pro-bots bribery event items)
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,691
    I don't think anyone getting rich off PS anymore..
  • KroDuKKroDuK Posts: 966
    edited January 15
    I do.. even if it only means u don't have to pay for them and not moving on ATL to move some PS back on your dead shard.. it's a king of the hill mini-game.. one of the best ever produce.
    So rather than recognise the effort the botters went to, to set all that up - for the benefit of the players, to help get certain items, something you could never be bothered to do, you would rather drag people backwards to your neanderthal world?

    Leave attended paying accounts alone, these people go thru a lot of trouble to play/automate the game.

    -UO official forums, brought to you by BoardSword studio
  • KorikKorik Posts: 37
    edited January 15
    I recognize that I'm being a jerk but this is just another thread of entitled trammies trying to change Fel again. 

    You're not entitled to what Fel offers, but you are 100% free to get better at UO and earn it, like others have over the literal decades. If you choose not to learn how to compete, that's entirely your choice and you have to accept you made it.
This discussion has been closed.