2025 the return of the faction system
Imagine the posibilities, the flawed vvv system going away.
There are many things the Faction system had that the vvv system is lacking.
- Camping headquaters for dominating cities
- appointing a sheriff responsible for guards
- appoing a financial minister responsible for NPC vendors
- Setting up traps in cities and HQs, logging in the next day with silver in your backpack
- Faction realated mobs giving out silver
- A system with point and titles based on points earned
- Clothing that is related to the faction you choose
- possibility of further RP stories based on factions
- Stealing of sigils from towns making thieves relevant again
- A meaningfull system to players, not a vvv system with 200battles a day with no consequences
2025 is a great opportunity to a return of the system alot of players enjoyed. A system with meaning and consequences. A unique opportunity to make something cool and wanted, an oppertunity to bring back alot of players who seek pvp. Oppertunity to sell UO as a PvP game. Oppertunity to sell a new expansion as Faction Edition.
Make it happend!

Together we make UO greater!
