2025 the return of the faction system

Imagine the posibilities, the flawed vvv system going away.
There are many things the Faction system had that the vvv system is lacking.

  • Camping headquaters for dominating cities
  • appointing a sheriff responsible for guards
  • appoing a financial minister responsible for NPC vendors
  • Setting up traps in cities and HQs, logging in the next day with silver in your backpack
  • Faction realated mobs giving out silver
  • A system with point and titles based on points earned
  • Clothing that is related to the faction you choose
  • possibility of further RP stories based on factions
  • Stealing of sigils from towns making thieves relevant again
  • A meaningfull system to players, not a vvv system with 200battles a day with no consequences
2025 is a great opportunity to a return of the system alot of players enjoyed. A system with meaning and consequences. A unique opportunity to make something cool and wanted, an oppertunity to bring back alot of players who seek pvp. Oppertunity to sell UO as a PvP game. Oppertunity to sell a new expansion as Faction Edition.

Make it happend!

Together we make UO greater!


  • OreoglOreogl Posts: 545
    I greatly miss the faction fights.  If there ever were a shard that included it, I would move everything there.
  • WhitewolfWhitewolf Posts: 241
    naw bring back order and chaos, man i miss those days, course have to find away to make it so people all wore GM made armor and didn't use all these cheat programs, ya those were the good  ol'days
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